Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S.A. ~" ' l. ,, . .,, ' ,.) .., Queensland Prize · 1 To S.A. Artist At the Q.ueen,land Art Gall«~. .tho H. C. Richard, Memcriol Pnu tor Pointing and the L. J. Harvey Memorial Priu for Drawing, judged th•t year by Mr. Robert Campbell, form~, direr – tor of the Notional Gr,l– lf'ry of SA and h rd ducctor of the Qucen,- lond Gallery, attracted t..ilH"'9~-rc.,'.1!1.,.,_ large numbers of \~idely varied entriet, indud- tho,r from many of Aultralio', btd- known artists , Thi:,; smn !I ~u lll'O', 011t – ,,.1dc n VlcLOrllll\ ('01\l'l'rt 11111\. Whh h m:mlc Is 1·1111 - \'rt'lf'(\ wllh thr USI" 11r It \ fl ll'l'lllm, p;trip l\ghtl11i.:, trxlurc-d wRlls; (or t·:<hlh1- tlnn J>lll'POM'S, is r-~srnllally i n:-; il Wll!'> \l. llPll ~tl'. ( '111111)• h1•1l IC'ft ll for Aclr\l\1dr lfi yt•nrs ngn. nnd l'\l'I\ 11!0111,tll • nhout :.!00 rn trlr ~ ,u•rr rr– .t•·r1.-.d. thr 183 ,\orks ::r lrl'I- Painting, Sculpture NI (or thr two romp,•t 1- 11on:,;. ()('Clll)i('cl ln rull Ih r. .gn~}f;;;~\i )~\.l\~i~\~A;~;.~tPflU', A non- ncq11i~lti\'r nwnrd nf t~~~· .~~1~ 1 1\\~r:,~k ~r~~ 1 '.~'h~1'~;~~~ !Ill Lnn d!-COf)t' ;" Franc\.i;; .,,.,,..,...,.,.,.,..,,,,...-,-....,,...,,....,.-=,,.1;;,. Lymh11nu•r nnci AlrxnndPr Sncl\o wrrc> both commrnd - 1•<1 T hr L, J . Hnl'l'ry Prize wnr,; n w R r d r d to "The 0 0 r k ,, A r tl" bv Mcn'\'0 Smltl1 or Aclclalclr. recent– lr-cl! •ct.rd President or lhc Roynl 8011 th AllstmllRn So– ciety of ArLc. • • • Tonight Kym Bonython':i cxtcnsi\'c new Sydney Cin I– Irr • Rl Paddin~lon u·l11 be opcnr <' ·v Sydney's former Lord ? "'If l'vtr. J . I. Arrn– stroni::. Hurey pokes fun- By ,REDLRI ROGLRS Satir,•, -,1htl~· (h11I 1'00 , uhtl,1 I h11111IIPfl. j.,_ 11111' 11( 1111' rn,·1••rt•1l,l1•111•r, timt•. ( \11 liltll hu~I". \ lfl\ l L1r– lP,\ - n~ 11H1 1c·n11•,1 111 111, ... IH)\\ 11. i;: II\ I hr ,JnllllSHlllC' (i :1 1lr1·,· - t:or!-i r111 ,111cl\ 1ir1• \\ nil 1\ \n:1rl,·<1 • r1 m 1!11111 " hn1~h 1h r i:•'111•1:, I "Tiu• E,1,lnrr, .. Olh••r l rn •,·1·11•n1 Th1111 :! hh.'' 1111 ... 1•, hll•• · liun 1111k1•, th,, 11.111c hl 11•..,I 11111 :ii .llmn, t rH·P ll1111c 1,r ,•;1 11 thill~ nr - ,..... w•1•ialh thr \rt f ~:1lll'n . SATIRICAL PAINTING I," , Ma, H,111 , :-,.;nt 111'1'1'"$,1111' · 11, q wr nsla ml ·\ rt t ,ii\lr t \ . The E,r, lr., , ,.., rn ul ()1hrr 1, e \ r rr11d i ll 11-1 1 .,. 1 • ·., l'"pc1 1 \ 11 11111ln · 1-- 1'111r ! d 111 J,ll\r,I Ll\11 111 /[tl I I 1 ,, /\,'' l"I •'I •'I' ._p(>1 rl !l\ lt11(1\ r111111t•1·t1' n \t ill1 11w 1n.,1 11 11- t\1)1\,' 11,, 1 • dc1 111•· \\'lw II 11 r 1,-:,u•~ ;P p r11"r t!,r 1r111111 J..n h!I' 111 1i.:l1l o ' ., ~• trnr n1·11<:.t ..:\twr 11ro111l11,·n1 Ill IIH> p :1 1111 111~ " C !11lll"l111 !i7 · I~ 1111 11111111~1nkrnh l11 1r - the jrhn t ""r C, r , f~1,\\rn H 1'lc-,, .,,, l , .(', in\ J' •tl 11 1, 11 H r1J ., 11<1., •• / ,, "' "' (:;;- 1\111 ,Iii •,;t ! II' ,tpl•il Th ! Ii 111 Jll.1 L,dt I I:- n _..,\ 11"\ \\ r h , 11 ,t\P, 11 .. !11' ••1 111 1 1111, '" , 1111r ,1 f11,, h 1 ,1fl lllf' 111'1 1"1 rr , !1 ~i.~ 1 ;: 1 •,I. 'i'i,':'•'.:, 1 11 :: 1 1~\ 1.,:•:,. 1 f' !t II I •\; Ill I I l~ ,I ,1•1 ('~ n [ \1:111, II\ p, 11 111,1~,... 1 '1 ;li n11ch1 \\ f'l! ,, 1 , rt 11, ! : I J k 1'1 11ll10J;,,r111 ·, lljl· ,11)!, , 1! r ii t' Jti.: 'l1l-. I,, I Ill ·. 1• ,, , 11•1 1 I"! 111. \It I ,f 11111 I t II I I I' 1111 11I 1 I'll 11 1 I 1 1 \!•di 1,•111-. ·di' I ' , ,,, ,, ... l l\;1• \\'1',lrl l , (' ll \' 111111 '1' !• •t' I ,, 1l\flll~ JII