Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

~ no~moua don• :~''ii:'s~soo 0 t~:• &~[~ lery paid for Ellnth Gruner', 301n. hy 2~1n. nll "~ew Encland Lands1•ape." Gruner "'•11 known •• ~ tonal paJnter. Sall Herman·• 56 by 3llln. oll or Raven•• wood, a ~mall north Queen•land town, was bou,rht for 5'1000, l•Ht:S'l'IGE HUI' "Thi• 11 quite Wieneke • aid, \\'elneke aald. •~-~hM~•::•n:rr.~'"7~ 1967. Thi, Is a major Australian l11nd,-r.ape a\o\·ard . ..T"·o ,•rry water coloun Donald f'rl"'1d were ,'::'u~\ 1 ~o~::oo~~i~:~ ently revelllnr In the colours." l'he Gallery aloo bon~ht early water ~~•o~~:.:.:~ dn:::~• slur,re.. ,, Glover and Franc•• Hodgkins, •• ~~~ ~t•!•~~rt 1 !~ r:~ ,\lhert Tucker oll, "Glppsland E~plorer," r~~nv,.~~u:r•:.;1,.!:1'0':! of Godfrey Phillips International Pt.,. Ltd. The palntlnr cost 52500. IT'S EXCITING ... AT $10,500 Brisbane, 0 THI COURIER-MAIL WIDHISDAY JUNE 26 1968 IWHEN 15 A SPADE?