Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

" tir I l f _, '-, I fl, ' - ' . l I l I, I I I ' • [ .• I r: , I . • r,:, / • l1 ' •, • ~- I • :· t l'•' l, 1 n '- "·' RODIN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES • ,, f" ,_ U[ r r-; ,I l\i'-1D /• R f C.AI l I f.~ VI r- · .[ ',[' /,~ 11 ,t, e,r ( ,L·lr. i ,c./ ' 1 .. , ARTISTRY of Rodin, lhe Parisian sculptor, cr1ated this bronsc, "The Calh• cdral," which was admired ycstcrdoy by Mrs. Jay Unger, 21, of Camden, New South Wales, when she viewed the collection of masterpieces by Rodin and his contemporaries at the Queensland Art Gal– lery. The collectian will be opc-n to public viewing _ t~ay, ' jl r"' AN exhiblLlon o! nineteenth - century French 1<:ulpture entitled Rodin and his con– ~porarl.. will be on view 111 t.he Queensland Art Oaller.v from Octobel' 5 until No\'omber 5. The world-touring ex- hibition, haa attracL<'d hu11e erowca In Perth. Adelaide. Launceston, Hobarl . l.n Oeelong, Hamil– ton and Melbourne In ~=t.iean~dl'l,y~~~rra. The Oovemor, Sir Alan Manatleld, will oltlclally open the exhlbltJon &t. 8 p.m. on Oc~11. Bf FREDER IC ROGERS Following the unprec • d– ented response to the opening ot the Rodin and Contemporaries tculptur1 exhibition a• the Queen,– land Art Gallery i Gregory Terrace , Brisbane art• lovers hove continued ta throng the Bysantine precincts. T hPV hB \'(' ctonr 11 lo sm·h effect. 1 lisn. b\' Rrrnn~e– m <'nl. w 1lh t.llP ORllery ::111t.h onue:-,. dbplnv or 1 n~ sho,, will be cxtenden b y a wt•ck. The e xhih1tion will closr 1 n ow ln t.lle fln;l wrek or 1 Nn, ('nt hrr. a. ft rr wh ich It will he Irnnsferred 1,, Nf'w Zf'u innd. I Prtn 1.~ o f vcrv h ii:11 1c1..·hnl- l c-al rptnlllv ;1rr on show ~~11,~!-t~~m F~~ rlf l\e 8 . 1i1\~~I~ I ;:~:~,I. ',\!,\~'~·.~· 1:i111~·1~1tra I 1 M1 11'11 nr \ Tr. R:wkrn '!– work h ·l:-- a t!eo111etrk 11\ ~~~1~ ~~;~~,.~ nrx~,;;~o~!~~\1;. 1 ron ,rn .. 11 11,to :--nmr• I l1 11H.:. nnpro11dllflll m a lll H'l:0-111. J 11 , hr ft,.,, .. ,,om r 111 1011111" I l)iN'f'S. i l\f~ n_rl1st hns mnrlr :-1 1110\'ln~ 11:-.r ()f l1c ll t t h :n trnnsforn1, 1hc m ~ t orrli1111rv s11h.1e,·t inl n 1-1 rea l thin~ nt hcn11 t ,·. ! Valuable art show :is here . . . Tilt: most ,•11luable colltcllon of i;cul1•· lure ~wr hroui;ht to Auslrttlh, will 01.en to · 1111blic ,•lewlni; at tht qu..,m1sl11nd Art Gal• lery rnmorrow, II I• th• Peter Stuyve• sant Trust collccUon of some o! Ihe best works of rench sculptor Auguste odln ar,'1 his contempor• ar1es. Insured lor $340.000. the ~~o~r IC~!~~!~~ ~ocl'/~C~'h~ lght <;{ his original draw– ings, Oentre-prtce of the dis• 1l•y Is his famous work 'The KIM," valued at al• most S20,000. 5-Year tour Stuyvesont Trust Austra– lia executive director I Mr. P11eHc~1,~~flo~a~~r~·:~rg~~ been shown In all capital gn~r,~e~olPecri~t;;r h~;•~ist ~12.000 to transport and mount exhibitions In each of the StRtes. Alter it,; Brisbane ~how– Ing It will be taken to New ZealRnd, Malaysia, C•nada and EUropc. It will finish lls !lve-venr world tour In the smah Pretorlan town ol Stollenbosch. Here the "·orld head of the Peter Stuy,-.snnt Trust !Dr. Anton Rupertl haa his own gallery. Aust.works Hawkes said tti~– Stuyvesnnt Trust waa pl• nnlng a collectlon ot ;;:;: ta.by. y~ung Australf&Jl TJ1ls would be launollad posslblft In 1969, wheq fg t~•~~"n/~~s.roaJ~~erfo ':.~t ~~~i~ Jo~tinl~f~~~! or co~~r1~n ~{Rift 1 ~· tat~ on an extensive ,tour , or. Australian art gallerle11. . Then It would be t!Jken overse•s ror a rtve-:,eai· world tour. • ' ROD IN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES This superb cxh1b1t1 n of sculpture end drawings by coiirtcsy of tho Stli~ ,r 1nt Tn,st will be open on FRIDAY NIGHT. 3rd Nov. until 9.31,.ill.