Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

HoW"""iilJO~f running a Culture Centre lottery? C ONSll>EHABLF. ~uecnsland Art On• IS lrll wllh thr fr•I· 1111;! t liR l thP critics RPJ)f"A r tn na in•lr PXPfl'Cf, 1h1s nrw Cu lturnl CPntre lO bp rstab– li~hed as the rri.11l1 or a m1racu t,n1:- Cicwernmrnl i.?rR nt r a tlwr 1h1ln A.I\ lht• rt– ,t,lt or IhP rnm1111m1t\'·s own rrfnrt.'-? T his "011!ct Of' t hP fn nta~r nf lllll'll'Rr l tr n l rll'PRrtH'I'!-- Rrlci J wn11lri hr mmn rrlurtnnt In Slli,:~C!-.1 lhRI All\' of l hf' rntlcs sh ould bf' · io cl:1.'\,i;;1- fierl. Tllp C11lturnl Cr111 rr , 1i1111 ld. Rllci will nrl~r Rf,, th,. r,P:-<iult or 1he etrorts or nrnrl.lrnl rtrrn.m('rs - mf'.ln who nre nrenared 10 2rL Into Ihe frustrntln~ nnci rx· hn11:;1i n~ b11sineM of fund rn1sinJl. Mf'n. with \"islon anc1 u1u-po.•w. men who nrr su f– nc1en1 I\' cornpNrnt 10 r n– s11re t ha t the drPRm I.'- c·nn– a blp o r nrncticAl rxpc•utlnn . And mr11 who will not pnmiL i L Lo bi' 1.rnn.~rormPcl 11110 a tP<.'11nwnl mchtmArc rldrletn bv mlsmnnniu~ment. b11reR.uc:rat.1c 111Ppflt11cfe And 1 oolil,icnl m•rhlnRIIOn. A sicrl ln1< exnmpl, of tJl'Af'f.lC'~l nrenming rxisf,c;; in our ()\\'ll clt\' in 1.hP. ~,tn ttr Ar1. lTnions nnct the· use lO ll'h1rh lt.s eRrnln~• hRrt heen dircrted . Wh)' not, start. a similar lottrr)• for a CulturRI Crntrf" ? In tlrn• wa~·, AL lrnst, R ~tnrL would l,e mad,. nnd A worthwhile anrt mo!lil ,~c;en• t.1•1 Addition be "ll'en to a ('lllturally starved S tate at no Additional expenf,e to an AlreRdy overloaded And in– arieQuateI:v stn·ed taxpayer. - 1 - A. T. l\forlRnd, l!tella S reet, Hnllancl Pork. Veneer of a Gallery WHEN the new Art~ Centre In Mel– bourne Is compared with the p,, l,hPtic hrlck- 1·enet'r home of t,h• QuePns10nd Art Onllen· nne cnn onl~· CoJlclurl, t,hRi 11 wnulrt bP hetrer to closP 1hr. lnt.t.rr bulldln~ hrforr 11 CnJJ.it;, c1nwn. anri sPnd n,,. bHt of thr nicturrs to the national ,·ol1Pr1,tnn tn Cnn– brrrn. CPrl ninl~ 1 Melbo1111w·~ Gnllrrv h H.s !rnrl A 11rrR.t, rtr.Al of wrall,h y pat.rnna~e. lt1cl11· rhn'! f'l1c Felt on BeouPsl. But e,·en in A<IPIRldr - s ltho111th not nble lo r.om – oet,e wtt.h MeJbournr·s V•n E)· r.ks nnd R~brandt• - the N•tinnal O•llrrv of South Australl• ha• R bPt.ter sPIPrt.lon or moot D!'rlods nl A11sl,t'Allo n ;,alnt,ln~ t.hRI\ Any nt.hrr State 1u -' 1 fff\". This ls ler11•h• due t,o 1ho11ahtful buyln" from loca I shnws n.nd J..,ondon ex– hthitlons For yea ,-s. lhe~e excellenl painttmrs "·ere almost 11.11 badly housM u Brisbane's· but wit,h the ne"· wing, ex: tra st.oreyg for loan exhlbl- attention has heen 1:·i\'cn rt't·ently to C.allery and <111ite a fui-s made l lf'l?t.lii a n d t hP sc11ln111re _ r,,,,._":""_.,..,.....,..,..."!!"''l!lli~;,-::!"!I' rourt. r ht builcflllR now 1,; worthv of 11 .. 1;; incrf'Rsina:J,· rnh1r1 hlP ,·nntcnffi Jn lhl!- resp(l(;l tllP Qurrn,-land Ar t G flllr>r\' Is • bo111 le\'~I ·.vii h 1.he South Au!-!rahan anllrrv Rs 1t w11s 25 \'PR l'R ARO, RN·H U~f' of tllP 1t11r 311· rillnl c n 1111 . !hP 1n18tf'les hf'l f'I rnnnot . ,·r n Inkr Rrl . \'fl lJIAlH' of lrllPfMRl r A/'1 1~!.(' f"Xh lh1~1nr,,- ro nco111rP ,·nmf' mnorn r.\' pnintinm.;. P\ rn \\'hPn morif-'l'Rfrl·r ol'it•Pcf ·- A-" :n t hr ,J11m~ C~nt rxhibif ,on rurrrnth· 0 1 ·1d~ft b,· vour 1n1 c·rltlc: ,13- 11-f;/11, ThP Soul,h Aust l'A lion Bon rn C)f Tr11s1 N'!fii thP c1l'ftlh ••f Sir Hnn• HrySPll. hRd lh rPf" pracrt~• lniz 11rt,1~r~ out nf i,;ix mrm– bPrs T llr Q11M"nslanrt BnR rd aonrRJ"_!:;; In hf' mndr \ID of ~t.ockbrnkPr~. In \\'\'PI'~. and medic,,I practltion~rs Sanr::v CAtn, NnMa. · Art't unns··tanf S3id to be impractical I T wM• imprarticnl to start talkinJC nhout rn ii.in ![ money for a ne~,· . (.}ueen~l~nrl Art r.11lll•ry until 1oome (lpfmill• rlec11o10n hnd het•n ren1·h1:rl, the I!'" llert ei- t rusll•e,– i•hairman (Sir 1,pon T said ,·eslerctay. St r Leon M\ld. " If tlw G twernmrnt snys I hry'rc prepRred tn unctrrwritc r\ new gA.llrn· Wf' cnn then ask for sup[lOl'I ." He WRA commrntin~ 011 • tett•r tn 111e Courler– MRII yf!lterda,• suggestm; • cu1t.1iral Cenlre totter)' be ,sl e bllshed. Sir Leon s•ld. "That's been r.onslderrd but the GovernmPnt won't run a casket for 11s. 1 think It 15 not prn.rtlc• I." Art union for art? A COURIER-MAIi, reader yesterday suuested a temptln1 means of ralslnJ the elusive fund~ for a new art 1allery or cultural cent~e: Why not 11et the money from special lotterle1, No sellers •·You hn \'e In J:rl prnplr 1n run A.n Art Union. 11 \\'O\lld h e n n ('RS\' l hllH! 1f ro11 hnd Rn nr·~nnlsntion \v\1h n 10 1 of pt>oplo 111·P· parrct to ~rll t lckP.t.c;; - bnl \\'(' 11n,·rn·1," hr 1-mld. Sir t.-rnn !-lnal lw <lirl nnt 1hlnk tt, w011lrt bP wnrlh· "'hlle ror thr ~Allery 10 trv anct !iPt uo ~ttrh All m·· ~RnisAtion. He SRld people sl1ot1ld not be asked ID PAV for A public l1111ldln~. Nobo~Y WAS asked to put his mane)' lnt o the public llbrari·. or the Ctty Hnll M Parliament House. Some support ot~;r"'· A~~~i rn ft~ ~;crt~;t ~t~~ hnd hrrn rn1d for h)· the 20\'ernmenlii;; rnnr.ernrd nnrt hncl !-.omc ~upport In grnnts bY \'rry rich people. . Sir Leon sni<I f\J!lll'f'S had hern submitted to 1,hr s 1.n1r TrNt!-:lll'Pr I Mt. Chalk I nn thr cost of • proposrcl new Quecnslnnd Art, Gallery. 1"hcsc esl\mnre~ not he ri\sc•lf'\~Cd– He srtic1 : "\Vf' went R aellen• nnd we wn.n t the bf"~t gnl\cry we r~n '2r1. "We ,vent to build snmr- - t hini: rnr the nrxt r,o l yrnr~. but wr hRVf' tn n I PrunP 011r thinking ne– -\1,enr1in'! on wl,nl rtrtA.nce is A\'Allnhl~. .::, 1~•- so\d_. -- · Thr SvdneY opera house lotteries have helped tnke at 1·east some of the sting from the relent.less spiral of Its construct.Ion c~sts. The chRlrman of the art ga\lr.rY s trustees (Sir Leon Trout.) says the Idea Is Impracticable anti thnt. the Government should put up th e monev But wlll It? There seems to be no limit to the 11\lm- ber ol lotteries t he public wlll support In an attempt to get something !or nothing. ·There maY be well-founded moral and soclnl objections to a Jott.ery, of cour~e, but the St.ate Government ~hould h1\Ve none. It already Is immersed happily In the gambling business, through 'the Golden Casket and the Totallsator Agency Board. 'TWO C.M.O. GALLERY · IDEAS T HE Citlsen•' Municipal Organisation Leader (Aldermafl Crawford I yestC!rday 1ugguted two poulble 1ite1 for a new art gallery, Aldermnn crnwrortl u:>lcl But Ui• o o,·ernmen t the council conslner(!IIOn cmild consider acqulrln~ should be gl\'Pn to sitln~ IRnd In the "decaying area · tile art ~nllrry elthcRr on 011 the rtver side of Roma the rt\'er sldr or omn Strret St,rett or tn Albevt Park, · · behind t.he dent al hospitnl. Altr.rnaLlvely, consid· He sale\ It was clear thnt era.I.Ion could he ijlven to most people opposed put• placln~ l,he art gallery In ting the ~Rllcry In Lhe Bot- the .section of Albert Pnrk nnlc Onrrlcns. bchmc\ the dr·,tal hos i