Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

/ ........ , POCKET DIRECTOR ON GALLERY'S SHORTCOMINGS JN view of l\lr. Roy Churrher's rerl'nt. remarks ronc1•rnlni: my re- ply lo Miss Mayo's letter claiming that lnlf'rest had wanrd In the Queensland Art Galler~· slnre my appointment, perha11s I ma~· now be glvl'n space to make furth er romment as some of l\lr. Churcher's state– ment.•~ require clarification at lea~t. It Rppr nrs thnl Mr, Chur– cher posslbl.l' •~rre.s Ihat C p r t a I 11 ~nor! cxhlhll Ions hR l'C b ern held com– PRrntl vel~' rrcenth' a t 1h e Stair Gallery. Well, thRt Is e11rn11rngiP,::. Howr,·rr, r again a-,sure h1m thnt lhf' ln trrnarlnnnl e,xhth11 1n11s ~hown hrre had not only rhr Quernsln.nd Art Gnllrr\' Trnster,c;' and Direr • tor's Apprm·nl. h11t nlso thP apprm·nl nr 11'11!,;lrrs nnrt dt• rertor~ nr nil pnrt1ripntln~ ,znllrrlri:; In Aus1rnliR. "Joo small" :\•I r. Churd1rr 1s ,·orrf'rt when ·11r ~Rys Olli' cnllrr.,· was ton snmll 10 hold tlw ,\ mrn• cnn exil lbl1h1n. Nrllhrr rould It ncrommn<lntr lhr NolAn shn~: for lhn1 n11n1r.r. But lr1 ii 11n1 he m·n– lookNI l hAI tl1rrr nrr or l1rr tn111nr1:1111 R."iJll"<'l1' rPln thll.! In f"Xl\lbl1 Inn~ - tllf' Li me fnctor for rxhthlt 1n11,1: 10 rC'– mnln tn tl11~ f'll1111 1 r\'. r·on– rlltlous nf '1:111IC1r,·. 1r.~w:.por1 , ex1rr11n l nnrl intflrl\RI ,,;x. Pf'll~f'S n.c:,'"'C'lnlf'(i Wit h f'S – h lh\1 1011~. plnrtng: or rxhlhl– tlons Jnln Lilt' All"il rAlrn.11 projlrnmme nnd 1m1r, nre .~omr. Bil l rn~I RI011P \\Ill nf!Pll P ] I "1 I 11 R f P Q11PP!1!-lanct RS hrn,·,· r.hnr~es rnr rrnn!-port end 1n!--11ranre Nr . m ust be re I a t t <I to nny gallery's ~~~ ·c~r 1~~~' 8:x~il//fg~t~~ occasion necessitate air-con- rt I I i O II l' d J.!Rlif'J'lp!--. Tlint ngn 111 mP1111s Q11rern• lnnri wo11 ld not he r,·rn c·onf; ICl– rrrrt. l\tr. Ch11rl'i1<'r ~n..,·~ 1,l1rrr t~ lllOl'P fO 5:RIIPI',\' fllll('I iO!lilli!: I h R ll lu111~!11~ !)Rin i 1111:?/\. How l'l ~hl hP 1~. 1ho11~h I douhl whel hrr hr hnci in mind lhp J'Pfl."inns r mrntinn. Al 1hr ,"iAUlP ll lllf' iH' I~ c.·n11rrr11rci thnL 110 lrc111rcs or films nn:ompnny l h (' ,·anon., e.xhiht1 nns. Ro nm f. The nerrl Is bni-h• nnrl 11 r~ r1u 111 thr rx1 rP111f", h111 .c.tnff I!- r i-– sr.ntiRl, nnd .ir:.hnrtai!:P nr srnff hR.$ F?rrn1 ly <'nnr,.rnrrl 01 hrr Stnr" unllr1ir~ for mAnr ~·rnr.c:. Am\ 1tw nrrrt i!- l::l'PRf– er thn11 "''r r 11nw 1l1nt cr nPr– al i111rrrs1 1·n111 1n11es ro cir– Vfllnp 1·nplclly. "Nonsense or-" N M 'f'r! hrl,.., i- 1,r k tm\, ~ q_111lr well. thRI frnn1 th,., 11mr of m,· nppninr rnr11 1 1111- 111 \ rn· l'l'C't'IIII\' 1 hR \'f' hrr11 the sn·IP nrr1rri n11 t h P '-! Aff nnci kN'JllllC: 11,r C 1 '11P1'A I Ad· m lnl~1rn1lnn up rn dn1r 1nkp5 p,·er\' o,·n1 lnhlP m1 n111P of m,· 1imP nnrl lhRl nr thr R\'Rl(– Rblr stRff. It Is sheer nonsense or dov.,nright Ignorance to ex– ~ t adequRte educational a ,·1h·111Ps In 1111• f'll'('lllll– Sl~)lf:('.<; Rllrl f'Olldl!l()Jl:; at Ilic Q11er11i:ln11d ;\ n GnJlpn·. :\1 r, ('l111rrhcr impl1('s J ttr'n to hlnrne. .Jn A/1,\1 ('ll.l:f•, drsp1 I!' I111., , I hm•p gl\·p11 ~nme tnlks In 1ltP gnllrr,r. n11rl 11 n1J111hf"r 111 C'o11111 ry 1·1•111 rr .. a,. fnr n·- 1110,·pd " ·" Tnm\ onr11 tm :11HI ~~i~1 :::'c1~'i7.!~~. ~ 1 1~~·, !(•1),1;~:~~ Rlld SIIJlf'l'h ftllll'i R<'COlll- ~r~:~rl1~1~,·ln11t;~x111?~1~~:~: 1 n,:~ WPre nch·rrll!-rd 111 thf" J)l'P'-S. "Animosity" t (\Ill fC'l'l llllll,r ph•n:,.(•cl ,n :-:r r 1bnr "0 111n11y pn1111rr~ dl"-Pln,·••rl 1111(.'l'NI Ill thr l!HiH R1rlrnrrls rnrnpr1 1w 111. Ami I nn,,..O 1hn1 1!11s yPnr ~lr. Cil11rrhf 1 1' rr,c;pnnrlNi -- nltf'r !111.: l" Hnrtc: IR,\1 ,·r-nr ro r,r– ;,rn 11 l~r or)w!'i:; 111 'i-u1,·1·01t file nm1pc•111 11111, .,\ 11r1 ~f r. C-h11r– r h t•r \\'l'IIP., of ll t1IIJH):~1,,\.. \ I\' nil\ 11·1' 11nw In \l r ('t11 1r1'11,•r I lo 11_\ ' (I '-l llJ) li1:1nrll..,h1111.! rhr '-lrn rp \\ ••:1p- ;;;~:/1;- r,N;·· \~'/,-;f:l1\) 1111,1::~r r111pln, rd ri111•,·• 11 1L' 111 ~11r- µ1!1s •·111•rc1,•, '•n· :1111 ·1t1· rr,fl ll'-:111011 n i a ri,,,p,•1 11 1 1'1.\ nr,•1!,•d !lf'\\ mnrlf'l'I\ cu ll1•1,. f,1r Q 11r1•11,!)1 11d I II•· 11ppor·– tn11 11 ,· hn, iw•.rr npprarrrl 1110,•ri 1'1111111'-ll lt.: 1hn 11 n 1 prP<::£>f1I \1 \ 1·nrrf',c:ponrf('t1l"'f' 1~ r\oc:.11ct - Jnmr~ \\'fr nr kc, DI r r c t or, Qurrnslanli Arl Galler ·.