Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

.. ;.'_'1 THI COUIIH-MAIL S.t.TUIDAY NOV. 4 1971 Allow me to compliment the Tru1tee1, the Director of the Queen,lond Art Goll,ry (Mr. J1m11 Wieneke), Mr. Frederic Ro,1r1 end Th• Sunday Mall on th1ir joint effort to 1iv1 und1r1tondin1 of the many ph11n of ert to th1 1enaral public. How often 11 It heard - "What II that? I can– not •et anythin& tn that painttn1." Perhap, now, with the meaning& or the various 1chool1 of palnt1n& brle!– ly, yet inteliigen\ly, ex– plained, the cynic may Just try to understand what •omo or the •rtlsts an tryin& to aay. An II penonal; aa are our tastes ln food, clot.Ilea, pleuure, et.c. So whUt one h11 every rt1ht IO 1111,1'1 on IUII, I\ II Come to see·~your paintings Sy FREDERIC ROGERS Th• p,e,not1r1 of the lrl1bot1.e lahlbltlot1 of 1193 - 1111 Qu11t11I••· Motlo11•I ,\uoclttion - ,nJtht .well h••• adopted •• • • IOI•" "Con1a en4 Me, our 011111". v1!u;1~ 1 , e s~t~(~\ f1~~t "grAnd" orpn had been Installed In the then nelV 'li:xhlbltton Build– Ing - part of which had been deel~ned OS a conccrL hall -- Rnd a series of recltRls on It ~ad 1 :': 1 ,:~f~~~s~r ~~ "Show." de ,lrablo to try to under– st Rnd the ta5tes of other ~~~een ~~r ;~~loo"{" 10 The J unior onrl senior 1tudenu of high ochonis should find these rerro– ductions \'try ht.lpru . l reel aure t!tat after aeeln1 the reproduction» of the varloUJ palntinr• ~uf~g~ ~·1'M'tgez:m 0 r !it' n I I I , - IEllella ~amp ~ur•relbJ ·llntl, •r1mu have chnnged. ~'tr ~~:~lse~'.ta~f~! f1~~ce:,.,c!~f am~~; ~~I: bltlnn - cum - Concert HRII Is now our Art Gnllery-cum-Museum, while the grriilly mult.1- plled actlvlLies or the annual Exhibition ~o Dn In the adjoining acres. go,t•~- .....,et.. 11 1,, • ...lljtfflt '"''"''"' i• 1uht11ittln1 tft1it"• QuHn1land'1 new Gallery ho.,e closed. Tl1e Works and Houc. Inc ~11nir..1Pr t;\lr Hod. tr.,, ..aid 1h1:- ,eHerday Frorn th,-i F rei;1n ra . 1tn11.. In flrrf'l s. would be a~~,.d 10 ~uhmn iiketc.h pl~t~~l~~/1~~ g;~~:r then would rhoo-tf' thrtf to t. U b tn It 111ril\ 1rtu,1J d~· " 1 ~f~:~~, ~, 1 r~~~~J~d~t !s would selert the final d6- S1\'ir~ roH6J~;;e ~~i1;r~ fu!- t 11 e r resumr tion· Hill h•d to be made for the site on tJ,,. south !Ide. n f' i\ r V1rtona Bir1d~e. R111ldlni; 11 0111d ~, gin In shout. two ·ears. Subtert lo flMMe. the 11, rt ro l!erv would be complet•d b:, a~out 1978. This week, the tens or thousn ncts o! \'ls!tors to the Exhibition nre not being invited to "hear our organ." Inst.earl, through the cnthuslmm, and dedication of the "1uecnsland At~ Goller\' director, they Rro ii\– vited to "Come and ~ee YOUR plct.11res" - for the trcn.!-urcs or our nr gnllery be.Ion~ to the people or the Stnlc. 10!::~c~arh:e ~~Y~1·n~~~ or 50n1C nr the photo- IT'S ALSO .SHOWTIME at the Queensland Art Gallery. A period setting of valuable antique furniture, silverware, and carpets arranged in three boys hos been designed to attract the crowds thronging ' post the Gallery door oh their way to the Exhibition Grounds. The pieces, port of the recent Buttner bequest hove been complemented by paintings from the permanent collec– tion. Gallery director (Mr. J. Wieneke) said he hoped a special di~ploy would be- come an annual port of Show Week. And the selection or those treasures now a vullablc !or public lnr:pcction ts cxrrltrnt; a ~election to wnrm tlie heart ;n the 1ho11~ht that, a part Crom l,he content..; or OllC hn~r THI COUI.IIR-MAIL MONOAY OCTOBER :t 1972 Art gallery identiW dies ADEl,,AIDE. Mr. RoherL Ttlrmnond C1l rnp~ bell. fonnr r dirr1·wr nf the Q11rcn-.land 1\ i°l ,~al 4 lcry nnrt n,rccwr " r l,he So uth A11;,lrr1 lH1n N1t– tlon11l G11 1lcrv frnm 10;;1 4 R7 , d!rrl 01\ f-nturdny. ai,cd i ll. HI~ drMl h tn hospi lal rnllowrrl his ~ud,lrn r nl 4 lap.... ~ :\l h1~ ,vlclA1de hom on F'nrtny He left n wldmv rn mily or rnur f,~"P·~he' 1 S!~nr1:~~pc:1:a l'nlnr l\la,:~n .inc o( a few wrrks a,:o. pieces by enrller paint– ers. ~ 1 \lts ;,~g~ l~i/1 i1/:'c ''i,r,1g.~: snnds who pass down Grcgorr Tcrrnce who do not' pause n.while t.o ncccpt the att.ract,lon tn 1 he Queensland Ar~ Gallery will be missing Here nrc examples of bcnutlful work by Dar– gie, Fulbrook, Vida LR• 1, c )' . A r t. h II r Boyd, D11ws, Ala nd. Grant, Hny~om nnrl many oth– ers or the Inst few ctcc– Rctes as well as choice There uro oh'-11rbl11g exa mples or a borlgmal bark pnmtin gs ; thr.re ~tid ri~~tt~~~l~t~ \~~1r:; superb furnishing Rnd glRSSWflre. The attractions at the ExhtbtUon grounds ~ ~~)~~i 1 1~ 1 r::f'l~~e~~: Inking. y not see originals? Allow me to compliment the Trustees, the Director of the Queensland Art Gollery (Mr. James Wieneke), ~r. Frederic Rogers and The Sunday Me il on their joint effort to !li•e undentonding of the m1ny phaies of J,t to the gen e ral public. Jtow o ftf"ll I~ It ll('!\f"il - ·Whnt 1, th:tt? 1 rnn– ·1r11 :--Po :1 11:,th1t1i,? In th .1L pr1111t Inc · Pvr trn p~ n f1\\ . wn h 1hr mt•:111111., ... o r tl1,, ·.ar1m1~ :--d,nnls u f pnlrn 111 c. 1111,•f– ir. H'I 111 tr ll11.!"111 ly, e,- 1h111wrt. I he r ·. !l , n 1i., j11.,1 tr~· 10 u 11rl"1 ·111"! ,d111 .. nm<' o f 11,r :i.•1:-.l., ,\rl't J'\ lllti! IOSA \' ,\rl ' 1s person11l: as nrc o 11 r t a ~ t r s m food, d o1 hcs, plen5ure. elr. So while one ha. e1 ery rl~hL to one's own taste, lt ls ,1.,,-1rnb:e lo tr\' to undrr– !-' RJHI tl1e tn~1·os of 01hr1 p 1 'np'.,. 1! wr nre 10 1)1'11:ull'.'n our l"lutlnflk. Tilt' ,J 1rnnr nnd SP11:r1r 5lUc1Clll~ of hu:h sd w nls !-hn11lci !mrl thrM• rcprt'1- 01wt1/"111 , rry hr l11!11I 1 1f'rl .-.urr ttrnl nl l r>r ..,-cini,; the rcp1·oci11r 1inn~ nf 1he Htr\ous 1Hnn t11H:s ~!~1if'~1 1 ri~- ~!-f ~ 7.ti~ rSe 1; 1~ l~t Jt~i,f,~~ ~~o 5 rothy ~i~:~:. C:ania 11111. former Gallery trustee A former top QuceH• land pultlic 1er••"t •n• o,t. world fi9,u1 he1 4it4, ond will lt• cremated at Mt. ThomplOII Cr1•1to• rium this fflou,int, Mr. Edgar Allan Fer– R11~o n , 13. of Gosford , reel M t. Gra\'Rlt. \1,'ftS Llw lon~rst -oervinK trUJ· 1rr the Queensland Al't G Rllery h•• hnd. He relfred Jrom the ~• llery ·. board of tru•– tr,•s becaus,, or Ill heallh In 1969, allr.r 24 vear., •• A t r ustre. For 11 vrars ~ f ,, ns board ,·halrmun. Hr· died sudrlen1v In r.rl . bnne on 11111rsclnr. and h us left a widow, Mrs. SRSey Ferguson. 'Mle n cmnt ion 11'111 rnke ptace H [I<'!' a chnpt>I set vice be– ~ln nln~ 01 ML Thomp– :;on Rt 9.45 a.m. Journalist Mr. Ferguson was born At Lagoon Pocket. nrar Oymple. He Joined the Queensland Public Ser– vice in 191b Rnd w•• ap- r.1tl~ei:S~~~~:.n~g~•b!n~'. In 1925. From 1925 to 1935 he workcct as a journalist in Brisbane. He then br– cnme State Publicity or- rtc1'iiie~n~N/cl~~i;~;,~~; fo' 1he Queensland A~cnl· Oenernl in London. .ins\!~! 1~;~~~~11gy).~~: tor. He helped devrlop the Queensland Govern• ment Tourillt Bureou, and was It< first dlt·ec– tor. He retired from the bureau In 196t. Art prize Durh1~ hl.s time 118 Queensland Art Gallery Trustees' chairman. Mr. r.:e~-~~:~n I h~rwo~~ Ri~~~ ards Memorial Art Prize. This annual prize Is now called the Trustees Prize and is worth $2500. He was R Fellow or the Ro~·n J society or Arui, London. i.nd served a term as president or the Queensland Branch o! the AustrnlAsian Institute or Secretarle.s. "COURIER 20 Af fi: ~:; /L Brisbane, Boost for art BY DAVID ROWBOTHAM The Jlllhlk art g11ller:v bclnK 11h1ntll'd for 1lrlsh11ne would he able to displai· 11a111 tl11 ~, to ~ren t n tlvu ntaire, Mr. Arthur Eva n ltt':td , a id ycslcrtlay. ;'It:- Hi·.1,l. ,.. paln trr !\?1 • J..f 11"';1.-.'.1ln l'I Art G:i!~ , + • Tl ,:,'1 ,•. ~IJ~lkf' 11\ l ! ! U.I.• 1dl (' ;' I~ p ·ar , 1 .,1 ,1,1d 1 ,. 1:r :!1,· rn 11;10, .. t••1 • , , 1·n J.. 1..H!h.l t'\lll,11 lllh l1\' .,1\1.·:. 1• ,!- l .11 ,·nnf.·knt r,~ · I\ .. •"'L.111 t' ,d · 1!1• \\ t,\ ' ht p .,11llllllf,t IS \.'.O. tlb !or I 'l•' I'• >.. Q 11 1 t'Jh!Ul!J Ar (i11 - ,l·f\. • he }ll!f!. \1.,'hilr Allro:in :\1r 1'•·1·11 n ,.'t•rl 11 1·:1.•' ,.• ;n !.o1: <l••t,. P.i' .· ,\ t1t:,t1•n: ·t. H I '! I ll !\l Ill 11•1! ~ II t' ,I ! ~~l I I I ll~O ill' . :1•1• 1 ,, l!l~ - \\ llh'li \\ I' ll l'Ci lu r r II Ii •11 ! ,