Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

DENMARK FINLAND NORWAY SWEDEN QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY WILL IE CLOSED TODAY and TOMOROW, FIi. MAY 3 for Arrangement ol Exhibit,on ll co, ·r.rs aspect~ of flc– si[l'n from :1rchilcrlurr nnd graphic fir.signing-, to Jewcllrn•, slh·cr, glllss and r.ishion drsigniug. Alloi:rthrr th,•re nrr 1000 arth'les from 1~5 Srantllnll,·lan manufnr– lurc'rs nnd 22!i ct~h:·nrr.... hut there ls room nt thr Galluy only fnr about 700 of thrst•. l'lonr('r~ of S t•a 111ll11:1- ,,1irn clr!\iJl'II a fl('r \\'orld \\':ir I ,Hr1• to a i.:-t·tn l r~ – tcnl i111lr.1,r ml,.11t nrti~b . n1111 to somr drgrcr. nr- Open at night BrL·.tll' t" ot t he 11111nbr r of IPfl\1 11 w~ {u1 flll r\'l'l\1112 \H'\\ 1111! 111111·. 1lw Qt1rr11, – ln11<1 :\ 11 U:1\h-1 v \\'tl\ h" 1 OJ)i..' 11 OI , \ \ 'pc11ir..,riny 1\l)!hl..., cllit inc 11)1• ,·u 1-r,·11L r xh1bl- 1 I llHl. 1)1>S!ijll lll S1'A1Hil- tl,l.~;•:l' co1lrc11011 nt l' l'I ·! 1111d crafts will br on \ 1cw , until .June Y. ,1 From rndw: 1111111 : ,J11nc 5. t hr Gnlkrr ~., 111 br , np n on W r dnr, rlny. 111Hll ~ ) .Ill. rhltet:b lttlerc,tc,I In the arts, l\ll?ios Tarra!'I– Wahlbcrlf said. 'I' h r I r sm:rcssor~ In 1nunv r a!-t'S a lso wrre :ntlst~. h11l arlisl-, "ho h:111 lu·••n trained s1-.rclf– frall., in thr hulustrlnl a rli,, tu dc~ign r hlna. Aluss, a nd m etal 01rticlrs '"'' housL•h old m,e. 1, 11 ~1th~, 1 ;1··~~~u~~~~~~!bj~~ for cl~ht. ycaN berorc whlr h she was secretary of the de..igners serlion of lhc Swedish Sociell', for three or four l'tmrs. One of h er professiona l clutif'~ h a!' hcrn arrang– l11Jt ~c1,u1,· tours for thr. ch•slgncr~. and thi~ h a!II t;1kr n ll('r to RUS!iila. I \ n I ~· . C n n a cl a . thr L'nllrcl Slid e.-c anct Czt?– rhnsln,•a kin. QUEEN S LAND e Young pcopfc ho'IC shown a 1rcot interest in the Scondonovion Dc– liKn (ahibition which opened ot the Queens– land A,t Galle,, thi, week. Here, J ~ n n y lrown, 16, and Graham Andcnon, 17, both of lnale, study closi1n1 in Orolla11 glau I , a m Sweden. GALLERY