Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

4-.n ,l1: i-.· ra 11•,• ,r e ' tl. (' 01\ 1Oll ' Plllf)OI H " J•r1 ha n 11 , 11 n.: I), .: H " ,.,.,, .. '-",-'".,r,"•tt;.,.,"u" ~~:~~{h\ri' r; 1? ,.,':J ;"·, p Ill I ll'" ' ' ' .~, , 'I IP \I - • .\111lf" 1 l f' n Jr,, · 1 11 1·1111111r nf rurop..~n anrt Alllt'I ,(',tll ;H I Al l!IP ~ i' - 111111;. \ llo\ :,r n ol \' ,._ lot rn . "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, - 9 MAY 1972 Walsh and new gallery THE Vice-Mayor's addi'es · al a Cll y Hall reception ~1~1 1\~~r~ 1~11,1c ~ [ihi I 1'!f ~~J~ mukc.-, one wondl'r JU~L how much of Lhe nlrrndy publ1sh('tl informntlon pnrt mcnt i-111 be bu1l<1 111s authorili , The br1tr rtrr1,·rct Ille appro,·al of Cabrnel. I a m plt:a~ed LU • ny. a net It, 5t'Cm~ almost lnl"n11r1•h·– uble to unnglne 1h11t, n V1rr- ~·lnyor dot•s 1101 or would 11ot nrknowlcdgc the first c~se11tl.1l ~tep., ~{,. A 1;riw~~~.~hl~~~ IS i:i: crptlon from the aventge builclln~. cm1rern111g th-, new Statr T' d ArL Gnlltrv In µarucu lur Ifie an care ~i~!.';";,':'~;~d,ls!; l~a.~ 1 ~\= Despite the lack oi ;,,l'• l>er or his remarks were ~~~:,~~~led\\e.;l~~~L 0~Y t~; Incorrect. prellmlnarv work In the Hnd the Vice - Mnyor brief, It ha• clenrnndecl a offered rehable ln!ormnt- ~ r r n L deal or time , di J It I thought. nncl care by Gut~ }~';1/i~r:.: w!:Fc1; ·::/.,~W- Im 1ru,1ce, nnd stn!L a., nhlt!' 111 Bra.isbnne t.o.1ny well us members of the Lhr ,·1sitor:,; roulc1 hn,·c Department of Work.Ii rrcrl\'rcl worll1whlle ad• und the stcrr111g com• vice. mlttee. J-lis reference to the This ,·ommhtee Is a ~~~~ ~~~~';!~"~\.:Jl i~~; J1ri,~P~~~{n~,n!titi~~11 b~}~ mlslcndlng but a, Alder- \'Iler sroup o! pnrliculor– mnn Walsh nppcnrs to I Y In t er c s t e et 1>eople kno"• little or whnt hns working on the many taken place, nlthough It anrt complex 1>roblems hns bern promlncnti)' ouoclnted with this Im– I e a t u r e d J n t he mrtant bulletin~. Its In– press it. may ~ •~ lucnce a nd sen·1ce to the weli '10· etate ngnm that a communit)' and State. lengthy brier hns been I trust therefore that complied from my re- this letter wlll clear the port.• and presented to odd Impression gi\'cn at the Minister for Works the reception, - Jame., n o sin e \\' I e n e ke, Dll"fftor, Queensland Ar& Gallery, I 1865 I 9 I 51 Q., rh,, Beach Fo• wos o l,nl.. hl'1w1 f' n 1h,- Hc,dt•lbt•rg nd t h P Edw , ~h o rn H,· d,• ltghl(•d ,n color ~un l1, h1 o,d p o tt1•ri11i h lo th,~ QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY The Art Gollc-rr "W1l1 ,loH on Suft., Ma:, 7 et I p.M and re•opc-n on Tttun , Moy I0 ••th $twde•t Printm • llc-n' :::i~~~~•,:.:."n~ Pc•~i:~~~T;n. • ,•m J ., ., .,,, ,, 1 1 '1 110111 l 1:1 J ,n I ,,1 \ I A u,lf J 1 on 1 1 f µI I , ,t 1h,• 1,1., ,·> H 1tt'lr1 111 \ I\ 111 The lOlony ho I l,, J~, 1t I If' ( 11gl,, h 1tmo~pt1,· 1· '1 J ,, ,,,. ind dtflt•it• nl \ t•fl1r1y