Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

·Return to old school DIRECTOR al the Qu~cuuland Art Gallery I M·,. - Jeffie, Wi1fteke I ond his wit• and d • u1hter Catharin• will 1M omon1 th• • l1iton to Wollum~III• neat wHk• tnd to, tha Wollum~lll • State School' 1 75th • n– nlver11ry celebrations on 5 ~~-• d ~ ieneke, who I• a 1 pMt pupil or I h~ school. I 11·111 Jud~e Lhe fence palnt- 111~ cont.esL on SaLurday Rf· tcrnoon. Thrre will hr. ft. proc.f'~ ,1011 or noaLs, \'lntage ca r. anrl CRl'lS. clonkr y!i- And hox~c~,:~h\hil~~~;·n,~~~fi· be a Ji lit'RIR bnll. w11h mnny nr thr 1~11r~1,.o; In pC'riod ro!-tumP \ The hcnct1rar.her !Mr. . I. .I. llnlrll!fr l RIH1 1\lrs. R•I • rll !fr will 1,!1\'r a pre -ha II •,·,n rry thP1r noortl11 awn. r I •t .. , 'TRUTH" - \. 12. OCT1968 3 New shows at Art Gallery rxh1b1! 1ons Are :=::n rtorl mA. \.:~. Ornwlnsz. nnrt 1l l1n1 n1zrnph~: orlnt pm.e exh ibit.Ion t9~R : Rnc1 R !-r lrcl 10n or pAllllhlllS f;~1~nn th e~ ~~!~:h~"itna~ 1 h Rllri Awilrnlhm. Brisbane, Old. "Biggest'' art show city • 1n RY FJ;. l DER IC ROC,cR5 Margaret Ollcy, I would have 1oid, needs no Introduction to Queensland art lonn; her curre nt eahil,ition •• the Joh"stonc Gallery 16 Cintr • Road, laweft Hills I seems to HY otherwise, Hr rr ll'i fll1P nr 1,lle f''i; l);tf1 •l\'r .-.hnw~ Rn.;;hanr It:\., """ n lnr a lnn ~ rime - 124 p1,.rr,;; Lim I take.r,; her ri111 nf t hr f1rlrt~ of m a.-,1c1 ,. nf trst 11rr . rlr~ant recli11~ Jnr nn111rnl rolnur Rnddecp apprrc1at 10n nf rtera11 Lhat " '' knn"· ~n \\ I'll From II ~hr emr.rgrs a,. a humnnisL o! 1he lirst ll'&Ler ~1ri~·~ 1 i"ft,c ~~irn1i~:u~1~: hn.s a1 her command and ,,·Rrminc r h" whole wllh a crn 11 ine 1111r1er~tand lni:t of hrr thrmr - New Oufnca. r; ,•pn Ihe lit I le skeLches from hrr nntc-book Rre i:cm.1oo of pure nrt,istry. wl11Jr l am IJl'P.parcrt to ri~/:~~'t IP n ._ ':~-~bn b·;!?kig: rtnrKt plrre or \\'OJ"k 'vrt to comr rrorn h Pr. · Thr11 1,hrrr :t rr ennvnse.c;; like I he chnrmln~ "Flute Plnycrs" and "Gu11,11rlsL" 1hat bren lhc sympnthy : 1hr I he d~ll~hllul Rlld ,.•• '-ll'nmcd ''K ref'r M ark rt" 01 Ihe rc,·rr.-.ton t.o nnc nr her rn rh· lovr... in the rlowcr stud)' " HcllconlA." Reputation This I• a sho1" that ca nnot ran fo enhance tht rn,·lahl~· hlah reput– ~~:ld:.~"•• Olle.,· a lread)' Al. I hr t·rAn& Beak Gow Ga llerh•• 1 Kennl~o Strec, Vailpy, • cnlour!ul mixed showin~ h1ghlighLs some or our more sLimula,tmg loca l artists that 106e noLhln~ by comparison wiLh Lile work of "outside" art. II A Crucl!lx by NC\\' Zealand sculpLor and paln- 1er Mldcl lediLch does not e\'Oke some tense discus– . ion . I will • • surprised as I would be II iL "·ere not, hailed as n I rue work nl Colour And artistic lma~– \nntlon nrr. a~al n I he l"ea• tul'e.'- nr n cWmla.v by Paul. tne Cnmernn at the Don Mclnnr.l' Galler~· t Ro\'J.•e'5 Arca rle. Adelaide St reel' . Ml"' Camrrnn Is nnl nlra lrl tn t,xpr,._, hers,11 ,·lgnrnu!iil~'t h a~ a warm f•ellni:- for lh• human rl,:ure 1111d ncca.!lllonalh' tend~ lou-ard!I cubllm. The nnra ll rffccl I• •••thetlcally e"hllaral• Ing. Special nole : From to– I morrow. there will be on ~~~rJ:'J' ~\tafi:~~··~11."u:1~ winnrrs ~mcc its inception or 1.hr Da ,·Id Jones' An• nunl An Comr,ctillon. l\. ncln ted with them 11·111 be • selecLinn of pa 1111. lll~s by Quern~lnnd artist..'– over sc\lcrn l drcn dcs. mRde R\'AIIA hie h,\' I he Direclor ol Ihr Q~isln nn Arl t\~e ,. , . , amr.s Tl1• e, hlbll 1011 !ll;;,.'~ t • ~l' 1 ii'i! land.