Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

r,- 11 1-1 '111 7 AHT HfVllW by D, Gt,,-lrlJde Lan,:t.:r RODIN'S greatness revealed RODIN and his con– temporariea 11re on show 11t the Qneene• lnnd Art GRllery. Rodin'• areatne.~, 1• lull \' l'f\ealed, not onl v when conslderlna him wllhrn the rontexL ot hls own 11me un,; I-he lonR precedlne ucrlod when 1he ort of sc11lu1ure h•d dtcllned. fallen prev to coid academic rule., &K&lllAI which h• rc– a,.red •o stronRI)•, bu1 Riso w!lhln the context of rhe 11 uole history or sculot ur• lncludtne our O\\'n time. T\\·enty • al& Rodin bron1e1 In the r,ter Stu.vvl'Aanl collccllnn In• elude moalb' muterpltces. The word ADnlles rather more lhnn less Lo •mall works onlv A fe'l\, Inch!« llieh such RS the sculptures of dancers for each of which I would eive "Th• K1s.ir·• e,·en in Jt.s bronze l'erslon here. which IA superior to the IAree m11rble 1·erslon. Keappraisal . These srnnll sculpture•. m•ny or \\'hlch became known oulte a "'hlle alter the ruasler·• death, h11ve contributed much to t,he recen1 reaouralsal or him. The ccllpse or hi• lame • lter It had reached a world- wide climax, esnecl– nllr lmmedlatel.v alter hi• deuLh In 1917, had been due to the revolution reaardlna ldr.ns about art. But now even the most coritemoor·ar.v - minded people can see that Rodin'• achlevemcn1. Is not dllnln• ~'~r.f ~~f lt~~:.v, {;,"~~g{ l~: Rreat that arc ·'el'en." II. Is rather the dull routine "krtlsls",. and certalnlv not diminished but rather ln– creas,•d br his no~•er to fuu In his best works the mut– llplc meets ol his alert. orr,etr•tlng, •nd passionate obscrratlon of the human body, and - Importantly - thr human bodv not In frozen studio poses bul In movement with the purell' arll•llc rcqulremnnrs of sculoture. that ls. tho 1>lns1.1c l'Rlues. or In other ~·ords. nn lnrrlnslc expressive beautv of forms. Power ... • Tako as an examplP. "Mlglll.V Hand.' where the leetrn2 1s lnsrantly tran, – mltted to the beholder throu~h lhe. uower of the plastic form el'en before one can think "hand." Thi•, •nd the m • ,nlfl. cent truncated rt1ures so complett' .,. works or art, re,,.. 1 Rodin partlr.ularh· nnt onl~• •• a profound humanl•I l\nd poetic •cnlptor, hut primarily•• • creator of • dmlr • hl• pla•llo form•. Rodin's llrnwlnA;s, ,;,.•hlch nre almost co11n1lcss, \\'OUld st•lllce to rank him amonR lh!' RTC 'ele.st dl'Rll'thlllimen or nil times. 11,e bronze., t,y R.odll,) olcler. l111medln1c. nna lOUIH?er conlemoorn rip. in– clude well-known ma.-.1n- ~1!,~6lr. b\" ~n~;,'~lrz.Da111~11~d Picnsso, while IhP rnl her tun11l.\' Carnea ux and Oemito·~ bllSL of Verrll s"rve 111 emphasis, the s11orrlorlt1· nl Rodin. "COURIER ,G •t O ' I Prarse'' 'fo( Galiery I 'f1:E Rodin Exhibi– tion of sculpture Al the Queenslnn(j J\.r t Oallcry ls Obl'IOUSI)• beln~ mticl'i apprcclnled b,· tho i:encrnl public. · Not ln year. ha.. there brrn such nn cnt husinsttc Ct'Oll'rt mllllni: throu~h 11, doors. But thanks Is nlso due to Mr. Wlcnrke's nrl 1111 showing or other works, proving our Jro.Tlerv doc,,,; hn\'c ~omc ,,crv f'Xc-r }J(!nL ~~ 11 '~~~~Fc~. •g9 c~!~\>~~..u~;\!::/ ,.__,.,,,:;.l''1lil· i:.!''"r"-'"·---- H[ COU':'ER -~L MONDAY NOV. 6 Record finale for sculpture 51•:\'I•: \' h11111ln•d peo11le-a S11n1lay rernrtl fur I he· (!111•1•11shnd .\rl (:allen--flo<·ked lu 't't' lhe nhihi1iun or Rodin. srul111ure ~·•~:-i ll·nlay. I t \\ ...,, rhe lhr I: 1cl111 \\ lilch up, 11ed II Yc:,tf' tdn \· lht> tmllrn · rllrrclur • \ 1r J,1/lll':,, W1e·. 1 riek!' 1 sn1d 111,, 1>ubltc re-1 1 · pOn:,p ·o lht' f>Xitibitio11 hurl hf'f'n ' 111<\',l ff'\\lU'cl · IIIL! a 11<1 lh P 111tr1r:,t l\hOwn l \\ 11s n •1illv trnt titylnc: " l 's11a!ly only abotlL 701 Jl!'Oph• , l.sa the gn llcry on I S1111da.1·s. 1'ht· f''= lllhll io11 \\ As 1.0 t~~~\ 'i)'I~ 111:~1l~~:1~,t 1 ;{~~•lh~I l.!rt:'n t li1RL tne lmtt: ,,u., cXlt..'11<1t•cl I ~!.~t ,~.~.~!?" 1 atc1 / 1 Wr-clnc:,d:I\· lhc ~Allen I " 111 llc 1·1o~Nt 1n the uub!h: ,, hd,. lhr Rodrn e~hlb1- llil1t 1.-. uat kcd !Or l'lh10 - n1t•11L to Nr,, Zra lnnrl Rlid the 11L·:i.1 1·xh1l>1twn ,'-t' l uu 1 I On No\'emtwr H t hi• llf'Xt f'Xhll)II IOII , of the H C R!d idl'cl~ Pni ,• tol 11mu1t1111,.( a11d t.hr L. J 1 I Hnncr Pnzr for rll'R\\lni,:: will l>r ou~nl'd ofhcu1lh· 1 Howrvcr Lhr public "ill he Al>lr LO FiCe l,he entrlt'.\ from Thu1sdn\'. The Qucensfancl An GnJ. Ilf:\ry·., llr:-.t dlrecLor, Mr. I Rober1 Campbell. wl,o ha.s , ,lust_ rrurecf as director of Nnt1onnl Onller\' of 8011th Austrnlin. will Jucl~e bot h / competitions. · 1 The Richards Prize 1.c; ./~~fu~l1e~ 1 :fi\~ 1 : 1 W~~L : -~! of S525 · I The Harr,'.',· prl;,c Is hrlj in Qucrn~lanct nrr" 1\\'O ~·cnrs, With a l1r~t pnzc of I$80. ts at Gallery P~~~~f rt.~:"r.:11~'!. '°w1fh Ihe enormous activity • na Ihe hl~h 1landard at' pr<•· rnt In Au1tr • lla• In the field• of printmakln( have " ,:olden opportunity· • I the Queensland Art G • I• lery. It Is staging the first ex– hibition of the recently ••· t.nbllshcd Print Counctt of AustrRIIR.. coinciding with the Rodin Exhibition. It eovera etching, enirrav- Blincl ·Rodin ' . saw art MAN\' llris hane ar1 lol'ers ha,·e l.Je~n _en– tran,•ed hv 1he Hutlin S1·ul11t ure Exh1Ji1. tiun al Hu• <fueenslantl :\rt Gallt•1·y. Uul nunr morr •u than 1 11 ..-ues fuul bt',.n snlll tu :!5 bliud ,·l~lldrr.n "·ho ar1 ,·lt•" rrs and a.dual ,·h,ited U1r (,allt•ry, . attcndant·es would h, In • lru,•r lt 1 1 he ~rrath• Jn t!Xcesa of thl• ('uurlu-llail. (i1.1llrrv number dirtrtor I Mr:/anuis Wri- Thr itud!u r~hlbUlon, 1wkr1 ~aid : I hl1 morn• 1 , n O • 1 In• the Stuy- lur I ,, 11~ ahlt: to obs1•rre ~-r.;a,~t r\'·rusi ,,,,en;d on the a:rrat tc1,· or the hllnd O ·tobe 11 • rhildrt'n a,,; lhelr Utth~. ~\lr {,·ci.:.ea..e ,mid ,·ew .. hut so srn!rilth·r, flna..-r1i trr la· t hut~ · he hOped 11tard1t'd 1hr form and the' ~'mtttnlfkrnt re11 .. lt1ture or th.e hrorn.c hire'' hy the 'l'ru 11 t \\'ould IIKur•~. "llh .. cited In- ln•i•lr• Quecn•land rom– t•r••I. . . pan1l!ti and Individual, lo )lr. l\olne~• ••Id l,;rl- -unlierlake • lmllar pub• l~~~n=t~r: 0 ~~~ ~r.e ":.°.:\~ Uc projects. turu 10 enable lh• rhlld• . ren, a«ed bdwten 5 a.nd H ,·earo, lo reach an~ touch lhthl, . 1UOHE 'l'UIE The Qucen,land Ao Gallerv wllr remain ope.o 1111 9.~0 p.m. this t'rid@Y tu allow mure art loveh to Ace the "Rodin and 111,1 cuntr.muurartee" s1·11lpt11rr n:hlbltlon. ·, • Snrnrnl dolllinr time bn "rtk-da.,·-c t• 5 1>:tn. The exhlhlliun "'Ill rlo.., al 5 p,m. on Sun• d11~·. Mr. \\'rlnrk, l!'nld .,,,_ .. ,.~~h:1~:h:1~h11:" de~1:~~d had prom11led lh• Gal– lrrv I~ to ronllnue the ~In uhlhlllon l'.!~erll.:,'~• u1r'd~~~e:·h29. nt;coHn Ho 1 • ld record num– ben o[. vlsUors, odull,r, t'::•~,t:.~:::ii t::ld~~ hlblllon. · Two Blind 'sa-w· Rodin art MANY llrishattl' nrl lovers ha,•e been e'!• tran,•cd h\' the Rodin Sculpture Exhibi– tion nl the (}ueeni;land Art Gallery. But none mnrr ~II lhnn r•oiuHhad bPen sold to :!5 blind children who art ,·le\\',rt1 a.nrt actual ,•l•ll•d 1hr Gallrr.v . , allrndanr.o• wmrld he In a letter lo . I he trrnlf,, In exce11s or this ( 'ourlrr .. M11il, (1allrn numher. dlrrrtor l)lr. :l:11nc• \\'cl - Th It di uhlhlllon nekrJ -.aid: ''lhJ" morn• r O " h . 1 ,, • In,: I w.ts 11hlr lo oh~cnc ~.IT.•n"ur~d hy l e ~ u . • 1hr rrrat 111,• or lhc hllnd ,esan1 rru!l. opened on d1lldrt11 a• Iheir . lllllc. '\th•{r!/,iek• s:tld ,...,. hut !r,,O o;;rnsllh'r, lln,:n"' 1rrda 0 , • lhat' he hflrted sca rrhrrl 1hr form and lhr "matnUlcent ~l'!l• texture nr Ihr hrnn1.c ture" 11,, th Trust would fi~urr~. \\Ith r.xclfed In- lnsrilre ·out~nsland rom– lerr.st . . . 11a11I~ and lndlvlduals to .\lr. 11 r.lnrkr ,a Id ( ,:II· undertake slmllRr pub– lrn .;;tatr nut un "undcn lie prolects. ~?a~~~s ,:r:.!!~h:r •:::r. ;.c;!Ut I~~~~·~~~~~~~~ rf'n, aitd hetwrcn 5 and 11 ,·can, to reach and tourh "1hem, ~IOHE ·1urn The (}ueen•land Art Gallen wlh remain 011en 1111 :1.:io p.m. this Friday to .allnn murr art lo, ·r.ri – tn see thr "ltndln ,uul his fontr.1n11or:1rlr."'' sn1h1turr cxhlhili1111. ~formal l'losln« time on "·erk-da,·s I~ 5 ri.m. Thr rxhfhltinn "ill t'lnse at 5 o.m. ,,n Sun• da.,·. :\fr. \\'rtnrkr .;ahl ,\f'!"I· lrrda\ thal an n,·1•r. \\ hr.lmlnr:, puhli,· 11C'mand had prnmplrtl thr c;al • Irr" truslrr!'I to rnnl111111• thr Uorlln r,hihlllon 1•i~r\1~,•~r ,.t 1 A:!;!~~.,.;J1~~ 111-:nmu fie ii,ald rrrnr,t 1111111• tw-~ "l ,·l~llors. :11lullii,, h\:~ilr1~ 1~~ 11 ;;;:11 :·~1~lrl~~•~ hlhltlon. Tno