Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Art school suffers iust like Gallery T HANK you Profeuor Bernard Smith for telling Queen•• londers that we are paupers compared with other States in art (C.-M., 13-11-68). Queensland art can- \f,''J~ t!~~hr;: lo •upervlse not be In any other The 1 eau,hers are bored he– pasltlon than "sorry" rRu..,t· 1,.a11.\' molhert.. "1111 bec·eu!\e of Lhe negotl\e RP- 111m11·~ .:.rn d 1he1r 1111lalr•111 ~r1 proach II has beeu accorded daughlers Lo an schoo!, from those ln co11u·ol. 'J 1,c:., rou.sun Lhn1 un, doc:.n t The 00\'el"lllllCl\l ha~ lnt•k- nr•·rl bJ'RII\~ In the same ed flnoncie.l support and hns \\'R' 1 , ~ uc:actr mlc subJeclll. not used the best available These students overcrowd people lo dispense even those 11,e •chool and receivr lh• meagre funds. same Instruction a., lh06e The Art Gallery trustees who are naturally talenud ny consensus ol opinion have artists and who In conae– proved mediocre. q11e11c,.. receive tnt'erlor In• The Art School sutrrrs struct 1011. from 1nsul!lclcn1 anct Jn- At the beghuung ol Lhl• fll ii 1 •al d 1cnch111g year I saw 14 prospective !l~rrc';:/d Y 11 ,~utf\~1ci,t runcts i\'l'runi;: studenLs turnea away d ~ulpmcnl as docs all without even their R.ddressea Rn d. · 1 al taken tor future VIICRncles. Queens and e uraL on. several vacancies occurred which It Is a part. and were left vacant. "A Not one In a thousand of Trier," Eklbln, the public hllli visited the , , Art Gallery lhts year or any • Need for mqu,ry other year. yet such men as ROdln have been dlllpleyed. Surely the Government The artlsl• themsrh·es cannot'lrnore lh• remark• have not challenged their of Proteuor Bernard tack of representation as Lhe Smith (C,-M., l3·11-6Ri practical vlewpol9t In ad- concernl'::f the • tale nf ministration. t~e t~'te ~~~7'-iunent In- II a country Is Illiterate. qulrY Is tong overdue to Iron and we are IIIILerate In arL out ·au the dltferencea and and art appreciation In controveralea which have Queensland. It la the fault nl beset the admlnlatratlon. - early education. John Cooper, lftl Oold Our Art School. the aource Cout Hl1hwa1, -surfer.• of this early education I• Paradlae. second rate and as outmoded u J~: :~.?~~!'fn~'fr~~tor's time Is taken up with cleri– cal admlnl!tratlon. An admlnlatrator should runt.he Art School and leave the Ohle! Art Inatructor free to Instruct and ' to Instruct his asslstanla on how to lrldt.tne, Old. I -entral site" gallery Sir Leon Trout, chairman of the Art Gallery Trustees, today 90.e his reasons why he nominated the old morkch site at Ramo and Turbot Streets for o new art gallery, 11lC Lord Mnror. Ald ~ Or~ l<~rl Lnng·er tlrchl· Clem ,lour s. "-ll~l<-'t·:-.lt·d 111 lt'<'I and srL hislortH.n .said the Brlst~tnr Ct1i· Council 11 ,; lavorled the Roma yesttrday 1h01 n $Late Art Stn>cl area for an art 11 at– Gt\llcry b<J built In the Bot- Irr)' and ~eneral cultural amc Garden~ and that nPw centrt- In preference. 'tb a ~•rd•n• be esLablLslu <! ,ll ~ a r d e n 6 set.tin~, which Mounl Coot-thl\. would be i,iolnted. He alld lhc Cl\1O depu Y II S)ll'lng Hill was COil• leader. Aid. Rudd, said that. sldcred It would hl\ve to be t.he l~mm Strt•,t. site of close to ccmm l Rullway two acres would be loo s,ntton. ••~~- Leon Trout said to- "Th,• b111ldln cnn hove day U1e J:Pllery tn1stf't"S mnnr ~ton 1 ys·: f1c snld... It had conslclncd r nrefully shoulct br easily acccssl_b1c, all other tiUl:J!CSlcd sit<'S. encl 1-i)loulcl bf" a humble lnc-ludlng the n otnnk onr- bnd;J!round for plPccs of drns - wlurh woul be at- arl. nnd not be built ns B h•rted b,· rtw J 1 0 \11! Br icl._,r. 10()lllll11Cnt. ~Hl 1 ~7~ClOl~~;\":far~~ill nn•a , Cfl~;1!/ 1 n!l' 11 ~nln~~ 1 ~ 00 :~ 1 ~ 'flir. rnn111 ~td\'antnCt' of rulp1urc ore shown ade– lhc Roma 81rrcl nrl'a wns flt.lRt<'lY 111 t.wO small courts. It. bcin~ In 1.he cenire of Lhe "The •rt gallery should city, a.s .,,as the co.se with be J>Rrt of a g1meral cu!Lur- tl'R Chlc8'(o Gnllerv. nl cerire. Selected plctu The markr-ts sfte hnd and sculpture could been vlsuallscd under the shown In two large s." ~~~~:e !~~~me as nn nrts • ,\ rl s•N!<ia "A design already h n> t12, been prepared which is nd– mlrnbly sult.rd lo this site," Sir Leon said. neww Art .Galler SITE, EXTRA GRANT TALK W.ITH SIR LEON Brlsblne, Q . THE Actlnc Premier <Mr. Chalk) announced yesterday 2 3 NOV '196S he had Initiated an lnvestlcatlon Into the future of the AR-J-·GALLERY I GARDENS A ·'SHOCK' Queensland Art Gallery. Mr. Chalk said this related to the Government'• annual grant of $24,000 a year and a possible site for a new aller • AN A.L.P,' member In State Parllo.111ent ye • terday • aid he wat 1hocked that any– one 1hould have suggested the Quee111la11d Art Gallery thould be located in the Botanic Gardens. The µropo ,al w;i s It la<lgc., , ,;;pliecl LltaL Pl'Cll· 1 ad e by J:lrlsba ue's arotlon or a rri:lster ol .LP. I :ord Maynr 1 ~g~~,;~ 1 \""~u11r1f;•~~d ~~1; Aldrrmnn Jones ) lrlM.•lflcallon. nnrf policy •arly this week. 011 thrlr treatment should ~1 r . Hro1111ti,:v <A.l..P.. ~~nii~111~·cn el\rly con~ld- v0~~~~:11 'o;:;:~io,~!~ilt Oll<'~~r1 ~11', Jfodi;cs'snlf'I the fCK- llRICS, ~mid I hr On.llcrv n11rl 1,i;trr SllRgf',lliitert sho111,1 be of ts lrrrpln,·rnhlr r('lritrnt., rwo 1y11r~ of hullcllnss - wr.n• llOl IIISlll'"d . 10 11 e 1; 11 I l A. h If' for prc– "1)011·1 I<'! 111= \\n it fnr n ~"IT Rlln11. thr nthcr nnt, b111 f1rr," hr .,mifl. "Thr \\'orks \\' n r I h .\' of PN'mRtH:·n1 :, 11 ,1 f:d1wn 11nn 11Ppf'rl - rrr·nrd. 11 .~ho11lrl be J)t'C• mrn l.1; ,1;ho11lrl hnllrl 8 new m,r,.rl w11Ji ;-t dew to tnck- Art r.nllr ry. 11111: the prnhlrm. House Idea · 1";;).~...... '\'/,rl,!'e~,.ese~~~:tl~~ · 11111 11 shr111ld nm be tn ln f h I~ tor Ira I b11tlcltng~ 1hr 1.?nrrl,..ns. which nrc ,hould he rtor:e by n com– h,..A.111 1r111 nnrt ~houlfi he left nrtrnt rnrnm1t1r~. Olhrr– R.1; ,1r,.r RrP. · wbr. hr ~n.lrl . \'nnous or- Mr. nrnmlM' 1-nut tJwrP '- A.ni~ P.tlom; woulr1 want wn~ ,.1:omr mrrlt In 1he !IUFt- 1 ·e-,·crrthln5r prcser\·ed."' gc,s!1011 or ~ti·. Portr r J.1 b.. ~- - - - Toown111,1 t lhAI PnrliAll1C'11l J Jlnw,,. ,110ulrt hrrnmr t h~ Galler)'. l L \\l\.11 I\ h11lhti11g of hrl\,II \' nn<I ),.!OOd 1.\'J")('. wt t,h suff1c•lr111l r lnr~l' roo111s. hnt thr s\1c wo111'1 NOL he 1 hlrnl. 11. ~hnuld lw mrn·e ln l thr> <'r111r1• or the ,,1 1,· ;\tr. nromlr, 1 n.1~0 · 11rgwl lhc prrsrrl'ft1fo11 or hulh1 - m~s or nrl'hlteru11·nl b nu– ti· n11rl hlstorlcnl lnt.ereat. Th~ Work~ Mlnl~ter !Mr.