Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Bri,bane, 0 i .... ,J&Ck of all trades' will ltollon origin chongrd thn toe~ of Ruuell l,.• whN1 aui\tant Quuru.• laf\!I A,t Gallery director I Mr - Raoul -elli,h I t,ied it on him during the visit o• Aspley $tot• Schnol pupils to the gollrry ye,terdoy: Fellow pupils had a m1u:d re~ action to the ,haflge "COURIER MAIL" Brisban•, Q . '2.1 OCT Save eity {)I ' EE !'\SI.A:\ ll'S fir,-t lli rri· lor of l'ul– \.(_ tural \ rl 11 ii i,•i-. !\lr. .\ . ,I . ( 'n •rch·, 11 " ,iarl,, 11f a ll I r;,ch•..·· in lhe arl s, inl pn,l s In hen "sJHlfl&.!t 1 ... t-'11r al h'u.~ 1 11 r.~u 1110nth,'llii, hr \\Ill rnJ...r In nil achkf' offr rrri nn thP ta lr of ,·11t111rP 111 Qurrrn;Janrt. \l r, Crerrty, :'ll . AITl\'Nf Ill B r 1 JIii h " 11 r from .En~IAnd aid our artists yt. .,trrrio~· w11 h hi~ wife Alld ,J1111itnt1un,"i, hP. R • lned ex- 111'0 of thrlr thre• r hllti rr11. t>t>rlen<·e in art, drama and He ,nld he had hcard l""" 'c and had bern a pro- 0t>lnlon.s 011 Qnrrnsland's d uccr. singer. JlbrenlsL{ RC• r11lt11rr Rlrrarl,· h111 harl lg• tor, drnmRttsl and cril c. 11Dred 1hr m. Hr hoprd hr Mr. Crord1• admitted he ~nme with no prrconcc1rcd ··1·llop\wd R1icl ,:hangtd" 1clr_ns. -, 11,ti, rn t hl' hnd alwnys Hut hr would llkf' to ,rr ci 1111 r \\ hat l!C' trnd wnntrd Q 11Prn. 1Knr1 hr c·0111r tl~P 1n do n nd 11\1,;; w~: the WflY fnrr mo~, Rlntr in A11'-l rnl1n 111 ~•·•1 ,•xp1•n ,•:11·r fo r r-11 11llfP tl f' \\'1-l.", 11111 HII :HI 1:-,L a.~ R ST ART MADE ""'"'"r 111,1 • tt.1·nnr with ~l r . ('n•rrh :. 11 h f' )w - ;~t ·~:~~/' 1 ~ 1 " 1 1 } 1 ~,.:.~lh~''": IH'>\ f'd A llf'fl't'llrin\l'\ .'" ~ 1 I f'W"lll('I' n r fl :oi(·lllptor. But h~ hA~f, h,r n m~rff', piu I ll 11 • 1111µh t be n , culptor ,u, an IR 1 h in ll1UNlr. Biit ht attmlnlstrR1 or He favoured 11 ·011lct wnnl to sre for no pArilcular ·•ectlon of lhe htn,1•elf. Rrl ~,,·err t:0llltllllllit\' had 113 Mr Crcedy t•k•• up h lA arll, Js. He would lry to p~st 'tmmrdlotely srrk rhrm 0111 10 g1\'e them · ' w ha I e ,. t r financial •nd 'f'he F:du,·at lon Mlnl•lcr p s l' c ho I o R I c R I hrlp he <Mr. Fletcher) has an– co,ilcl nnunerct thot • rull re\'lew '°'f_' Crccdy ~Rid lw ,yn:-. -~~1rr~~. 1.rr, !~ii~R1b~·~macJ~t.1}~~~ l~k~!~~,. ~~·1i~~- 'ti, ~a~.1;:. tlu~ \lrnr. ~f111,~l~ctfn/1~r~,II lil~rnr~·.ln~ HP i;:Alnrrt I\ mnstrr nf :\ rt!'- rircrrr Anrl Al tr r \Vorlrt \VRr 11 ~r r\'irr Irr • t.urert 111 ~n~lh5h l.1 ttrauirc AL Leeds. DespllP unlversll )' rourse and promote art AFTER on absence of two years in England, it was heort- breoking to find that 10 many old and established trees hod bHn destroyed in Bri1bo ne. I believe that many orP. are destined for destruction to make way. for a road alon g the river, as set out In the Wilbur Smith plan. Surely in subtropical Bn,– bnne, ll should be n punlsh– nble orrence to cuL ctown n11y tree wlthou~ showln~ Just, f'Bui;;e ns to why such an act. ls necessary. E1!~\a1~dry1u1~ 1 a 1 ii~ ~-rt•1,,e~~ 5ydnc)'. remorol or tree11 ,~ rorbldden by l&w. The Courtrr-Mall on Oct• ober 14 publlshrd t,wn tic• ,,dllns ror park 1ucAs cover- 1111: 1he olct morkel site. Would It be p()Mlble after lrncters close to publish a ll tenders In '1eslan form to rnnble BrlsbRne archltert~ rxpcrlrnced In ln ndscoplng lO comment o n t hrm so IhRt we mR\' U\Ke RdVRl11,RRC of tt1c best c1esl~n for our clt~·. Price should ttnt be the ruling fRctor nnrt !i11Ch R st:hcme for the bcRlHlflratlon of n. rapltal ct1 v sl1ould be 1u·eRltr t.hnn the personnl kudo~ nr nn~• 11i.1trldunl corn • pnny which nrnv ha,·e trn – dcrcd. Un forumateh· Brisbone. unlike Melboui'ne nnd Ade– lnidP. hni;; not hnrt 11,e od- ~-n~~~n1~, 0 /h~r\';:!it ·~::u 1 m;~ Top!-:y "It 1u~t growr,,,.1." Bul sure y now I!' the tlm, o plA11 for postrrtty. t wa~ n.ma1.etrl r~ccnt ly when r lsll.1111< the Nntlonnl An Oalleri· to view thr Attb– usson tn.pcs rte.,. to br. In - rormed rha! RII other works or a rt had been stored up– sta irs LO makr room for this exhibit Inn. tmnginr t he work lrl\'nlrrd. not to men- 1.lon the dan~er or possible damoqe 10 prlceles.s works of Hrt. ois~r ~r.te ~":r~:n~;, \;C::J 1 Yf fund., nre not a1•allnble. the cost could be mcLby a special Oolden Cn.,kel run for Lhl• ulflmn le ROAL Le1 1he people or Brisbane 1-tlr from lhelr npathy and work for the b~aut1ftcat lon of thrir c1t~·- Nm, is I IH~ rlmr to net. H ls 11n JZ:OOd hopin~ tl1Rt a frw dedlrnted people 11·111 snl'e t he ~iHY. - r.. lohnson Ma1'– ""Y Street, A!l<'nl.