Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brlm.ne, Q. ? 5 FFR ~Qf;R "/ PRIZE-WINNERS for ,,, CHRISTMAS CARD DESIGNS ~ :; -_....•---L~ t' '·• MORE than 300 children took part in the Art Competition, held by the Queensland Division of the :iave the C.b,i.ldren Fund, to desig.n a Christmas greetings card for 1968 and subse– quent years. Cnrds based on the designs will be sold to assist the work of the fund (to aid dis– t r c s s c d children t h r o u g h o u t the world) . Prize money totalling $110 was given by the Brisbane Lions Club. Th e Judges were Queensland artist Jon Rl.iiby and art critic Frederic ROjtrrs. Win– n1J1g entries will be dis– played on March t , nl theQu~Ro-Onl– Jery, In conJunclion with pictures by students or the gnllery·s children·• nrt class. The olftclal opening ,\\'Ill be performed on March 5 by the Director or Prlni.-ry Education , Mr. A. E!". Guymer). Prize list of S4 ench. John Martin til l, 15 Tuggernh Street, North Boovnl. Patricia Tu~·lor '11 1, 71 Cremin Street , U11per Mount 0 ra va tt; Marsaret Flanaran 021. 30 H igh– land Street. Gordon Park; Rosanne .Jensen 02>. 97 Berrilna Street, Wynnum Central; .\nn McGrath 02), 5 Crown Street, Bardon. CLASS 3. - Children 10 and under: Five prizes or M ench. J. Grart OOl, South Cnlllope Street, Sp1·1ngsure; renny Leitch (9) , The Braes, Manlllo, New South Wnles; Julie lllchardson (91, Oak v a Ie . •,rnlsplain, Queennlnnd; Stephanie Morrl, f 101, 12 Kitchener Rond. Ascot; Susie Slnr 191 . 422 Manly Road , .. Cl1ri11mn~ lrulr .-111~– lrnlinu in drnrnrlf'r ha1 hmm tlu• 11im o/ ., ·;rlH.- 1,'.' 11.,.,,,,,/ (H) . 2 ,I\! {.,,,,,, Hmul. ,(im11l1 IJ,,,,. ,fo/,,,,•. rnitl, "" nl,ori– Ki1111I icmrriflr i11 ,l,•,•wrl ,.,,ui111. 11,t 11·i111f $ I in c,... ~. ( Cra•·t'111 ClsriJtmo, • .'\ l,rll~:rml 1oldr11 ,,,,,, ) prrJpulnnle in t l1 i .c ~ I /lural .,,.,.,;,.• bJ· St" 11/1- 1 ) a,iip Morri, (10), 12 y' K;1rl1r11rr Road• .4,ror, , . f ., ,.,,,. •in, n pri:r of $4 I in (:1,,., ,1, 1 , elahl and under: Five prizes or $4 each. Lynelle Stabler 181, 20 Koumola Street, Manslleld, Mount Orovntt; Rhonda t'lnch 181, Benobble, Cnnungra : Alisa McGreror 18\, ·s1 Clipprr Street. Inola ; Nicholas llatZard ,81, 2 de Gunst Road, South B u n do b c r g : Leanne O'Keerte (81, 319 Oronge Grove Road, Salisbury East. CLASS 5, - Children (f- t six and under : 1-.,l\lC prizes of $4, tlach. Roder– ick Bllrh 16). Mark Hllah 161, Karabll SLreet. K en– more; Murk MrGrcsor 161, 81 Clipper Street, ln– aln: Sandra van Luyk 16), l2 Kumbarl Cres– ce•1t, Mltchelton ; Debra IUonalh 15!, 32 Aubrey Street, Surfrrs· Pa rndlsc. .._ SHr/bo,,r,I 1/u•r,u• 11111M cluu,m I,.,- J' r.rrta Cr,01,er, ( 13). 62 itli1:u s,,,.,.,. c,,oro.,·. "''""~' o/ a 16 priae i11 Cln,u Om•• .'im1b11r11,•1I Ji11u,~ i• ,Pt a•nin1I l1l11r l111rk1fro11ml ol ,r1111mr.r 1r.a,. ALL tbe available .,- In our pitifully NI• • lrlcled Queen • land · Art !:,~/!:~10: :•,?~nd !f :c: !ale Mr, de Vahl Rubin, His taste wa.~ wide and the collection doea not reveal d~~ f[;rc~~'l,~~\ sses- slons of European ~ we have his valuable gifts to our ~n\l'llre b~; n:~ol~e a~e o~ sketch "Seated Woman" by Manet and two of Boudin'• delightful beach scenes, as well as a number or draw– ings which Include a Con– elable landscape, a pencil study by Ceunne or a boy whose sensitive features remind one or the ·•Boy In a Red Vestd figure studies by ~;~•••ketc~:[ul~y th~;~~ ~1~ tt~ e:~~dr:i:1:~ 1 ~-~~h f\l'e not or the non-objective work which wns ht! mn,1or contribution. 30 Dobells In lhc Au1lrallan Collec– llon, Dobell llgurcs largest with more than 30 paintings t~d :~~~lnl:re~~nt~1S gri~~ talning such of his mnster– pleces as "The Charlady" and "Cockney Mother." In t.11e "·Ide scicctlon or Austrnlian paintings Includ– ed nre some by Robert•, Streeton, Gruner and Con– der, but the vost mnJorlty is ~?1r~i1i::-~~,~ ~~r~ 1 1r:ii ~l~t~! e)';o 10 ~-~e ~~~w ,~'~ •~\nazlng mixture from Norman Lin• d•ay nnd Jack,on to Nolan nnct Olsen and 1vhlle there is something for everyone. I.here Is a ~ood deal for the cilscrimlnntlng, Many or our leading oalntcrs Crom ren!Lsm to ab– stract expressionism round their way into the Rubin colleeUon.