Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

'"41 cou.,u .MAIL WIDNESDAY 'Jones: Shift Gardens and build Art Gallery THE Lord Mayor (Alderman Jones) 1ugge1ted in the Brisbane City Coun• ell ye1terday that a State Art Gallery be built in the Botanic Garden, ancl new gardens be e1tablished at Mt. Coot-tha. Alderman Jones and the Citizen'• Municipal Organisation deputy leader (Alderman Rudd) opposed propo1ol1 for a gal• lery to be built on the old Roma Street market, site, Both a Id e r Ille 11 ,--T h. - prt,rlll BntRnlc 1· ....,~.... =~""·'"s""·"'•A"""••"'a""'""'- rnn I,. H•rr .,. ros claimed lhnt t hP Roma Gardens were too ,mo ll , • 1 ,rtce ,nr $174 ,450, •mended S treet sl tP or l\\ 1 ,ann new garnrn• ,hou ld be Arth11r . Strphc ns lkr lhr Steph•ns tender '< f'.~1abl1~hrc1 in thP 11orLh· \ •Qld., r 1y. Ltd. br author• IRri r r discus.,iom ~·ith the a cres would be ton east. , ectlo11 nf the M t. 1sed 10 procetr1 \\'tth the co11 nctt,. · small. Coot-Urn rc.,rnr, lw .!in.Id. ..:onstrucuon or th e nrw Ch lk d Alderman Jones rnls,•d IllrL lovers and arch!- Ctty Square aL the same Q Or erS the quesLlon ol slt.e.s for a t.<'Cts have long heM lhal time as const.rucllon or the new ll&llery and new boL- any new nr\ 11allery should car park Itself - lhe cost ,•nqui'ry ante prden.s during II long be erected In t.11e old Roma noL to exceed ,1ao.ooo. ex– deb&te on tenders !or re- StreeL marker., aren. The chtdin~ the cost or a foun- The AcLln~ Premier ,Mr. developmenL of the mar- land 1a Ct'o"·n land, held In lain. The work to be corn- Chnlk • said last nlghL thl\t ket.a area, tru~\ by lhe council for plct.ed before April 30. late la.,t week h• had or- pa1k purposes. e There be two over ordered tnquirlPll Into Lhe Alderman Jones told the under pede•trlan passes oosslble u.,e of part ol the council arl aallerles In oth- "to crOM Ann Street from Roma Street morkets stte er cities had been alloLled King George Square" and ror an ait 11 nllcry lar11e amount,; of land and "across Roma Street" - Mr. Chalk said· he had that. ~he, Melbourne ,Art quot,,s to be sou11hL for round that, Mime years ago Galler> would cover tv.o • the•r. the land had bem made and - a - half acru ol a • Tenders be Invited !or f.l'allable to the council for seven - acre property, the ro~~tructlon oln ,·r- park purpo.e•. Dlffieultl•es hlcular overpass ol Romo " I am continuing mv In- • Strrrt In Turbot StreeL." qulrles and I wtll be liappv "At Roma St.reeL, we , The •~tnhllshment " nd to dlscu"6 with Uie l,oril have onlv two acrrs in all," c o-ordlnatiou commit t~e ~{avor anv proposal under Alderman ,lone• .aid. rcportect to alctermen It was \\'hich pan or the Roma He said I-here were other ~p•li;~b~:r t:;:;k ~h 0 e t~~tl~~~~ Street area could be made ?i1Jflc~~~f:in~nc~~~ln&i'~~: race "'Ork ol King Geor11e aval!!'ble !or an art gal- re11ufarlty of Lhe shape of Square. lery. Mr. Chalk a<ldl!d. the land. The floor area re- There was the need f,O Plan for arts qulred would make such a complete the de,·elopment ,bulldln11 "Incongruous" on or both schemes before MELBOURNE. - The the site. April 30. Vlrtorlan Gm·ernment Speakln11 In favour ol a Too noisy seems certain t.o gh•e \he ~fg~~~~~~o:n~y c~~~r'cf1~ Movlnr that the S tep- ~1ir1~~a\:ia°i\'d 10 {n~hell~7.1 nation committee to accept hens' tender recommenda- stage or the Arl.s CenLre In an amended &169,300 lender lion be referred back to the SL. Kllda Road. from Arthur H Stephens committee for further con- The .ccond stage ln– lQld.) Pty, Ltd. 'to redevel- s Ide rat Ion , the C.M.O. eludes a 430(\, s11lre. a con– op the land, Alderman Leader 'Aldennan Crnw- cert hall. a theatre !or m Joennes 1 saprlodpoL 88 he 1 ~•,oduelvdelope• lord) said there were con- opera and ballet and a " b cepts or the Stephens· de- drama theatre. sub{ec\ lo any alteration sign t.he C.M.O. did not tha might be required by lll<e. any Government acllon re- These Included that the 11~rtr~1~~l ":! 11:J~~fd ac- :re~u~?cul~o~l,t~l&olsJie~~~ cept the Stephens' scheme, tmlns on one side. and get on with It a., far as pos- road tmlflc In Roma slble . .. get on with the Street. road work and the beau- A Ide r man Oalnford tlflcatlon so thaL we can IC,M.O., Ithaccal said the finish It by the time or the Barclay plan offered a ~~~~an°fJ~=s c:irrk." ~:~:s:ln~o~~l~tl~foc1t''eJ~J He said that II It were sq. rt. ol open air display decided to set part ol the space: 11n attracuve foun– area aside !or an art gal- taln; 11nd an observation lery, It would have to be olatform. "on the far end of It." The Stephens' plan or- We would still be able to lered nothing but trees, i~d~~::n~~~e~h:.rteme," ~fc~o:.rd an unusRble mu- In the same resolution The Lord Mayor said Involving aceptance or the much had been made of Stephens' tender, council the music bowl In the approved that: :i~g I;: ~n,; f1;~vJuirt'~ estimated to co~ S1700. He said the Stephens· r,tan dld have a water ef- ~i, :~LJ' :u~~~ade and a Alderman ,Jones said !,he Stephens' price WIUI lower Blasl by art crilia B RISIAHE w • I "fright– fully p,o,inclal" in its approach to art • ahibltion, and art in 11n • rol, art critic Dr. G.rtud • Lanter 1aid last nlthl, Dr. L.nngcr wns one of a panel or speakers at a sym– po.slum at the ArL Gallery on compellLlons organised by the Queensland Art 0 ~..1'Wc~~~d!n~ architect Mr. E. J . A. Weller said con.,ldera\lon should be gl\'en In exhibitions and competltlon.s such llll the H. c. Richards Prize to selecting only the best or the entries tor hanging, Mr. Weller crlLlclsed the current trend In Brisbane or hanging everything that wa.. en tered regardless of merit or quality. "I reel t,hat If 200 are entered, only 75 should be selected t.o be hunr, Then It would be les.s o a dls– anoolntment to be unsuc– cessful In winning. ''Making the l!nal group would mean somethlnR to the artist. As It Is nt the moment. there Is a shame ~ ~~~lh1r1~~~-lnMt~ls~~r~ ler said. Dr. L.anger Rllreed and said she had been shocked to see some ol the palnL– lngs \\'hlch had been hung In tffr. curtm t Richards Pr1•e exhibition In the Gal– lery, Mediocre Rnd downrl~h bad paln\lngs were han11- l11g among very good \\'Orks. THI cou1un-MAl1. WIDNUDAY NOV. 20 1961 THI COUIIEII-MAIL TUISDAY MOV. 1t 19H Prize paintings interesting this year T HE 97 paintings selected for exhibition at the Queensland Art Gal• lery frrun this year's Richards Memorial Prize could have heen weeded out still further to the advantage of the qnRllty and the manner of the display. One may also assume that the "rejects" contained a lew more meritorious work~ LhRt could ha\'e replaced some ol Lhe tnslgnlllcan\ or ouLrlght bad ones sho•m. Howe\·,r. n~ it, !ilnnds, the eKhlbJLlon contains more In– teresting works Lhnn last year·, . Th, sPlec1tn11 nf tile \\·tn – ner, whlrh Al\\'l\Vt; po.c:r~ 11n– ~ o 1 ,, A b l c proh!Pm~ \\'he-re ~~~-~= ro~~;'\1~~ I ,~~~~:;iJ t~1~18 n ~ ;~ h n~ OOen ~ol\'cc1, n~ mn~ ly ts, hy thP. Jud"e·., personal 1,rel– erence. Abstract ''"1.'he Coln nc1er" h ns t llr merttll I polnten out when its ll tt t ho r Mt,•h••I Smtthrr c,ime unr1rr nw rr\'tew of a recent exhlh1tlnn Rl IhP De– sl~n Art., C-rntrr. r like his Colnnr1er n ~rrn t rtrnl. ln A. ftl'OllJl rrprrsrn1 m g lhe newrr form!- nf n h:-:1 rtw l · ton l round nwsell ttt.Lr ,·ten b v , , , 1 ~ h-.r'n n c s • finely \l'orked emblemotlc - orna– menlnl Noumr.nnn of cr~·pttc content. Churcher's lleld -patnttng again concerned \l.1th the ln• ter~ctlon or red "Ith blue ls ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrud~ lilnJ{t-r ~!\~~~~ 0 :h'!lt~n, /,~~,.~ne l\fnrlartr 1 withnut ~l\'ing up the 11:\t.tll'C lnlllf,lf'. C'X· 11re!-.~<'S hi~ 1?<'111 le tyrici~m while mm·m~ 1ownrc1s m lnl– nrI ·s slmpllct1y, n11rt f'lrth– ~mlth 1:of'~ rurIher still m IhI.~ rl\n.•rtIon while elso rr- tn\11~111~t,'.~~r n~~-~~1·,.·~ 1111111 ~ 111, tnt 111~,' n Irnrk of ~nft mark" lo'-e 10 1he rrlJ:1"'~ 1m1kes rln<turnL the emnt Y :,:.pnr-r. Sr,·lllr :\1:\tlht•w·" rffrc11, C' "F." pr>nc11n'2 ~trn1·1urr m– dic•nIes Rn 11rnnI1112 or h1~ " nrk IOWRrr1~ npllf'n l ::1rt w1th A rrr1 Rm lo!-,. of hi~ lor– me-r ldC'ntll.\· nnrl 1 nm rr1 i,:!.Pr n <:.re moi-,.. of hi~ rrrrnt wnrk \ '" l'V rh'lf'l'f'III fl'fllll tt,,. ~p:•r:te pnlntrrs J); .4.!ihrr f-\llu ,, ho r ...;prr c:,:,r ,; hi<:. <:.pnr11rnl - 1tY 111 two rlrh nnrt ;tplPnr\Prl wf1rk~. Orh:u1. who Rl)-0 r1rl, r ::; \1110 1hr rt'Alm!i of thr :-:pint., co1lrl he rA~il,v 0 1 erlook~d bec."rse of the modest size and ouMere colour of hi& ,·ery sensl l\'e l\'Ork here. Judy cusab'• elegantly handled ",Journey'' Is more r r e • ftlllnJ,r Rml ~o is .fnnrs - liohnl.!1'' ~rmmou~ "Totem for a Rumrnrr Sun." Fnni Krmpf's rohr~in: 11 Rt ructure tn n rlo.<:.P hn rmon y nf soft n111,umn rolour.c; '" ,·pry htnt1- tH11l. P.11r\ ~o is 1hr \oosrly inrnn~NI. r1cllcntp r;r1r,·f'. Outstandln~ Am OnJl flg– urnti\"f' rxprts~iom,_, palllt – lnJ,"!~ nrr ~lhlr~··~ " M irror" and "Hon1Rµ-r to \'s-n Goizh'' by .1111111" !i-hrr. Rrlan K rwlr~· ~hm,•i:; R !.~~,~~~/;, ~~frr~~ "w~ 5~~~ tnflnence rrom O l~rn. Landscape The nnl •so-frr e from the rom·rntlnn~ n( lRnd~CAJW p:, inllna. "Rh·r r ,um~" by c·::.nt J1FLc rhr AttrA.cth·, per– sonAl mn.rk . \\ Altrr rhuln~ r ontrtbut,s wi th nn RPJlPAlln!l And \\"itty siH:!-rrrrn ~r1 ~flmr \\'f\11 known lnl"I'· i.l:llP nI I1~,~ chf\ nnt ~enrt in lh"ir hr>1:i Amcm c tht m nn y Q11ern1-– lanr1 Pnt.rlP~. nf')Rr from tho~e n,entionC'd eArlier, 11re tho,e by l'ulhrnnk, Werner, :i!1{:, YOl~~T!" 1 ".'!n;. /•r~';~ RoggenkamP, and ~luhllnr, ·1·11e gallery ga111e £VERY year or so, Queensland ,;oes through Its Cultill'e-and- Cnnsclence season, with every– one in sl~ht expressing 11lous goodwill ahont the nrrf1 for a new a rt gn IICl"'.I'. It Is a~ prcdkta hie a~ thr foothall season , hut less <'onclnslve. All hands fel'\'rntly agree on what a Jolly fht e l,hltl'l' n new tmllrry would br, and the re th e rn ~tt.rr lnpsrs until nrx t ti me around . The lrn.nd – wrlnging srn son Is on a1rnln , nncl thr Govrrn– mr111 hns nnnotm!'rd nn Investiga tion Into a posslblr .sltr. a s If this wrrr a bolci nrw move. Thr old city nrnrkets nrrn at R oma Street A ll'PRd\' ltns bPPn selP('IPd ns a site. followin g an l111•pslli?Rllnn RS lntC'nse ns any could be. This wn s rl\rrled out duri ng the drawing up o r the now dr ri,nc t Bllgh P inn . Thr l'Pasons for sit lttg I\ nPW gR Iler;, Ott th e vnrnnt Rl'Pa rrmnln valid . Thr GoverntnPn t owns lhe land. and n clt,y site of t his kin d beromrs available onl y onre In a generation, If then Tlw Clt ,1· CotttH'II lrns othrr plnns to d pvrloo tltr nren, htt t It s hottld ,stay It s hand . The Gov– Prnmrn t nnd gn ll ny tru.stPe.s, h owrvrr, sh ou ld not Tlt r.1· s h Qltlr! gPt movin g to provldr a nrw gnl lPI';'. TIH"l'P tl(' VPl' lt ns hPP11 fll1Y anrnment ahottt the neecl . Nor ha.s t lwrr bPPn nn:,, ar.llon.