Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

lrilbane, Q. 2 ·1 JUl 1% /' ~,, 1968 1800 Entries for child art Jd111 of Tht Sunday M1il'1 1961 Child Art Competition will bttln today tho bi • taak af uloclint p1i11 • winnon from I 100 ontrl11. Th• Judge 6 are Queens– land artist Wllllnm Btc,- 1 ard, the Queensland Ar~ G!Jt';~~ dlr~ctor ,James Wine e) an Inn Gall. of The courier-Mall and The su3;;r~J;;•~~w Australians. Hom clt,y and suburban areas to Isolated country and coastal districts, con– tributed an lntrlguln" ar– rav of colourful and ln– tcrcslln~ palnlln~s. Some &how exceptional talent. Prlzc-wlnncrs and colour reoroduct Ions or the pie· tm·es which received top prizes wlll be published on Sunday, Au1:ust 4. ln The Sunday Mall maRa- 1lne. G,.~ ~_.\,l"") BrlstMne, 0. 1,.~1.t.. 1_, J\JL,968 DOBELL WORK IN GALLERY The • howlng of William Dabell' • the "Cypriot" will be one of the main attract– ion • of the Queen • land Art Gallery' • • um- mer collection. The painting, at home Art shows naive and masculine for thp first time ln 12 months since Its exhibition at Expo '67. wUl be pres– ented amonii the Austra– lian Impressionist collec– tion. The palntlnss include 11 new hangings, and repres– entative paintings from ~fi'!~l. p~r~r:~•. Bild Aus- They are on vlew until September 10. By FrHerle Roaer, The Australian tecllon Tht ouhtandln1 ch•r• IA divided Into early, ••tarl1tlc of tht wetk'1 eon~mporary, and ab– twa now ort ,howln1, 1, • tract works, 1tren1th - In one, tht w~~~\i"r~~~~~ t.:~r lott lu1tlnen of mature maa• try" by John Olsen. and cullnlty; In tho otho,, the "Autumn In the Garden •· vigour of en olmHt prim- by Leonard French, are ordlal nolvoto. among the palntlnRs ln lhe Andor Mesr.aros ls rav- abstract section. ourably known In Brisbane Recent Rnliery acqulsl- fgr t~ •~fa~~~~ s~tu~fi ~~~ftd'a \!~ /~deBatlkDi~=~~ Saints• Ohurch but, for the ket" and Albert Tucker's first time here, a wide "The Glppsland Explorer." mnge of hls powerfully The gallery. which holds elegant work Is being Saturday mornlnit classes shown. ln company wlth In abstract paintings for ~~zfgrth1f.,h~ci"~-nv~,e~ 1 ~J ~l~drr~l. 5 tap.~e~aff~ aJ~ making his focaf debut - 2 until 5 on Sundays. at the Morelon Gallerlea (108 Edward Street, . Impressive as ls the faelll Lv of lmnglnatlon Meszaros shows In his lnrge bronzes clment rondu and stone fleccs, It Is t,he artis– try o both concept and construction In a selection of small plaques that finds gre••t::e!~~~n~~i!i~~dcard, la superb work, Hegedus ls a virile painter· well acquainted with his mnterlnls. versa– Ule In hls handling of t.11e111 and exhibiting a sensitive response to colour In a comprehensive collection of oils, drawings, water colours 81 \~ cii::r first Brisbane nopearance nt the Jnhn– •tnne Gall""Y 1R Cintra Road, Rowen 1111'"1 Perie Hesslng·s "educated 1>rhnl– t1ve" approach - cnteg– orlca\ly she Is clrscrlbcd as a "naive" l' nlntcr - result.s ln a hlg 1lv c luur– lul st.lmulatln~ display. One section of her two score nieces devoted to re– ilRlou11 subjects ls note• worthy for lts dclnlled suggestion. "Pad,lln~ton Wedding" Is a delll!'ht nncl "On the Bottom or the Sea·• Is Qull-e exqulsllc lr . Its trealment of colour nnrt compn~ttton. 'Child art is popular Tho 1howin1 tf winnin • and 11lectecl entrie1 in Tht Sunday Mail', 1968 Child,..,', Art Com- pethlon 11 ottracting man~ young vbiton to the Queen,land Art Gallery. Th1:i display whldt wi ll •·oncltu1e 011 S1111ctay 1111\) oe ,·icwed between 10 a.m. ;~~ 1utdf),'.' 1 &1~t 1fi:o~ 1 ciu~~ri~ lo 5 p.111. on Sunday. Next week Ute paintings wlll start on a lonir tour or c o u n try centres, corn• ['\~~clnrM1~t,\~,• ~!~l:y :f Beaudesert from Auirust 30 :~t~fi;:"~c":ude~~~ll~~~~~g 2 ,i A. , .... t..; l::Jtib Mell1011r11e pnouo J\lelbuurne seldom ha~ been 11rumlcr than It was this week - and it had r,1•ery right to be. The openin g of M<'lbournc·s great new nrL gallery, built a t a cost or Sl4 million. ls as big a cultural event Jn Australia as the opening of the Sydney Opera House has been a big non-event. Housing one of the best collections ot art treasures In the Southern Hemisphere the nPw gallery, buil t with government and community funds, eventually wlll become part of an art centre complex which will cater for a varloety of art forms. This must bring Queensland to wonder about Its own art collection, and how and where It should be housed. Some years ago there was a plan for a rult– ural centre to be built In the Domain, but !his Idea, for many reasons, was dropped It need not be revived. What Queensland should be doing . planning a new art gallery to house the State's collection. The present Gallery, an annex of the Museum, Is antiquated and unsuitable, and Is not well situated. The Premier ,. tr. BJelke-Petersen) should Initiate this plan, :1g, and, like the Victorian Premier (Sir Henry Bolte), encourage r.om– munlty participation with the State Government In the venture. Brisbane, Qld. 17 JUL 1968 NAT===U="°="=R=--=A=-=-LLY LIT ART FAVOUR'D QME of the convl~tion • Dr. Gertrude Langer has brought bock from a recent two week • in West Germany is thot ony new art museum in Queensland should be lit by naturol doylight. Qu~c';isla~~ 11 'l,.~t" ' 6'!'j\~;/: rem ln Kusel. S o cl e 1 ;- president. was Dr. Langer showed slides spc:-nki'ng to member.,; at the or many uew Gerninn J:Rl– gnllerr lft~l nlg'l 1 t. l<'rlrs lit hy nnturnl dn~'- Shc \\RS the only Ausl rn- light. and built around lrnn in n parly of 14 Inter- 1.rn rdcn courtyards nnd out• 11ntlo11ril Rrti,:ts. critic n11d door sculptllrc n.rcns. m u~ cu m director~ who "One hundred t heatres. toured mnJor German nrt ~nllcrics and op~ra hou."es r.;rnlrr.s ns 1:rncsts or the have been built there since \Vrr , Ocrmnn go\'cr11111c11 t. the war," she said, "and i\1nin p11rprsc of the \'IEil wherever I went. In !\fun– wn~ lo lntrod11cc the group !eh , Berlin. Du~scldorf and to Doknmrnt a Four, an ex- E~sen, they were packed hibit 1cm held every lour out." Brf11Nne, Qld. 1968 Art winners on display From 10 a.m. tomorrow you will hr ahlc tn view fc~t:d w~~t~:~ 1 l!!d ;~; Sunday llhll l 'hildrcn's Art Compc,1111011. The showing will oprn m the 1110111 gallery of the ~lf~?IL"lffnd~L GIii· lctl.:... «1 If nln on l!Tsp!ay until Alll/llSt 2~. Gallery hours arc 10 run. to 5 p.m. dnlly ex– cept Sunday (2 p.m. oo 6 p.m.l. · Alter the r•llery abo'!l"• Ing, the Plll!)tlnp 'f'III D on tour lo .countr,y oltal and town, :