Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

l,ANDSCAPI> Aft'I'JS'f . a favourite role o! Mr. R. 0 . J . Mellish, of Holland Park West, newly-appointed Assistant Director of the Queensland Art Gallery, who was painting In bush setting yesterday afternoon. ... The news found up the ladder him BRISBANIE artist Mr. Raoul o. J. Mellish was up a ladder paintina (his house) when he heard yesterday afternoon he was the Queensland Art Gallery'• new . aHl • tant director. At present, he Is the ,-vl~,t~c 7 h-,-.e-ally started l'll'e needed more facillllcs for paymastel' at the St.ate years ago. Lrah1lng ar!ls1.s. There wa., Works Department. He took 111, pamtln~ to a 11•ealll1 of talent. and 1.he TlU! Educs.t,JOJJ MlltJstc, give expression Lo artistic dt•nrn11d for trnlnm~ was 1Mr. 1-,leLcher, announcecl urges which hod ttr:,;t put rl.::iinc f11s1 a:- the cnmmu• the appointment of l\Jr. him 111 lhc Lilrecllnn 01 Ue- n1Ly \\'a~ 'ihm,·h1~ conslrt• Melt1:,;h, <10. married with coming an arcJ1111•c1 , but crablc lnter:.•st In art three chtJdrcn. of o 8gmar c,ve trouble wrecked that But so mnn.Y pro!-.pcct1,·e 81,rcet Holland Park We,t. Idea>. student• were una ble Lo GCL Mr. Fletcher snid Mr He too~ lesi,;om; 111 011 places in classes. because Mellish was 8 practising parntmg lor lhrcc montJ:ts. teacher~ were hookrd out. landscape pa1nlcr who had n~1d thc11 struck ouL tor W I exhlbll.ed reHularly. ,vn, lnmsrl!, lu preserve, as he e COffle ex Per I enc r. d as an an sa~1 1 J 11 ~1!;!nl~~~~ 1~~~~~ it.sell Quec11slund Art Uallery Judge: and had con~uctecl Ill l'BlilCI' . hoi,l1 v executed. dll'CClOI' (Mr. James Wien ~:~a~~~o hl~r:;fct!~~to~f L~; but still 111111cd . landscape, \~r welcomed _Mr Mel s O II t h s Ide Cultural 111 the trncllt.lonali,1 school. s.. p ap~olntmcd1.t 1 . ,. Centre He usually ~pencl~ Sa111r- ve ecn , o ng voth And ·1or Mr Mellish who days palnr tu~. 1110slly In i~IJ~k and there s plenty of ls.oil holidays·until the end !he bush rountr.v 11ro1111d "0,' 1 _tor a11 ass~ 1 st 1 a 1 111 dl• h\ il hi Mt Bnrnev and e11v1rons- rec 01. a PO.St \\· 1 c I has ol L ~ g10~ .}• s n1r1os1 thf n10unrain raschmtcs been vacant for a ,ong tfor 11<, e ie acp e BI him He knuws !he mo11n - while." he said. his Wlfl/S urging ) s a quick_ tuln ~·ell : he u.s~d LO do a He said he P.XilCCled the Jump n an art caree, 101 of climbing. g_allery 1rustees would de- cide soon when Mr. Melll,h For abstract would lnke up his anpolnl,– " Ccl'lulnl~• I 'm u frlldlt.iO– nallsl," lie , nld "but Lhal does not lllf'ftn I'm ngalnst abslrac: t.-;, rn.r from ll . Thr I \\'Q schonl.!l f\l'C both pi Ill(~ tn Lhl" !-:\ IIIP gnrclr n t I '.-. jusl lhr ~:t mr a~ with mu– sh-. " Till' lram tlu11n l1, 1 ,r,,... ment. Mr. Wtc1111,c, \\'llOSC OWi' RJ)l)OiJllml'nt /ru,t Yen1 \\'IU: mnrlc condltio11el · on hli– beln~ nble lo sell his ~lore. ton Gnl/cr1t•~. wnuJc., mnk,, no COllllllf"lll 0 11 whet hc1 th, h11~i1r:-~ linrl b1•r11 ~olci ll 11\\ fH1 lr'" undrr!-.tnnd !h a t II ha:- 11n t , Rrprr>sCll laLJ\'CS of Bl'!Sa b1u 1c Rrt cicrlr.i;, Including ment.s. The nbstrn ct a rust Ihe Courier-Mall nn critic does 1hr .'i:,1111 .. h111 usr ~ •Dr Gertrude Langen cerrbrtt l rlf'111cn1s But Un!ll .John Darnell F'lne ArtS seek to cxprcs:i: l11c splril Corn111i11ee rhnlrnmn 1Pro- 011 cn1. ;•u.. · rcssor C F. Prcslc.r > n11d M1·. MC'lhsh SRICl LhRI J ohnslnne Gnlle1·lrs dlr– oftcn whrn Judging art cctor 1~lr 8. Jnhnstonr , C01111£'1Jt 1on."i llC fOllllrl ilb· snld Ins: Ili)l'hl lhr v coulci slract."i morr wort h~ of not comment on Mr Mcl– p r I zP s t ~rnn lrndlt.lonnl li~h's appointment us thcv sc·hnol r 1nr1r ~. were nnt sut!lcienll\1 :~~;i1el/1~~~! 111\~d v'~~~~rja':,1~~ He :m id thnt one trr.nct ln f'nmtllar with t1ls rnrccr. t!1e nbst1·nr1 fJrlcl \\'Rs th at ·omr. pRillll'J'~ trlr d so hnrd lo pnmt 111.... 1 tor I hr "ln" J group :1mo11~ · IJ!"lr nssnri– Rlf'!- thnt !hr lr \\'Ork w:1.s 111 rrr1.,· 11nr xpli1111n blc• I Jf r " ll l d Q1~ n:-/~1_0 Bris~ne _Q. / .,,. ART SHOW REAUDt,;SERT. - Sis pnln tlnps r r o rn I he Qtll'{'llslnnd An On llr rv l lnclutllffl! wnrkl; b1• ·w ;I. ltAm Dnri;;lc nncl i\1nn:rnrcl Ollr, . tu·r In n show week dboln;- oprnerl )'Csl crdaJ n B nudrsrrt Shire Coun, I CII Chnmbrrs. Local 11•ln1lngs •nr poLlrry also nre displayed