Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

e ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer SUPERB EXHIBITION FROM SCANDINAVIA QNE grcc1s with e111husiasm 1he superb ex– hibition, Scandi rrn vian Design . whic h will be on view al the Queensla nd Art Ga llery until June 0. Dennrnrk. Flnlar.d. l'iur– wnv aod Swrden combine 1n n dlsp!al' or handlcrnlls a11d mn~.,-producec.J nl'licl1•s ror r,·~rv u~c 111 thr hom r or 11li11·r ol work. ns \\'t•II lti'I f°ilJN't., tor Pf'rsonnl nclorn– • I IJl('llf. F'or t n111r ,cnr,., n1H\', 111nn\' S 1 :nndinll\'181l producls hR\'C hern arnilnble in Au~trnlinn ~hops find hn ve round their wav :nto our 11,·es but. a comornhen~l,•c exhibition ;.tlth as this onr. tourini: AuEtrnll• n galleries. no dr,ubt. wlll scrrn 10 enucntc 1111bllc taste and sUmulat.e our own desi~ners anrl man– urort urers. Traditional Th thlne:s \\'(' W1C ditl l\' hn\'r •1 \'en· orofllnd tn t111 - en"r, n 1 ... lnrllr1ci11nllv de!irnnr d hanrt• \\'G\·r n l ll;! or a ~1mplc hOllSI' • hold J.:ltlS.'-. a hnnclmndr ( r•r,011.c or fac tOr\' -nlnd1·• i'h lllfl an r :su111:-.ilc Dlf'CP ol "'II\ r·r IC\\'f•llrry or m u.,s– nn ,dnr nl ~t nmlr ss strt>I t.·11t – lr-n• ,,.,, i:rr II strikl na f'lr– r•111.1•r 11ncf brnutv of clrsk n. hia hr ~: trchnlcnl acll u•,•f– rw•nt reJnred to the mRtrr– ln l ll llri Ille form nnd Its runrt1nn. I l1 short. WP behold ob– \r1•t~ tha l nre artlstir, a lo·: lo use and t.o behold. Particular a ttention musL be drawn to the chairs on rxhibl'. as thev are exem– Pl11n · I o I he whole world. Tht pu bllc • hnulct be m:utr a,rarf' th11t our G:1 llrn n·u~ too ~ma ll to :11 eommnd:1lr th~ whnlr nf 1hr t•\;hlh11inn. 1"hl!11: I.~ h v 1u1 nu•rtll<i 1hr flrJot Un1r– fh:1t .t n lnlrrna tlonal ctls• ,,,.,,, h11s had lo br cur• 1:.llrtl. Sc·a ndlna,·lan ,•01111trlr, ha ,,,. an old tradlUnn nr h;11ullcr11 n s and rt1"1il!'n ror lh·lnrr. Tht lr cold cllm•tc ma)· n olnin the ••eat care trh•en to rrrate an aUrae.. th·e environment rnr home life. Whether we behold Col11clclin~ with IJ,c r.xhl• bi Llnn nL the Q1l1!enslnnrl r.1111er)' is a n rxh ibltion or <INdan nnrt r rn f t. from Fin· land a l the Craft.sman rt. Tonwon•. Y , 1 r,., Toowoomba, Qld. 24 ~•.~ ,r, _,,, - 7-·" - -,;.,..I,, Painting exhibition closes tomorrow The exhibition of paintings by famous British artists, on loon to the Toowoomba Art Gallery by the Quccnslnad Art Gallery for over twc, months, will close at 5 p.m. tomorrow. 1\lr. A. C. Roherlsou, secrc• tary of the trustees of the Tnowoomba Art Gnllery, said last night he was happy with the success nr this ex– hibition, which hnd been vlsllrd by most or the people In Toowoomha who "'ere ln– tere1ted In art. Lectures hnd been gl\'en to the public 011 the works or art by Mr. James Wieneke, director or the Queensland Art Gallery. Olher lectures hnd been gi,·en on the his– tory or an nnd on the nrllsts themsel\·es by ~lr. Wieneke lo ToowoombR scholars from tho following schools : 'l'oo– woombn Grammar School, Downlands College, Fnir– holmc College, Glennie School. Ha1-rlsto\\•n High School, Toowoomhn State High School. Concordia Col• le~e nnd the South State School. Mr. Robertson thnnked Mr. Hilton Smckel and the principals or these colleges for Lheir keen support In bringing an appreciation or arL lo n larger number or sLUdc11ts through this fam– ous exhibition. The Ln1stcrs were also grateful for I he nssistnnce given by I he members or Lile T0O\\'OOlllbn .l\rL Sociel)', who had prepared nnd hung the cxhiblll~n nnd enter– tained rlslLors Lo the open– ing ceremony. The society nnd the trus– tees hnd been In altcncl'.lnce on Sundays. hut Lhey ~ ere quite surprised aL the almosL Iotnl absencc or visitors on SnLurduys a nd S undays. The trustees were nlso µrnter11 1 to the Toowoombn Cltv Council for its assis– l n11'cc In rtnnncing some of the costs or u,c exhibition nncl to \Vc~lcrn "rrnnsport. which l:nd bon1c t hr rosL or bringing the exhihillon to Toowoomba nnd returning it. Whrn lhe exl1lbition closes I.he pictures wlll be packecl and returned lo Brisbone. The exhibition hnct given Toowoornba people a fi ne opportunity or seeing qual– ity works or art and IL wns hoped Ihnt nnotlwr exhlbi- 1tn11 wonld be held later In ll1c yrnr to show sornc or tl1c ,,orks or the m orr rnorf. crn nrth,ts. ~fr. Robertson lei. Brisbane, Arts, crafts on display •tut:t:~s, .. ,~D .\11'1' fii:\1.1 .EKl' TM1 coming long week•end p,ovldH the fin•I oppo,tunit,- to enjoy the 1upe,b nhlbit1on DfSIGN IN SCANDINAVIA which •1II clou on Monday, 10th Junt, S p.m. The A rt Gollc,y will then r~mnin CLOSED FROM JUNE I ITH tn 14TH tor mmmt,ng of new e)(htbit1ons, The Gallery will rt.open 10 o.m., SAT., JUHi 15, with two onnHt uhlb,tio,u. Th• New Yo,k Sllur Colltction of work b-, th famous ortht MARCIL DUCHAMP, •n~ Mt.STlR DRAWINGS OF 17TH CENTUR'I' hom the Witt Collecllon, London. ,\d111l-..ltt11