Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Art gallery resignation THE chairman af the Queensland Art Gallery board of tru1tee1 (Sir Leon Trout) re– fu1ed to comment yellerday on the rc1i9- notion of the board's treasurer (Mr. Runell Cuppoidge) last week. Mr. Cuppoidye, o Brisbone solic iior, re– signed over o point of difference with the board. He had been a board member for more than 10 years. Sir Leon ..Id appoint• menLS to the bourd or trustets were made by the Education Minl.ster (Sir Alan Fletchen. Sir Alan could not be contacted for comment ye;~~:diuppaldce would rive no detalll of hi• r••· IJQ&Uon or lhe di•• a,reemenl which 15 un– dentood lo have occurred. "Somethin« came up, about which I dl.sagreed so strongly, I lelt I had to resign," he said. He said he handed Ills resignation to Sir Alan. but he was not questioned about his action. Mr. Ouppaldge said he Joined with the other board members In wish- ing rhe planning and butldms of the new gal– lrrv 111 South Brisbane would bcgm soon. JONES CRITICISES GALLERY DELAY THE much-heralded $7 milllo11 $tote Art Gallery would 11ot be storied u11til the e11d of 1974, the Lord Moyor (Alde,111011 Jo1111) • old ye1terdoy, AlrtermRn Jones crltl· ctsed th~ SLRt,e Govern– ment for delays nssoct– ated .,,J1.h the propooed Rrl, ~•Jlery. He said the councll hart made tnq111rres or Stal@ Government de• partments Involved In the dcvlopment of lnnd In South Bl'lsbnnc. IThe su~gcsted site ls nenr the southern AJl· rroach to the Victoria Bl'ld~c. J - Alderman Jonrs sntd the councll had been told ~fie t~'i,rr.,~rI1;1:1~t~. \:".'l~ lerr would not he re– quired until the end of 1074. He llshnicnt ond co-ordina- 1ton commJttee this week d e C Id e d that, Lender, should he cnlled IOI' the Jense or council land at r:~r s~;;{~Lnrf,i~nil~ a p11hllc CRI' park, The lease would be for L~•o l'~Rrs. car we want --------=--=:......__ . MR. A. J. (John) Strotigo1 wu prepared to buy r~gM into the pollution-and-cars argument. Qucemlamt Art Onllery :, t t' t; r In p 1·omm11 ,~ce lllt'mbe.r, ~alvut1011 Arm:, llUt•cnstund huurd of Hd ... \ 1t·e me111b~r, \VinSLUH C h ur ch 11 .r.l•mot.Ull Tru~t national board ot dlrt't' un, 111em ber und "A fortune hos been • pent on research Into electric cars and they still only have a range of 300 or 400 m iles," he sold. J:,;1-.c11J11m er Ex~hange "More money needs to be spent still 1t they are 10 be dcl'eloped further, and to make curs safer ah,o co ts Jnoner," Mr. Strau~os saJd. SJ,:~ks 6 ~vltt. 1 ~·he 8 ~'.~\(~~~ 1ty of a ll frlllne m the JlllJtor mdu.stry and he Sfl.\'S c1ucst1uns of pollu• tJon nnd sn~t'ty are far more rompJ1catert than they appear on the 1ur– race. Por instance, car man– ufacturers did not ny to ~:,~ t~'/.!'l~~~..."You must Rather, a ireat deal or research ,... carried oul and people wer. ,tun the oort of car the manu• ~~:~'te':t-:S thourhl lhe1 " If enough people said they wanted ·an electrto car with more safety and 1t~'l'h~~e~~i~rd tir:i:g~ this. "Not buy" · "But If you dld make this cnr nt a price, many or the lndlvjduals screaming for It would f~~-b uy It," Mr. StrallgOI He Is the national ac– count.s manager tor enst-. crn Austrnlia or the Ford r:~n! B~nN'e"l:ntret~:; at the end of this month nlter 34 years with Ford and 47 years lJ1 the motor Industry. Community aflaln :~8 ~~~~enJ1~::l t~'Tf~~ part In Interviewing a11- g i'1 ~ ~~~f I for M~;~~fa1 Trust Fellowships llhortly aft.er I spoke to him. 1 bel re he mnv.d on to community attain, he had •ome other things to .~ay about. the motor ludustry - JJOinls he wanted lt clear that 'were lus own opm1on. On whether cars were badly bullL these dq)'s he said lhcy represented' lar bet tcr value than ever before. ..... ".!:u~~1r,j 0 P.1,~ ~-::~~ thaL a motor car today, In ~rm • or ,nan houN1 of labor ,..ulred to pur– chue It, la cheaper to bur than .. HH hu been. "However, a mus pro– duced motor car Is not a custom built \'ehlcle. On the other h3nd, the man– ufacturer Im., to build It ~?h1c\ ~i~~~ltl~~~~~~~ him to kee11 u hilh a., !~i'J.lble," Mr, Strat11101 He did not deny thal • ometlmea there could be problerna "where a man– ufacturer or a dealer tries to cut comerL" But he aatd A111tralta had the moat competlth·e car market In the world and this helped keep the ~~~~~~t' new can at a "There·• hardlJ a \'e– hlcle made anvo.•here tn the world that ls not sold :.w:ie numbers In Aus- .. Th le lntl!Me com– petition haa enforced a hl§her l~vel or quality. The a.er.re dell•err eondltlon or a mau-hallt l:' A~~,.~~ ::.:1Jh~~ annrlrere ellfl In ·the world at COlllparable price lllfth," Mr. Btra- 111'11 Rid. Relerrln tin consumer and car crusader Ralph Nader, who he meL brtef4 ly 111 Melbourne r« ·ently Mr. S1ra1 l~ns oatu lhe tenn '·conscrnnt 1ous sur– rer ' fitted well. l"L•llt 1 \' hJJJ \ustralam lllll!IIIJ11tl11g l'OllllnltLee 1111•ml1l'r und Queenslumi Jccl!Jr, _ __ mportant Difference he~'.;· l~~~~i'.r!~'ct 11 \~~ll: 1 ·! '.'l lhmk people Uko ~~,~~!~1s~~li 1 ~[s, cx~~i11 1 :~u~y this do MWd in a cum1n u• 1JIJ\"J011, thut. thry are aJl rnty. They are di!lerent 11111>cJrt1111t. to Jmu. I r urn uncunsc1eut1ous "I am relirl111 two tillrrers who ctou't lul\e 1 1•ears 1•arly hccause f be– the community mtcreM, hn-e lhal two )'ears now a L hcurt. is more ,·atuahle tu m 6 ca;··~·)]~;:,.re\\~pl 0 e"nrr!brea 1 d 11 I• th•n IL ..-111 be In two h p .., a .n•ars' lime. manipulated b)' pohllc11I "I WIii sllil be I con– and lnslltutlonal lmer- ~11hn11L 111 J•'urd, but after e.,~:•!~;:;;:rtr'}}~~ t~~~i- Scp\cmocr JO, I wlll J,eL a ~ger for New Sout.h f1~f1 1 ~t1,~~ck \\~{~\ 0 1 1~! 1 ~i Wales an,:1 Queensland, been clo111,; 1mrt-lime. Mr. Stru.llgoi nnw con- "Jn 1Jt licr words, re1ire• oetiltalco <In large acate mcnt will mean only a fleet sales - many of change of e111 1 11tnsls. which run Into mulll- "I wnnt to puL time mllllon dollar contracts. and effort Into these At varJous umes, he co111nrn111ty nffnirs. A lot haa lield h is company's or 11cople ltelped me hut AWltrallan •ales record I dirln t have the oµpor– for the biggest lndlvldu11I ICW!Jty to help them bnck. orders In tractors, cn1• and trucks, where he hns Repay debt sold up to 600 un!ts at a time. "By wo.-klng for the For the IMt !lve years, ,community, I might be he has been resronslble · 11111• i«> repay some or my tor handling rnnJor Gov- 1 det; 1 .1/Y helpln~ other ernment nnd fJeet con• 1JIOODle, ' Mr. titraLigos trnctJI for hls company &al ,· 1 and he says the Army Is : •.RefcrtJng t-0 his rellrc– Australln's blu est irictl- ment, hb u•ed the same v Id u a I ,•chicle buyer, alogaJts a couple of tu11ea closely !ollowed by the dllnng our conversation. P.M.G, "Much ,helter to wear But In Queensland, he .a •tha11 rust ouL. The I• pmbahly helter known 01117 cllfforcn•.., bc&wcen • for hla actlvllles In com• •~•nd • 1ra,·e Is IJJo munlt1 arraln. h." He• s Q II e en• Ian d ' ' lcrrlnr to•hla work- Health Education Coun- ~cc~els iime r b~;~i ell cho.lrm1m, Queenslnnd 111rsplrat1110 ancfl1ve per Art Gallery vlce-presl• Clllt lns/>lratlon If we dent, Police Academ must kil time why not I ew !working It to death." low had he round the ..• LO flt ll dozen tOJl ! munlty llPIJOlnt,nents his busy work sched– that meant trips to 'ever\o~i!:!'k? and Sydney , '·Th c most vaJuabie OIJl!llnnrllty we all have ls t,lftfe. so It's a m11tt-0r of organising. Tea ,and talk "Most 'or the meetings 8 ~• held at lunchtime, so it• a matter of making decisions while you gulp down n cup ·or tea and chew • snnclwlch "Other meetlnp are held nt night, but It's Rllla1.Jn~ what you can tit !~ 1 ct'_( you organise," ht In retirement. he also plans to do some trav– elling with hb wife. Ralher surprlslngly af– ter his many years with mntor cnr~ And consfd– erl11g ho holds an rlec– trirnl nnct mrchnnlcnl f,\~\W.\~1~i~?gra~ 1 P1fo~:J' :Oi In his 111l11d ns being re– memhcrcli with senti– ment. "F.ach time a new mn,lcl romrs out It's bet• fer than the ono bero~" Mr. Stl'atl~os said, ' Anrl ns Ihe Industry keeps brl11ging out new models, Mr, Strnllgo, he• llevcs snlr.ty will he fur– ther l111provect nnd pollu– llon will be decrcn.,ect _ hi lit \\'P, the p11bllc, will rnvc to PRY more.