Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

" COURIER MAIL" : 6 0 19 6 B Brisbane, Q . The facts: The ueensland Art Gal· ery Is a State ur– anlsatlon controlled y a panel of Trust– es - nomlnally 13 ut at present ll - nd a Director who the Tru1teeli. For maintenance of the Gallery, apart from the Director's 1alary and that of the staff, the Gov– ernment allocates SZ4,000 A year, paid In quarterly hand• outs. From what after normal ruu– nln& expenses of pre– parln& catalo" ues, pruvldln& for prizes and promot:n, 1al– lery exhlbll1ons, palntln&s may be bou1ht. DICTATORSHIP IN ART - MeLeA. In the position of rtlstlc Ad visor to ......................,,,....Mi Losing battle against odds THE m11 joril y of art loHrs had lo,;I all lntere11t I~ .4.neen1,lanrl"" .-\ rt (;11llen· and I~ It& 11t~mt1e.", Mr. Rrnmll'~' ( A.l .. r :, Nurm,m) clnimerl in State Parliament 111111 nlrht. They were per Lurb- \ d and concerned at hn t might be going n. hc- said. Thr (inVf'r llnt('Jll A p– arPrt to be bnwinu: 10 lrt ntnr:-.h:p. anci i hr · !.!Ill- \ er.,•':,. pol!rit's 11h\'lo11:-I\' WCl'e bf'lll2 rontrnllrrl h \ Utstctr inl tr,~:1n~ \I (' Brnm lc,\' sa id. · · 'I Pollctes or lhc Gor,•n1- nenL And Ille dirrctor 1Mr . 'e1nl'ktn also were .i.1ar,·: ng Queensland tn:ent bc- f~~•~hc~ ~•ri ~stsof support Mr. Bromley, sJ>Cakln~ on he F.ducaUon Drpartmenl •tlmates. said U1• Go\'ern– nent seemed t.o have made h complete som•r•ault on e matter of the Queens- and Art Gallerv a nd the lnretnn Art 11nlicries. A lu~ic'rnus l>O!illlon Imel ~en I 1'Hd1r d whrrr Ihr tlrrctor R J)J)OI 11 IN I h \' l Ill' ~\'Cl'llOU!l11 !iii Ill Juirl h,~ l\ldl prh·n t c gn l:C'n· nrtrr hC! Oovcrnnw nL hnd .~t.ipu– a ed he must sell this MAl- ~1•/ -~~~l ~ : nl'.'°nths of I The 12 mon Lh• ended 011 .ptember 4 and on Octo– ber 10 the Educa tion Mm. l•l~r I Mr. Flet~h•rt 111\ld the Government had ac– cepted the 1.ru •teea· uMnl– mous rP.commendM,lon thal, Mr. Wclneke be retalnl!d allhou11h the &ale of u;e Moreton Gallertes on re,, – aonable tertM had not been POMlble;I 'Frustrated' Artist., and AC11lp1ors were frustm t.ed . tranklv P~led. and susplclow; al ;r;ri'.ile~a'!,,,,~~lna nn. Mr. Thr p1-csent 1111.llcn• wru; lnAdequ•Le and rund· ral•– ln11 schemes for a new RJ"l Jl'allcry were complPlely laokln11 suppc,rt.. A chan11e ot l'iews of the director and trustees· chairman would ha\"e tn come about. 01.herwli;c local a rll•~~ would lost all lntere•t In :1 rt In Queellfi• ~\'r~ and In the aa ller): It· Mr. Bromley said he had 11othlng against all the II trustees. but It seemed aome or them and perhai>• th e 11" '' • ••l•tant director tMr. R. Mrllish• had not 1.hJ background to decldr "' at type of ort shnuld ~e purc:ha&ed. He did not !-.'!Ink the director , hould "" merely a ri1r11rehrad ReplxJng lo !,he deba 1r Mr. ,,etcher said Mr Bromley had lnterr,rr1.r<' preM crtt.lclAm of h I de· ~•rtment •~ rtpre,•nrlnr !lllblic r,plnlon. He ihoul~ appl)' that crlfMlon not< 11 ' publlr opinion ., 8• ,ar1, rterl "' expressed throuah the preM. the ~!~cir~. 9,·ng nn nped fo DIRECTOR EXPLAINS By FREDERIC ROGERS 11 there declining public interest in the Queensland Art Gallery? In State Parliament lost Monday; Mr. Brom• ley (A.L.P., Morman) 1oid Yes. Yesterday, the Gallery Director, Mr. Jamel Wieneke, said No. And, it public i11terelt 111 the current --T-h-•re_ ln_ u.. Ui• aoure>e backchot 011 the •matter I • 011y i11oicotion, or many or Uie oatl•~•• It would'""' Mr. Wieneke I • ri9ht, tri"~C:---1a'f':u~=:i!~ But, In all the Lalk, both fllllnll them lad• each - $24,GM a year, paid Ill the function of the Gal· year. quarl.erlr 111&1&1JDenla. lery and lta organisation Mr. Wieneke quo!Ald the Another role seem LO be. al best, Im· lnck ol even n single p&tnl· perfectly understood or !nK by the Australian a.r- Mr. Bromley •ee• the a ppreciated by the public list s. T . Gill ,n our Gal- !unction of the Gallery at large .and even by arl· Irr)'. I n an e!lort to remedy somewhat dlllerenUy. lovers and artlsl.s them- u1c omission. he recenlly He ls not an artist nor selves. a1tcndcd an auction pre- an art collector but pro· I asked Mr Wieneke how pored to go to the limit le.SIies a keen Interest I he saw lta · function. It.a or his available $800. art and cultural affair prime purpose he en- II• waa not In tb• generally. and would hav visages a.a a repo&ltory for race. U brourbt $ZOOO, the Gallery provldln and place of conservation courses In art or ar of valuable pr.lnttngs. tlo~u~llytg~t g&~t~ue~i appreciation. And what yaiuable Nolana or Drysdale • at Tbe directer, he claims, t>&lnllnp doe• tbe their ruling prices. ~hould have more l'ree· queen1land O a 11 e r y There Is a responalblllty ,::: 1 ~ !.1-"" palnUn~ ownT Tbe yaJue of nne, on the director to buy only to 1a:. ~ 0:111."!:'::– at leut - tbo reeenllr auch palnUngs aa may be lnr the nr1 1 ht &ype ef ::ir: 008:~:~1=~ _:•L: ~f!~?n °~11l~." 1 ~r ~lavra,:;, an." eonoervatlvely ..umated retain their value. He fore,11eea 110111e Im- at 5250 ooo To Invest in works by an provement. in the position ' • unknown or young artist, 111th the appointment al The Gallery, he believe• except In exceptional cir- the Cultural Director, Mr. should also oe a place cumstances, can be nothing CreedY. \VhO could be call• where the development of lesa than a 11&mble. Yet the ed In conaultatlon by the art may be studied. M It Queensland Gallery la pre- mlllteea and director. Is. there are ••rloua "ga11s" plll'ed to buy them when Chairman of TrUteea. In lta collection and (.he they show (lromlae and lllr Leon Trout. deerlea proopect able. tbe auueatlon that there Ga ll~ry gift Two palnllngs rrom the H. C. Rlchnrds Memortnl ~wnrd co1111,cttllon have uccn ncqtclrcd for the Brls• unnc Art Gallery L'Ollecllon, T he works havc bcE"n given a.s a girt Lo the oat– Ic_ry t,rustcl'.?s from the God• II ey Rivers Trust. T hey arc Expa ndln1 St.r11c1ur~ a work bv Brls• ~nne RrtlSl Nevil Mat.lhews CRto.Jogucd a l $400 and the ! ;"\\"d winner The Coland• Mlcl New ZeaJa,nd artist t 52 ~1 Smith, catalogued Parlt. as gallery, says MLA Q UEENSLAND'S Meffl• bers of Parliament were told yesterday their • · Parliament House wouhl '"nke a fine ert gallery, Mr. r ortPr (Lib.. T00- \\'011~ , nm.de I hr ~uggestlon d II r I n ~ rtetia tr on the Work., nnrl Housing De– pnrunrn t. r ~Umntri;, 1-tr ~nid a nrw P~rllA – mc111, House cnulrt he built prrhnp~ on o ri,•cr ~ltt'. "Tl~\.11, \11, n ,·cry h r111<1somr h111l<llllC. :i nrt II \\"Olllcl br mr,t:I, rffrrtl\"f'l~- 111-ect A<; nn ~ r1 cr1 llr ry \\'11 h n II t hr n n – r 11 1 n r ~ rrrp1\n•mrn1~ of 1:tiallP~ :,nr\ lr rture rnom~... 1 IH' srurt, TJlr nrw PRrllnmcn1 1-t on e;. r . \\'llh ~lr -ronrll- 1101111ur to rn:1hlP mcmhr~ In work morr rffrrtlr rlv tn lh" i-::nmmrr. mlEZ:hl 1:lrnl lhn t. In Pe.rlh. ~·tuch he ro11t..1rlcred the hPSL in Am;• I 1ralln. \\'r~t Ausiralrnn ~t.P ·~ iwr rr cirrn 1he npportunlty lrt rli~rh:in:r thr1r func·• l nnn:- 111 n dl~lllfiPrl anri propPr m~llllf'r . 1 \1 1'. rnrtr r t:n ld lhr> Gr,nn,::r, ~I rrr· ~,.,r, 1('111 in frC'lnl "f r ~rl111mPn! Hnut:r> r n11lrl hP rl0c;;r rt. :rnr1 r :\ rlm• :nr 1 H0usr nncl nlri ciO\'· rrmnrn! J-1011c.,, 1•n11 lrl hr– nprnrrl, tn l h" flt"'ll;'l nlc Grn-1 1 nrnc.. n d 1hr rl\"r l'. Hn\ me P1n llnmr l't 1-1"11'-r nt tt,r hr;1rl nf 11,'e Rnisrnir Gn rrtrni; wnul'1 hr n nnhlP r nnrrr,1 :lnrl \\'Olllrl l 11nproH' thr u:i rrt,, 11,. he 'i:llrl. \l r. J"nr! rr M lrl lhP Gm _ I~~-~~~;,'~! P \~~~=II r~~ng~~ r r~,- n, r n I h 11 1 l ri 1 n t ~ rlown Ocon:r St rrr1. ta a decline In lnterftt ~":.u'.!JT1ef allor, 1111d tta· Further. he 18 prepared n behalf or the t,r11ateee' to listen to anv aerloua inieattona from anybody nal~~~ra af.fectlnR the New bulldlng One thln11: all Gallel'Y critics are agreed on - the necessltv for a. new Gal– lery. The exlstlmr bulldln11: Wlla never des11111e~ aa an Art Gallery; It WU, and ::-i"~~l~Y still 18. a con- I But. with all the ahout• ng and tumult, eome basic !act• remain immutable The director. Mr. Jamea Wieneke, Is an experienced and broadmlnded man In matters or ut. While not a rabid "mod– eml•l'', he ha.a a well– !.0unded appreciation of contemporarle•"· _ of which the Gallery boasts a reaaonably comprehensl\'e collecl.lon and ls an In– formed administrator Let t here be undersiand– lng and patience In all who have the welfare of art at heart · let there be an appropriate Parliament– ary allowance to enable our Queensland Art Oellerv to hold up lta heed among Its opposite number• In other St.Ates. and there should In due coul'8e be nothing to complain of. Artist gives I second display \ V E'\}•KNOWN Quccns– R h 11 d nrllst Marr n rrt.'i, will ha.re .her i,r c· rnd cxhibll ton o( bark pie= .~•~1; olQIand ll'a ter colours M D c . uccn~lanrl Room ' C onnrll anrt E'asl !rom ~tnnrtny. DPcrmbcr·2'. ll';~h,':,_ cxhlhllion, which "" opened nt 1 p m b . n lhr Qtcrc11sla11rt Art Gnlirr~· cpu t~· - Dlrrrtor ,M - Rar,11! ~trll l•h , ~•I ll r. rln11r tl11 n rir f'lm hl).r 7. con- I A ,c.mn ll n11111hrr or pRlnt. l\~~: 1 by n nro1 hy Oo1·don . I Pnrk. Glenmor , nlsc1 ll'111 he Included IIRll, T he exhibition lhe •• ond tn aJor showing C•f Robr.n ·s works will 0 bcnc~tt the P'llirholmpaOrtldly Olrl• ASOAl(:latlon. •