Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Space display I ., '\11 ol 1h , • p.1 , \ _, ' ' tit. \II \, i.'JI'. t>(l h\' ldl\,I ,:\II .• l tl.i \rt l ,-1,l, ;) •!1 1•lltCJf\ I Ulff, IJl11q_ lll tJ \ •. 1,d1u , 1 , 1111 ~ 1•1 1, r St u, \ 1• ,11 t 1 111 t T ill' 1•:,,.1!1h11,111 w,. I \.on- 111111• i n !!\ f'lil1', \ 1hr.11 i: .and rlll, tilt• ~,lflllll ol u pth al JI – \ 11111 lt t t li .. ~.dlt-1,· Ulilil S111·1111hrr 1 1 Queensland was becoming mare and more an art conscious State, art gallery of– ficials said in Brisbane today. Off1c1•1· - 111 - d1.1q•,• of \1t· 1·11tCrl'.'it nrc tlw \'~rlct:.: L 11 t• Q lH'l'll ~lt111d 1(110/11, lU\t.l lllllllhl'r or cxhih.11011 Mc U01111ell ond I:u., t l.11111t• 1IJJ'01JKIH to the Q uerm,la11d Ni's Art G:a ll,·n· l1r. K Art. Gallery. and Un:-ban<•. Smllh, hUiCI 1.hat tnll•rr~t II\ fro11t m a ny ~Olll'CC:i. l\llct tllf' an was so lw.:11 11\.n thl' incrrnscct m 111thf"I' of :-.uJH·r U Qu ern s l :, 11 ,1 Hnrn11 wa., 1Jlustr111cd p11blw.1t1on~ on booked OU L \111 u l lutl..' 111 1 arl now nn ulu.blt! Jrom 1111• 1972 · . b~!.f.t~. 11 " 1 ci'rivcrn111e111 a ho ' •· Prom tiif" t1111r \\ C hn.s lwlprct by nppoin 1i11g rt OJ)('nCd Ill,• 1.:ullt•ry ttl>Olll l'Ul lllr:t l <ll!•f'f•tor nrul i,y four Yf't\rS aro, II Ila ... IUJ! IPl'Ollll.")lll~ U new llrl c:i l!r1~ been \·ucant. tl(' ,-.,,JC!. l'1 IJ..-. cstabhsltcd 111 a L'tifl- ··aut. n ow. d1•11u, 11cl by \'l•111tmt t;llt.rnt lo11 nlnn~ the people - m o;,,1\ · yo1111i.: or b:1nk of the Un.i,,b:me HI\ - crner gin~ nrti,,.1 .. wa 11 ·111i.: 10 ,•r.'' hn.\'e thrlr tlr,1 "ilirrn111i; - h as lncrca..•Jl•d ~ 1 ,•nt I) ," The na,·1c1 .10 11,•;-; 1 Hrls– b n 11e1 LL<L rtlhii tnl'l\1111 :il,O hn.".i bookmcs for :1rt ~ltow– ings and chsplay-; t hrouch Lo rnn. Th c .~ (' lnrlt1dr rom- fl~~~~~o::nd \~;\~\~ 1/l!~~ ... h~g1 1 , ~·~1 to AU!-iLrulla from O\'l'J'SCaS. also pri\'at.c displays. Many factors helped The store spokf'smnn also ngrccd t,hut ln ten•sl In nrL and nr1 ror111R l11 Brisbane had not previously been so high. Director of !he Quccns– lnnd Art Gnllery. ~lr. J, Wieneke, said thnt Interest l~n~rwf~ 11 ~::~~.f11~' ,~~~~~W This was due to muny lnelors. "'The news mrclln hn\'c ~~f.w~n~ ,r:~!c'~-e~~,~~~~r 1 u\~ g~f~~ ~{ ro 1~!1~rN.\\ 'V,1; ,;~,/•c "Also alt rnct111g Llw ,ub- "AUSTRALIAN" Austral ia ,~. l t • J ~l; The get cigarette an early The d ga rette girls went home earlv in dis– gust :md th ere" e re more guests in the garden th an t he gal lery at the "Jl~11111g nf an art cxhihili(lfl. JI \\·,1s11·t tile :11 I tha t \\ ;l ~ d n \ 111g 1wople ou t 111 rl 1 ,n t'S - ll \\ a !Ill' Nn S111ok ini: s1 i:11s p ltt~lt·1,·d uro1111cl the \\',111s or ht' l)11e,•nsland A.rt G.ill~•, r 111 1\1 i,.1Jn111·, T ht:t nrt \\ rlS from the P 1•1t•r S1u n ,,.~a111 T 111st ,·ollel·tlon uf ,\ 1 t 1n thtJ Sp:tt·e t\ ge 1111d lt1c r f,{:&rctto ,•0111pnn.r h a U ;Jl'O\'idcd t·11uu~h rood mid drink to put the J.:Ut sts ut tho offklul Ol)(' ftlllJ.: !lllU orb11. Coinµa11.v n:presentoti \'f'!I \\'f'J'c on the si•t•ne earLv to distl'ilJute hundreds ot " · h- 1rny anct the c11-:aret1e i:1rls Wl'l'C rlashln~ evo1,vwherc. Hut 1hr Rsh trevs did a fn~t d 1 awr,cannl,! act 1mc1 rrd- ~ fa,·,•rl g11e!-l.s took a l;tst · • fu 111,·e puff when the e 1,;;illen· d1n•L·tor. l\'lr J. \V1(•11c·kc, drew thel1· nltr n t ion to the No Smok in !ii rns. I t':, llf•t 11.a l the t.:<tlkrv Is 111 lilt l1,1nds ,., a 1!1'1•111) or an, ' l..!~I: •'Ill• I ;111.1,, ·~ 1,1 .. / i 'l'I 111 l th.1l ' •1 • F-1 ,1,•! 11 ,. , ul 1 ,,,,. , <,, l11i•l lll 1·:, I It•· 1·:. l,,i-. I • II •J• 1 li,1• ;1 f Ii' t.;, ~ ,1 I I \ \I :\Tt-1 11,itt,llt.,n Fu ,• H11;0 l a1 .d l h lf1'111 ;1111·t- 1·1111q1011 , A rtt·\\' ,.:,d li-1,. -.1ti' hn ~ b ('l'I\ l'UliM II 11\ll It \\1 11,.,..,_,.,....,,:,,, 1,n 1 l;at,h- lit _, ,·a1 i bt: [111 ,t construct ion l,cg111~. U111,1 then it looks n• though smokers will Lo seei ng a lot ot thP Stall, 11nllcry 's Art gallery 1 1 11·\'luh'' n1 l11 rnl fnr tl1t• Ill 11pt1:-1•d IH'\\ Q 1tf'l'll'-I.I 11<1 \ r· ,·,11,·n· hnd 1111I h , r, f. 'Ht)J~1·d, '11r Fd1Hall111\ \1 1111. ,, • \ l1 Flt 11'!11•rl •1-'d ~1t H 111111!" \ I P ' " ' 111 ,· t l'ill l, lll''lll ART OF THE SPACE AGE will close on Mo"., S.pt, I, ot S p,m, GALLERY RE.OPENS Sat. Sept. 1J * Australian Commercial C, lnduUrNII A,tist1 AHoctatlan * Print Council of Aust,olfa, I969. * Sclrc:tion from the permanent collcctlo'1.