Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

hits at art LO~~~;,.~ ..;~::.':" ~~~bourne's g a 11 er •.es art centre is appalling , one of the top · men of the art world said when he I 1,.,<1 "' ,-.,p, <ta11011 _--.;T,,•11 ,·,er J '" " "'"" n returned to London today. n , l UI OII)~ t11 •l1t· 1111.l l;il' o t Ullllllll l ' -.u ll,l'IIJH' t, ,lu II 1· And hr thinks Hrh,· orNZ~i.slralla an~ l n~lw A,\~;:~• 11 :. 1 ~!:;,/,1,;· 1 _''· :,/,~·i(j.'xl ~e'11., l~-d~ UIJ(.HJL O l.w lie lllU· bane lihould ha,·t• •, mud1 1111111H.'t'd by Uie Crull>t II· · d b <l I I· , II . • k111n Pou ndn1ion. cl ur111~ hl-' ~ 11 •, ..... i\•' an L'\i•n ll • :\11~1ru l1,111!\ rto not rr;il- ;u c1.r ra er, . . •~h1tlt lw ..,_uC'n L Jh·r \\ t·,·k:, 111,1111 ,·n •d ,~e \\ J1ut 1J1..•asu: c \\ UJ'Lh The crHlc 1~, ~•r: ~ unu.rn ill .'\ tL--t1u lla und vb,iled a ll l " F'ar rrom It. I lmmd C'\' - l..,a,·1111; tflt•y Jin, ,· tn 111.rny Hrumnu:llt', 5~. K1 ,·p ·1 11 1 fupltn b r xn·pt. o arwm. ,. 1 \,JJH• t nt•ii<.th· amJ \'l'r\' o t tlll'ir uldt•r b111hl111~b - the Depn rtnw n1 ul <:: 11 11..rr- 1 . , , µcih t" " · ' · 1 :,rnt 111 tllt~1r \'.foui;ht 1ro11 \'n,tlon or till' V1r u1ia ilml H 1 \\ t~ in Mtlbourne 1 ~t / Hul Jw dlsllkt•d Can- l:u HI 1llat llt•l1billl ul orna - Albt•rt .M11....t·11m, Loncto11, l II e b~lnnlng f of I l 1 ·' lwrr•, as m urh , 1 ..., he• tll~- I 111t •nt.LI 1t111, a nU Sccr(•tary-Or•111·r11 I uf 111n11 tll !or about. our ' ny~ I Hkr<l 'tt 1~. !\lt·llm 0 urn1: Aris I . 1 . 1 • 1 , t he lnlcrnr11 io1111 l ln ,11111tr l \\'lu-n asked at 111 ,,. or- t !> , 1 111111~ c 0"11 .,o lor the Cu1t....,(•n1111c'111 01 rlc·,· a t tlw mm,cum what 1 .'~'Hll't•. 1 , , .. t , 1 1ll,1 1 ~rn1 ,·:111 h uH· rn~rn H b , 1. or Jc and Artt... •11· h1· luuJ lhou1ht ur the . 1.., 1 IL., IJ11 u_u1 , ,1, ~nu u 11 1 l t1 1111; • 111,wk ... t;- \VorV..s Mt• lbouru e crntrc he n11d Jll.'l l :-,1J - t!l:' . (:nn - ~cr,q>t.•1,. liJ,d .c, tha t more He 1'1c,,· in 11•·•111 .... 1,1 · . ... ,tid11'I like• II ',II lwrrn .rt' Pl'E'-"'l'lllS a rngicnl• 1woplt• 1 .111 I) \ (' Ill 111()(.lcrn . • ..... h · n11 ~~t 1 d oppurt unity. 1111:a the end 01 n 10 all, 'l'lu• 11·hole placr ! · " 1 not H.·:. d tor t·xn~nplr Jtc \\l'Ji l oi: ~ } c!lll'Y h:i., !Wrmc,t to m t to l.l~pr~tly 1lrn t t'n11hr rrn h 1Lc; a.round hi•t•ii \\1•.1• 111 P'l'>t•r 1 111g MJ poor, lll~m;1I u11d ll 1 •1ut·~- n n lint• ul lt1lb, llkl.' 1l11• llllll'II o r 11.:-i , . 1 I\' .i r+ hll(•1•- 11~f~" DrommellE' flnpl1- :1:;~ /k~i~':·n1~;~1•·\i,~·:;id1!~! :::;t~/.!1;: i'/1.,·:\1.:.:~ ·' 1\11•1:.,• •·• 1L.. L'l'U thnl he wa.s i:l\l1w 1 rh.,• 11p 101 111 11 , ,111 "' ll 1.., 111,l .ir1 ,, 1 11•1., l1h pt•n,onn l op111h)11 t111d · I 1111•n t1tJ11t•U tl iL, to .11- hou, ,· 111 tJw 1,·a l w 11, 1•. "n"' llOl flpt..•nkmi; lor l!ll• d 11 •1•l'I .-. l iif'I'(• 1111d JIW.\ ll loul,1•tl tu 1111• llh,• a 111\1.,clllll. 1,,~l't't•d \\ Ji lt lilt' l llu t It \\ .l ,dwul 111 ,h:1r~,. •• Caliberra I ui~ 1 i°~:, 1:::1~~-~;.1 Lhc s11n11 1.-.11 1 uh:;\'tl'~!\\~t ·1 .!. ,11~~~~·t1~. ~':~Ji him down ~:,i;~~1i1;~ ·i... 1!1;1,ri ~:~nl('t•n:i·;:11.~ .t:~;~.{S;~\!~111;.,!,~~~1~::~1!.~ Mr nrommelle llkr d the ai t•· lo bC' n' plnrc·d one day a rnud1 hlr~•·r ,;alh•ry• .~ti.... 11.allan people llt.' m l'l 1 " In l\I1•l bourne too - nncl "\Vlu.-11 trn•y twu, . to "\•cry much." 111 o th('r cn lrs Uke Brbbn11e h r1111--t a 101111 ex1u•,1 t1011 .., • ,... •~)t. l tlic) ha, 1• to ,.,wi pe 1111 the ,/ <. :,,i~ '* . . ,i,i~t ,, Jlf'l'lll:tlH'l. l .'-11111 01r Iii<' )...,_ ~ "" I>' ,,a ll:,, , The \\'1•:,,P J t111 nl: 111••1 11,,-v wi ll IJL· .i blc · to go !nr tlh•rc i11 111 • • ; · Cratluated as physicist :\·1r. lh 1111111·111• 1, ;i lllllt'kahlc l h!ll l'I' Ill H r lll:-.IJ ill\11 I• lll'OIJl'l1II llltl~ ~l'tlll l 111111 H l'l , t'l' IH'. lft• Cl'lltlUHl••;I .rom rord as a ptiy, 11·1:,,1. cl11rini; till' \\;11' ctul re- 1,c atT h 11110 .il•1JIIIIHUll1 ,u1<1 Olht•r Illl'l1tl.., Jl h ll lllll lt.'lll' irl!Pl°f'Sl Ill pn1111111g h·d 111111 ultt•r the wur to . t~f'k a \\ ny to co111- h11w Ills p:t .... ~1011 IOI' :-,('JCIIC'C Wi lh Ill~ J)U!"l!--1011 lor art. Jn 1!'14fl Ii.• 1)1'('...,1•, \lf'cl hlm– ,l'II 1u 111,~ i,u11011n l Gullc- ~·bi/·~\ 1 ~ 10 ~~ a~ Il~ \1::~~~ .. t(lf'~rl'l~ thr rr!'>IOl'.IIIOrl df'1,nrtrncnt. llr• It•! I I Ill' ~Hllcry JU l!,tiO 10 1;1 kf' IJJ) ) I)!'; pn·:-.r 11L pO!-.l Il l till' \'1t.·tonu ,,nd A lbC'I l ~l\1s1•ur11. Thi' rll'lrl or ron..,1•n·a– tlon he h:1"i 1,innct.·rccl cu,·t•1-s tlw 1u·ufl'dlun :uul n•storatlon uf 1mlntlnit"' and urt. nhjl'f.'l s. 1·1•11t111l hr;,1linJ:, :ilr 1·0111lilio11in,:-, 1•frrd!>t of lu·:.11 and li~ht– in,:. 1mint 1:lu:ml"'lry ;.Llld m11d1 ,.,..,•. 111s \\ II<.•, Hosn. is on th~ llttl !Oll:d t.:odlt'I'\' '-l u ff ns n. s p t' c· I tt l I S I '111 dil.'llllCal nnn Jy!-,i<.:. ·1llt'V !J.1 , 1• 1 11 , h dtlrcn. J1f' 11 J1d l11s \\ , It' Jin.,·,• a. 1m, 11 hr,1,.,,. ,11 \ I.Lida \"ale nnd l\ 1 Ju, I• IH•(l \\ l'('t -1•1Hl t:OUH~f' 10 IJl rr.·,l111t..:. Teleg,apli, Friday, May 31, 1961 Plea for more space at the Art Gallery The 1poce ovoiloblc to the Queensland A" Gol– lt"r, wo1 inodcquote for present needs, 90Uerr director# Mr. Jomes Wieneke said todoy. IJe said he wus in r-0111 - Dl·1mrt 1~ t or Conserva– plcte acrecm e111 \\Illa U lltlJI uf the v1clorinn and London urL crit ic " ho Alben Mu.:,;eum, London, s1ated in London this 'iH'1•k v1~1ttd Un5bane on on h IL 1, Brisba ne's cal!('t r :\ublruliun tour earlier should be much larg1•r. this yea r The criLJc. Mr. Non 11 lll I "~1r. nfommelle knows - Brmnmellc, Keeper ot the nti Wt' nil do - that m ajor call,"'nrs should hnve much mon· pncc tha n w ~ Jinvc h<·re i11 Drl::.lJa11c," Mr. W1t•n•·k1• ~aid. · · W c ccrtali>17 onoul<l .... trn vt• u lnrl!c rul1111 within 1l1e ~r,Jlr rv 111 which to h II t1::. e inter •State and o\"er:,ca s exh1blllon.s offered 10 1hr Galler}' ever)• year.'' he snid . "lns1cnd, we hnvc lo take clown our own State exhi– bition before we can nc– commodute an exhlblllon on lon11. "Tins Is not the role of a Slate ~nllcry." Mr. W ieneke said U1ere '-''tl..., tnlk o! a new gallery l~lllf.: l'l'l'Clcd ''in Lhe fu- 1 t ltr(•" "We need ll 11cw one ur– " •'11 1,·. b11L us yet no elle fi n.<:. bt•Pn chosen by, the Uu\11•r111n1mt," he said. , "ldcallv the site should I lle closei' to the City than 1 he present one on the 1 corner of Bowen Bridge Rond and Orego17 Ter• race.·• Wieneke waiting THE Mornton Galleries ore 1till woiting far o buyer after almost I~ months. Queensland Art Galic y director. Mr. J Wieneke ' formerly director of the Moreton Galleries. sald ,vcstcrrlny he wns "slJIJ wnlting'• !or a buyer. ~Jr. Wicncke's n1>polnt- 111r11l to Lhe Quccnslnud ArL Gallery wus t-Onf!nn – c<l In June Ins! year. sub– JcrL Lo n written under– ' 11kl11 by him to the 1 ruslCl's Lhat he would th 10 dls110sc of the Mot'I'~ 1011 Gallcrlc• In 12 UlO!llhs. He snld some wcrks •~o thnt. lhere hnd IJr,•11 n few lnquir lf's, lmL nut.hing f'\'f'JII WllCd.