Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

* And alter that $5000 wlll be spent on air-con· dl~t~lnl,a'ie"'~':~:. ar.::: parlmcnt 11 r..ponslble for lh• repairs and Im• provemenb. A Sunday Mall report two month• aro pointed oul that the rallery has leaked for about 20 yean MAIL" Brisbane, Old. \• 1/ THE COURIER-MAIL MONDAY JULY 22 19151 YOUNG AT ART DOBELL WORK IN GALLERY The showing of William Dobell's the "Cypriot" will be one of the main attract- I ions of the Queensland Art Gallery's sum• mcr collection. T ilt> u:1 111t111~. a t ho1.:e ~~ 1)otli.. BrislNne, Old. 2 5 JUN 1968 11111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Night showing by Art Gallery THE Queensland Art Gallery will stay open one night a week from next week to allow art lovers to view the two current exhibitions after work. 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Gallery director (Mr. J. Wieneke) oald :JH· lerday the ralle!'l, would Wieneke waiting THE Mo,eton Gollarle • are still woiting for • buyer alte, olmosl 12 ft'lonth1. Queensland Art Gallery director, Mr. J , Wieneke, formerlv director of the Moreton Gallerle•, said yesterday he wa.s "still waiting" for a buyer. J\'lr. Wienekc's appoint• ment to the Queensland Art Oaller'y wns conllrm· ed !n June last year, sub- l ect to a v.orltten under• akin~ by him to the trustees tlint he would try· fgn dls1~:fie~~s theInMorr 2 "'il~ 1 ~a.1d some weeks a~o thn-t there hod been a few inquiries, but nothing had eventuoled. r:o.::~i ':.~m~~,,';~d:.;~ p.':i?iie two exhlbltlon1, hnt h from oveneR1 col– lecUon!4, have been open for a · week and are In the middle or a tour of Australian 1allerleo. The fir.I - the ,on– trovU5lal 1howln1: or 78 work• bv Jllarcel Du– champ - I• from the Mary Sisler Collecllon In Now York. It contains 1uch un• u,ual Items a• a bicycle wheel Inverted on a kitchen stool, a hat rack nallod to the floor, and a painting- of the Mona ~~~i.-~r;:x•i:.~l~h mous- By masters The •econd eslilblllon Is the Sir Robert Witt Collecllon of lllaster drawing• of the 17th centuri•, on loan from the University of Lon– don 111111 the Courtauld lnstllute. It contains 62 works by Italian, French, Flem• 1, h, German, Spanl,h, En,rlish and Dutch l\la,ten or the period. Both uhlblllons wlll remain on ahow until ,July 14. for ll1p 1lr:.t r\mr• m 12\ 111011th, :-.111cc 11:, cxl11t11tlo11 n t Expo ti7, wtll br nrt'!)• , c11tcd nmona the Austra– lfn II ll111>rc~s10111:,t collec– llun. The pah11lngs Include 11 nrw hangings, and 1·epres• emapvr polntln~s from ~f/a~:•· pal~ti i!'. and Aus- 'l'he.v ore on rlcw until September JO. 'l'he Au,trallau .cdlon I• dh-ldrcl Into early, ,·ontenapurary, and ab– Nlrart work,. "!:plphnn1" IJ1· Inn Fair· \\ !'ntiler. " Yn11 Ur nuL Coun– t!'\" b\' John Ob<'ll, and ":\Ul llll\ll JI\ 11\1' Onrden " b,· Lcnnnrcl J·'l'Pllch. Rl'C' nmoni:t the 1mlnun~s tn .the ob,trocL •ccllon. Recent •nlierv acoulsl• lions Include Donald Frlend 'a "The Batik Mar• ket" Rnd AlberL Tucker's "T,Fl~e ~~Fe~~'.'~ •l~;tY[;i~; Saturrlny 111orn\11g clas.sc.s In nbstrocL pnlntlngs for children, is open from 10 n.m. lo 5 p.111. dnlly, and ~ Iii 5 on sundnys,