Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"CHRONICLE" TOOWOOMBA. .. , .... Q'LD. Art gallery Opportunity suggestion: exists Toowoomba's "golden opportunity" to build a n,w 1rt gallery wu now 1nd the opportunity would not occur 1g1ln, the director of the Qu11n1l1nd Art , Gallery (Mr. J1m11 Wieneke) s,ld 1111 night. Mr. Wieneke played a key role In makl111 lhe 1'uo• "·uomha Arl Gallery In the l:lli· Hall, a branch or the Qu<eushin,I Art Gallery r•• ,..,ully. The flr:,,L J)HlHLl llGS to bo tirr111ght from Lhe QUOOllS• lnnd Al'L Gallery dlspl11y, wcnl on show ofllclully fi ve dRYR ago, Talking with the Mayor or Toowoomha <Aldennan Rob• lnsonJ on the Chnnnela 10·4 11msrammo "Tho Mnyor SpcRks" Inst night. Mr. Wieneke said most or the .<. I I 1 8 / paintings lrom the Quec11•– la.11d 11allcry were \'cry vul• uable llnd must be liho~n to advantage, H~ said the present Too– woombll gallery ~·•s ~ood. but there was :,,o much n city like 'J'oownomha could do lor It.self In u111i, uvlng on It, BEAUTIFUL CITY r4r. Wieneke unld that When ho flrsL came Lo Too– woomba, he said to himself: "Here Is a beanLirul cit y, where everyo1.,• •e•m• <o be 1arden con • clm,, nnd RW11rc or the way they ~re,ont their home•. It ls a p!Rco where un art J;!Rllcry Is JusL wall• Ing to be bullt." He said Brl•bane ,.-ould ~lve u muoh • 11l1lanoo aa poulble, but the 111pply ol palntlnJ• In Rrl1bano wu not very mat, Ho anld : "We arc nddlllR to the su1111IY Rll the time, bu t wo reecnlly bought 0110 very expenslvo pnl11tlng nnd th la hRs retarded our CRP• nbllltlcs or NIJCndlnR much more for a while." LARGE RANGE Mr. Wloncko IUl!d thn Queensland gallery would aend batches of about 30 t.o 40 palnt1n111 to Toowoomba at regular Intervals And these would oover a fairly large range. Rockhampton had an ex• eeptlonally amall pllery and 1111me palnllnp from llrl•– bane had aloo been 1hn,.·n at Blloela, he ..Id, Charle– \lllle "'a• looklns ror assls– la nce, but I!• doubll'd whether he <'Ould help lhem yet. Brisb.lne, Qld. HOPES REMOTE Alderman Robln•on aaid the city wns not II very In• du•trlal ccnlre ,md hopes or re ·ol1•h1g donRLlon., or nny l11rgc •lzc n, hnd happen ed In Melbourne were 60lllcwhat remote. The 'foownombn becoming n brn11ch or the Queensland ~•ll<'l'Y wM a 25- ycRr-old d1·c11m realised ror t ho tiCrrclnry or trustees or the ~nllery here, •he •nld. ' CH RON I C L E. T O CW O O tvl 8 A - 3 APR1968 Q · LECTURES BY ART GALLERY DIRECTOR The Dln,clor of the Queemland Art G&lle17 (Mr, Jam,. Wleakc) "'Ill to– d&J lecture Toowoomba sec– ondarv 11ehool sludenls on palntlnp which an, on ex• hlblUon In the Clly Gallery, This c1·c11!11g he will give un !11formal public lecture on I hc:--c works :1nd on other nrt topics. Society members n11d their friends are lnvll"d to the City Gallery at 7.30 p .m , A demonstration and dis– cussion on shnple picture fram ing methods and mat– erials will be g!l·en In the society rooms a t 7.30 p.m. on Monda)'. J unior art studen ts will not. ha\'C rlns.bcs on Enster Snllll'dn:v. Inquiries rrgru·dJng society should be t-0 the Sccrctnry, Toowoomha or 2 4081 01' 2 3284. ,l 8 A ..J .- 2 AP~ . 1968 Art Gallery director to lecture here TIit Dl,.,dor of the Q-.land Art Gallery, Mr. 1•- Wieneke, will p,-ent art appreciation INtul'ff In Toowoomba lomorrow. 11,e secretary or t rustcea of the Toowoomba Art Gal– lery, llfr. A. C. Robertson, said It was expect,:d Mr, Wieneke would lcct ure blud. f'n ts of sen·rnl .secondory 6Ch001S a L 4 p.m . A spccinl lecture or adults would be given In the Too– woomba ArL Gallery, City H11ll, a t 7.30 p,m, Mr. Roberlaon 5llid Mr. Wieneke wu eoruildercd an expert on work.! or art by famous British artists, some or which were now on loan to the Toowoomba gallery. His lectures should be or areat interest to everyone Interested in art apprecia– tion. The lectures were part ot a acheme to bring apprecia– tion or art to the ochool children 1111d citizens or Too– "'oornba. The president or the Too– woomba Art Gallery. Mr. Frank Blclnner, said vlalton would be welcome at the lecture&, The art gallery waa open dally from I p.m. to 5 p.m., but he was disappointed with the attendance at tho exhibition ot famous British paintings 1lncc they went on display, 1 However, he 'hoped the lectures would lncreaae pat– ronage. • CH RON ICLE · TOOl/i./OOM BA 16 APR 1968 Q ·L D Gallery head to lecture students here Th• nr.t or 11 111;,nncd ••rlr, or a.11. lectures wlll be irh•cn lo grou 1,. or Too– woomba ochool children this aflernoon and tonlcht. The director or the Queensland Art Gallery, Mr, James Wclnekc, wlll deliver the lectures at the Too– woombn Art Gallery to sec– ondary sclmol students. They Will deal WiU1 paint– ings by lnte nineteenth And early twentieth cent.tin· Prl!~t,;. Thr pnln tl11gs nrc on lonn from 111(' Queens.. lnnd gnl!cri-. Mr, John Sti rllnu, p1·rsl– denr of the 'I'oo\\'oomba An Oul!ery lnisiec.s. snld ln.s1 n ight It WOlllcl be tl1c fi rst time thnt nnrone or t he cnl!bre or Mr. Welncko h ncl addressed student s here. "It 1.s qullc n blR- step, We 11·!ll continue with moi-c ;:]~ In the future," he ''The \\'hOI!.! tJilng is vohrn– tnry, ns fnr ns the ,c;chools nrc concernrc.l. But one school has a group of nbout 60 COllllng along." Mr. Stirling said lhc lec– tures were not limited to art students exclualvely