Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

:. Brisbane rated a no-hoper_:_ on arts ADELAIDE: Brisbane is too porochial ever to rank seriously os an art centre, says the organiser of the fir st Australian tine arts tour of Europe. 'A 01~,·r Jn ,tl\HI n ·ntrt·. uf 1111 a rt !!olHlh i!!, : ·•t)nr. 1h·r hu1>,." lw [lrlrt,·d "hu 1mtro11i-.r!!o ;ul fur lh· 1., l lr. Mnkulm •or- 1•11rt·I, pn~ li,r;r purpu~•"!il. I ,)'lh. -IU. ul ti)U IU' \\ Ito 1:,1 Tl1t hl'l lu 1ir 1~ A ~7 -ll,i \ µ 11bllc n •la tiun~ 1t11, 11u ~••1 pack.a i; ,. c·11lt11r., I tour for Lullhurn-,u ,1, 1rl11 w:- 111 th roug h Europt• Aus 1ralla. He i~ 111 A<.h•lawl~ II dPpar~ c,11 J Ulll' 15., to lnu11ch t)u t11111 1111dt>! Jund IH· pru.:,· fur ....11obs ,>r • he l,•.u.h_•n,lllp -,1 .A.idl•laidt• lo \'t'r 1~ 1l11• , n111 1 • - :!-ltiO e~ ,t.·UIIJ'.Or :ur. Jolu, Ou" ie. - ,.A,11(1 the~ u 1t' 111..: 1, pin- 1u1 h 0 11 tJu• h i l \ t'll'C'il':, Ill utllt•J' Allstn1ll:11i t H!IJl;d.-, · I .'\1lt·htlcll' : !\·ton • .i r1 ~nub ~ l)l'I 111• 111 ul pupu\nl lloll ' i11t11 il ll\ tJli ll'l •'It,\ s,c1111•, : 11 ~. uni,\ I• 11, u l d u• \Va 1,1 !.1ll l•'1• .... l l\ i1l. 1 ,.l llU l lllllld tJ1•g 1,1lT S )t11.P) l1tk1·b 11.."i 11 r 1 v.11 11 Ian! \lllltlH'i 11I ,;di '(' :\klbu11rn,·; T, • u 1H1)lll) ,·. e,·1·r to :1rl111il ~h.il .A.Lil-!;111 \1- :- ls h ju111p .d 11•11d It:, ! - i\'luo111ba f'1•.,t l\ a l a t-.u 1., ., li-;i,:ruct• t ll l'erlh: The only CIIY (1lh · \11 1L er than AOt~h,1clt· 10 m,d'\t' ,l L - r,cm1hll" 1•f1Url to fos1PI" n. r t. l h~i;tl~~:lh -..1111 h tl w Uhb)" ,~ · Status symbol 1·• ,\ on arts It I H,~ ~ulJ : " Wr rl\11.,, ,. :\ Clt - lald1• a:,, t1r a+Jq11ar1 ,•r:- 111• 1 - ,11~u11i.,!11~ Till' 1011 r IJ, , ull!-" I !lwn• nrc• !'-U IIIUII)' 1wt 1plt· l1l·ri· who follow t ilt' nr1., - n11n•I.\' fnr u , w 111:-. , ymhol "This dfH•s 11ut nwn11 1111\1 l llf'n• nrt• JIU lnll' IHI lo\'('r:i: lwrr On tlw cnn1rury, Ade- e 'aldt• 1u1.; n \\ 1 orld rl"putn- 1 r Lion us a kndcr In los 11•ril1i; s nrl. - "Howe,·,·r, wht•n it co1111•!) l ~~rg:;!,kt•,~\ , 1,>1~t! 1 ~11i\rc~~~~l 1 c urcs 1h •:,;c cmi111rit•:,, hn\'f' :– lo offer. one ~t•ts lht· 1111· - presslon th at In Adeln1c1,, s l]('nplt> wtll commh thcm– s,,h•••s to the lrlll only If t s lht•)' know Ct•rln n :,,()Clf'l Y ' lt•ndcrs will be trnvl'llllll: I "Ith lllf'm." ' 1 ' Definition of 1 / · art snob 1: Thi' \'h•w:,; of 111,• tnnr : lt•ucll•r, Mr. Do1wh•. :n~ r11orc I conser\'n t I \It'. He ~old : "Crrtnl11 l\' A rlt•- ! tnlctl' Im., nrt :...1101>:--. lmt t.h" m cr thl llJ.: nl.>0111 a rt ~11nh:- , ls Lh nt 11l1110~1 a ll ,,1 th1•111 1 t 111rn ulltmutl'I.Y Into nrt lo- j vcr~. "If A<i"lnld1• I., 1111• l"11rl – lng nr1 elty 111 A11,t rnlin. it \s b "'rnllH' of \I,._ u,•f'c ruphit position . .tnd it~ ldr nl , t:rt as n f•~!-tth·nl ell\' .. Mr. lbwir'.:. ·,h•Uniliun ;1 ,e ,:,::w .,.... .. . .......... .. -·rr;~·-·1f;I~b~'ne beat drum about culture e ART SOCIETY HEAD ANSWERS CRITIC '"We ha•e ne,cr beaten the drun, about ou"elves. It i1 we did" Mr. E. J . A. Weller soid today. -~---~----~, Mr \V,·llr r i~ a Brb btlnf• 1 :,,10 iic~Ul1d Dc~lc n Ar ts nrclilt1·c.:1, 1u1d furmt·r \ice !Ct·11tn·. wl1ll'h had 110 f'(Jllal 1 11n ·:-.idc111 or the lirL"iblHlC 111 Atlr lutcl,•, und t he Jt 1 liu Dc·\ elopnu·nt. A!\., odntlon l)ur1wll l;allt•ry Rt the Uni– u111.J pn •:-.ld ... ,1t or ~llf' R uyul l\ 1·r:-.1t)' or llue1·11:,,land. l (J111•t•11. lR11tl Art tioclcty. Url,'\Uu rll' HlMJ hod mnn.v S.\~~1~1-y1:'1~~·/, 1 6i~ :1i~~r~ll1\,1~! 7~~ 1 e,l' 1~!1 1 ~:!~. ~l~!~t ~~:::it~~- l!Oll!-o ol11ccr f<Jr Luftllnn~n "\\ hat "" lark ID A , r I J n e s In Aw,1rn_ha, Qurl'm,l:utd ;uul in llrls– s \l c n k I n g in Adeh:rn.Jc . b,uu• in i,arUcuhar, ia w wrc he is oq;anblng P "ra lth) art patrons a11d tour uf Europea n rlnc art wr:illln ramllirs to maJl:e c f' n l r C' ~ for Austrnllo.1ts, a t·unlilhutiun to the £UI· crll ld~r d the npprouch to tur.11 acln tnt·rment of &be ~:~\ifi~l:,11 other Au:,lrnlian C'it,•," Mr.\\',·llcr s1i1ld. 1 ~I r . Wl'ilt•r snld he Jh• snid lhnt Drl!-ibRII(' thou~hl the n ppolnlm cnt. wn.'i too pnrochlnl rvc•r to b\' llw s1n1c oo, crnment rnnk :-icriom,ly u.s an art 1 0 r n Ml111.,1cr for Culture l'('llln•, \\ (itllll Pl'll\'e n turning ".A b~•~;r rc:•alvnl ."'' 11 lt'f", poi 11 t 11\ nrl tlcn•lupmcnl in n~~tnps, Mr . For:,) lh n<l - 11111 , S wt, ,. lh~ir.s,~:·ll~r l~~d a..:-O(t;r Example from For sy th W85 prom otln1: Denmark f~'!~f:~ily of w~~l r~'! 1 1 ~bbC'r~ Mr. \V1•l l1·r sn ld thRL t)le thn11 art apprcclnt.ion. ~1 1~':1!~,~n~.~'O{,L~:...tnft\u:t~~f!d in n pince like Denmark. • Tllerr Ih r nrt nnd desi,:n locking nppn•rlnwnn or lhe 11,·cnige B r l s b a tl e pe<>JllC '1'('rtl ,~~rc"i°2t1i1~~·~'~, 1':1~1~~c::i:c.ieh~';]: Qt1ll e ~s P<•rcc_µll\'C n.s those lhe most orcll1uuy market. l ln iut) otl_u.•r city, but up to lwt're bcnu1iru1 plrces of nrt m,w thlni::s lrnd hnd to be This uccounLL'<i for thC l done 011 a shO<':,trlng, rrpt1tnlio11 of Dnnlsh goods But BrL-.bRll(' h od tv.-o nf thrOt1J{il01tL the world, and Ihe finest prlvntc gnllerlrs tlu~ ,·xtrnordlnnry success •··""-'""'·""•• ln Au.-.t ralia - thC Joh11• 1 or Dc11111ark In world trndc.