Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

, L, tll 1n Ru ),, 1 Ofllt' 1(1 A, 1 I" v r I J i u ')u bH·qu , rill~ lht:,,·b, q n1no1, J 01 cAp£-, 1~11c1• ol A u \lr ol, n c Ou'III, Id,· ,1i ~,1 lllO •"- \ ~I•!> ' •I\' m o1u1 p 1111104 Blm I.. Sod Pio rH, A.r,o,, th1· ,11 188 Ht• ,,. note cl mos c- for 1ech n1uJI i.k,11 1ha,1 f o r lht.• t•.O:t,•1 Ct\ • o f lOl 0 1 \ c:- IHC- Q1 ,mog11,at1ofl or,d . ,n h,,. hond1,, the lmprt:H1on1\n, o f lhe Hc•1dclbc , g Group wm, replJced by harder a nd "101L' dc.-f1nt-d d1ow1ng Robert Hughe1, rofhe r b ifingly cloue1. Debell with Slrc~fon and La mbert as one of Au stral1o's " culture heroes' - m eaning he become a notional fig ur e in arr . ln fac t, o court case o._.e, the award of the 1943 Archibold Prize to hh " Joihuo Srmrh" po11ra11 did bring him more notice than probably any othe r artist in Au1.trolia ho1, recei ved. He was a wdty , 1.at111col painter with a versatile technique and on enviable a bility ta create otm01phere o r de fine o , v \, • h ~ a , b ecome o member of o small colony \ ..,¥ 11 c.,~ tr- , ' 11 • bf' , J Group, fr om thci, establishment al Heidcl1b crg', ne ,. -"• I, , , ~.)mmon with 111s colleague\ of the group, McCub'~in pr<1fe,, F .J h, ,:,,v,mt in the open air, direct from his !-ubjcch, and ploccd f.J.l"f!'Q'i- 1m1.:, tt l()1tee o n li ght and tonal v!'11ues, and he wa s oho on excellen.' li\jun po ,,1er . One of his dicta we 1, that homely subjects hove most Opf ital - i1c, ' th, ~ e " omple. " lmprchlonistic" best d e scri bes the o f the Heidelberg Group. Left: RUSSELL DRYSDALE, (b. 1912), Bu,h Fire. . Although he was born in England, Drysdale came to Austral.~ when he was 12 and has spent much time in the Outback, so 11 is not surprising that small towns and the wide open spaces have in,pired the background for much of his work . Even the lonky 1 emaciated figure1, he draws ore suggestive of the starkncn o ring-barked trees. 1 11 " Buih Fire" - as in many of his pieces - he has pointed, not an event, but the resu!t of on e.vent. Some of lus work sec·ms to suggnst on affinity wirh surrealism, though he might be described 01. a quasi•se mi-Abstroctionist.