Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

TH( COU ~1 £R - MAIL TUESDAY JUNE 15 1968 II , ... .............. • ...... --- --· . ......... . Night showing by Art Gallery T ill•: qu,·••n~la ml .\ri l, a llt•ry II ill ~, a~ upt·ll ont• nh!ht H "t•c·I, f I um ru•, t " t"\i•I, t,, a llow arl l"'••r~ 111 ,i~w th,• I"" ,·11rr,•1tl t",hillit ions aft~r 1111rk . (;a llrn 1'111 ,., tur 11111111111111 I J ll irur~•·• ,aid " '' · trr1l,1, I ht• 1,;;, llrr., \\ 11111,t lw u1w11 on \\'r d11r .. (1;_1, .. h11111 10 a.111. 1111111 0.3U 1 ··•,,~j.,. I\\" .. ,111hi1i1lll'i, ltul 11 fror11 11\ ,.r ..,•.1., t·ul• Ii·, 111111 ... h ,1,1· 111 1•11 oi,,•11 rur ,1 \\ ,·,·k a 11d ,I r,• Ill I lit• 111hh ll1• o( a I1111r 11r Au,trali,111 i:a lh•ric·, . 'l'lu- fir ... 1 - 11..- ,•011 • lnwrhl:&1 !1hu"·i11&: uf ·a1 "'urk, h\' :'1ar1•rl lh1 • 1'11it1111• - f., fr11111 1hr .\l ar,- ~i,11-r ( 'ull1•1·1i11n 1t1 St·\\ \'urk. It t·n nlu l111o ,11d1 1111 - U~tHII ilrm" .1-. ,I lair,, lr wh1•r l lll\f 1 rt1·1I 1111 ., kili•lli•n ,1 11,1 1, ,1 11.11 r :11 k 1rnlli·1I 111 t ill' floor• • 111d ,1 11,11111 111'..: 1-I 1lw ;\Iona l.1,,1 1•111UJl!'l1• \I il h lllUll.!oo• t:u•hr u1ul ht·.,nl. By masters 1'hr sl'ru11d r~llibilion Is Ille ~lr lloht·rl \\'Ill Collt"cliun of 1\la,lt•r 1lnrnh1~, uf llll' lith t•t•11lun, nn luan from I ht~ U'ni, 1•r,ll.v ur l.011 - 111111 .rnd 1hr Cuurla uhl 111,tilulr. ll cunt.,ln~ G2 work-i. .,.-.:,:,:ors·, In 11:,llu11, 1:rrull'h, F lr 111 - 1;1t. ( inm:111. :-i1•:111i,h. t•:11,:lh,h • llHI U1111'11 )fwd1•n- of I h1• 1wriu1I. l\ulh 1•\hlhh i111b "ill rr111tu11 u11 ,-hu"' until .luh· II. 1111111111111111111111111111111 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY will remain open each Wednesday. until 9.30 p,m, DUCHAMP EXHIBITION and MASTER DRAWINGS 17th CENTURY WHAT 15 IT? ... " It " is a Still Life by Marce l Duchamp, r,Jrt of the New York Mory Sisler Collect ion, which went an display ot the Queensl" nd Art Gallery yesterday. The Marcel Duchamp exhibition, to open ot the Queensland Art Gallery on Tuesday, is certain to cause o stir oman9 ort lovers in Brisbane. The cxhlb1t1011 1ncltldt',.'i l lhr craze which he calted SllCh llllll~IIR I tu•m.... llS n 'lten,h·•madc' art, WU hlcyclc whl'cl 11p• ..,1tl • do\, n :\lun,:1 Uuchamp who on a stool 11 hnt rnck first 1:1une Into nolorlou"i 11nilcd lf1 lhP floor , il urinal 11r11mJ111 ur,, with the lt.i.; bnr k nncl H COP\' of painllnf:' 'Smte nescend• the 1nmo11:-: l\tonn Ll~n tni: 11 S talrc11t1e.' adorned w1t.h n mou:,;lnr hr nnd brarci. pc·;~i!\~~qucri'tl~tro~W1er'~- Snndfly Mall nrL Cl'II le rcproducl~~c1\10 Mona LI Prcdcrlc Roun ~ _lwct I\ with moustache and beard grr;~ett ,~~~ \ 1 ~~p:J!~lv~;~ Bncl Rn obi-ccne cnptiHn. week. "The obJccls he con- 1-lnrdlv tmprcs..-:cfl wlth Ylructs lune no real the Items which nrc from meanlni thou~h reams of thr Mrs. .,larv S isler cot• apnln"y and dii1sr.rtatlons IP\"1 1011 in Nr\,., \'ork. hr l on s~·mbnllsm hnvr heen 1·0 111tt1(•n lf'C1 " \\'l1t•n 1h nrlttr11 ahont lhrm. ~~~~tb:!:.?:11r::i:~ 1~:11t ~.·~· 11 • 1 ·~: uninhibited ,l!llJ)lt'!'- or n l01111 11J h~~trrlt nl :irl 111,11 1 " Hn:-11·:1 11\ IJlll'l l>t !11u 1., , !hJt l{l'Ci lilf' \\ 1t1Jn Ill ! !It• t illlll\l)IIH,: Ill\ 110)-c! Al 111 - fi~ 1 I~· ~;~~i:,·~11~ 1 ,i11~ 11 t'\1:~~'.!; 11 :; ~ t. 1/;~.;.rl)d~~-~:;~lCi 11 ;;,:~ 1 krit ';! ·, 'D,t- OA ' t lw Frf'llt'h 1 ho11r f. ul he\nc 1.1!i j u µ:eo 11~·\ ,, 1<1 11 torn hohb, -hor,f' nrl1m111hlhttc<1 nbo11L It.'' l1Hl"01tt' n1 lh(' lradf'rs of RO!.!.C\'~ nli,.o ,mid !hat th,c . ·- ,. · ~:fl \ 1 t 1~ 1 ~ 11 ~ti!! lrrfiu~1fn~~~t ~ · not nn n.ng.rv young ,nan : he \HIS born In 1887 - wns ~~ 11\~!!~rn~ 1 w~~~ l~~lo;~rfiit mr<I IA Fnrturmlclv for our f,~:.~:{·"·~,;.:•:r.:~wg~,~ht!; oxhlhll•tl \\hen the 1how nprnrd nn Tueadav In a•!lffriatlon with an ex– r.lllnR And cnthratlln,r d1"pht! nf master draw– ln,rs or the nu. centur1, taken fNlm Ille Witt Col• hcllon. The exhlbllllln will NII until JtilJ 111.