Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

RICHLY COLOURED tapestry being sketched at the Queenslanti ' Art Gallery yesterday by commercial art student Elizabeth Gowdle, of Kenmore, for study purposes. It measures 87 Inches by 158 lnc,11es_ and ls worth about $10,000. It Is included In the collection of tub- . usson tapestries on show at the .~llery. The l(allery director (Mr. James Wieneke! ;~! ,t~~- e ~·r.. !rour- 0 ~:~ months' "'ork for four weavers. It ls called "co!l– morama'' and was de– slrned hy Mathieu Mate• l(Ol, . Aubu•son lo..,nspeople, t:r:. 1:, t~~ ... ::.'J.~Y F~~.!:,: have been tapestry we3\'• ers ror 500 ~·ears. Aubusson ton, It •eems. rides on the •hecp's hack - all their tapestries arc uro, 1 en from Au!ltrallan wool. The rort.y tapestrlrs In the exhibition, which ~:c~W~a;~tC:f:!~1sf:~!: for hril!lant abstract palnti:,gs. Three Auslrall11n art– ists, ,J()hn Coburn, Carl Plate and Rollin Srhllct desl~ned snmr nf the la– ncstrlr• on show. The~· were the wlnnrrs or :1 ~nfnr~· ()OfflJ1ctltlnn run ~~,:~~,.S\~i~. h~• Auhn~son Thr Brisbane rxhlhl– t I on. which Anhusson rr.orescntath•e. 1\1. t.uclcn nr:n•, ~11hl was the hrsf– ,Usnlnw•tl of the fh-c hrltt In Stntc irallerfu. wlll end nn Ortoher rn. Burnie, Tas. is ~ur, 196P 1 · ART PRIZE IS ! WORTH $1000 HOtJAll'r - TI1e }!)Off H. C n k 1mnl.s Mcmorlul I'rlze or !!000 li;i rn be nwnrdcll tor a p,.1J 11t1ni.: nf llJIV s 11blec t lll I\IW mt1tl11m, IJ!t· the tn1:,tcc.s ot the Queensland Art OnJlen·. ·1110 tllT<'CIOr of t he T M OH\.U ~ IAll Mu11c11m nnd Art Onllen 1or. W. Bndcn) liR1d VC!lerda.y art.1£L'J might liUbm lt U'P to Uneo poln tln~s. Entries nnu.1t be the orhdnaJ work or the comoetltor ond must lln,·c been ualntcd dur• lnq thr two .vertrs prl'ctdlng Ortober 28 or this }·enr. · Arts, crafts..·.. ···· ..· on display Ladr Moyar • H I Mn. Clon, Janet I officially opened the D"ign in Scandinavia collectlo,, ol orll and crolh it, the Oueen • lond A,t Gallery 1011 night, The collccllon wlll be 0 11 view . to the 1mbllc until June O. The exhibition features a range of' glns~wnre. Jewellery, 1>0ttcry. and furniture. All the pieces reaturcrl combine functionalism and elegance In shnpc and structure One of I he most. lntcr- ~,i~nfo,~ef~'1W;! i\~I ~:?iuri.x- Tapestrlcs plR.V I\ large part In the display. "MIICUIY• UG 1968 Art award worth $1,000 ........ , ... The 1968 H. 0 . Richard• rnemorlal prize of 11,000 Is I to be """~rded for a paint• lnr on any •ubJecl In any medium by the tru•tee• or lho Queensland Art Gai– lrry. De•~lls of the competl• lion were announced by the director or the Ta&• manlan Museum and Art. Gallery mr. W. Bryden) yesterday. Artist& may submit "fr to ~l(i~f ~l~!1~1!~~1i~~afnw~~: or the competitor and mm,t have been executed during Ille two years preceding October 28, this year. Th• trustee• will h1 \'e the first option of bu.vlnc any r::n:~~' p~Y~e"'!!:~~i~;• 1 ::: lry, Th• Jud~e or thl• year's H. c. Richards prize Prof. Bernam Smith. Further details may be obtained from the Tasman• Ian Museum and Art Oal• lery, or from the director, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane. w ('I I\ , '·' ., t, I J I lri11Nne, Q . Gallery . show of child art Th • 1howin1 of prise wlnntr1 • ncl 1alactelll Hlriet in Th • Sundoy M • II Children' • Art Co111,etltl..., will open In the n,oln 9all • ry of th • Ou •• n • l • nd Art Goll • ry et 10 o.m, to111orrow. The palntlrlijS nrc the - •o r k or prcdomlnnntly Queensland at'Usts undct' 17. ~tore I han lA00 r111.nc ~ ". c 1' c rccclvrrl including nrnny from \111rrst11lr nnct o,·rr~('llS. The palnt11tgs ,,·111 he 0 11 tllsplRY for n forl nh:ht. nL 1hr iji\llcry anrt, n.fLcrwnrds. wi II R:0 011 11n exicnsh·c Lour or rounLr~' cilirs nnrt lown:,:., Gnllcry hour.<; lOlllOlTOW 11re JO a.m. to 5 p.111. n.nrt on Sundny, 2 p.m. to 5 .m. Toowoomba, Qld. J 3 SEP 1q~e Tapestry exhibition A collection of 40 tapes- tries from t.hc wcn\'crs of the world·fnmous town or Aubusson, In France, Is now on cxhiblUon nt tho Queensland Art Gallery and will remain there until Oc– tober 6. The tapcstrl~s are being shown In the mnJor Art Onllerles or the Common• wenlth nnd provide n unique opportunity or en– joying the exquisite colour nnd snpcrh co11trmpornry design. skllh11ly nnd nt'tisti – catlv wo,·r11 into the 1u1cic11L rrnft of the tnpcstry maker.