Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

ART IN SPACE AGE ·9 Dr GERTRUDE LANOllt'5 OALLIRY IIIVIIW fOR the next four weeks one may expect crowds to visit out St11te Gallery where the Peter Stuyvesant Trust presents its Art of the I lfl H: t, •• 1' .• 11h11rb \\"!1Jlt•~ H1ll ..Jiot1ld lw oblr I<> tulk · , I'!~ on tt , ,,r11•I \' or Ul: \' '-lib t•t·t.s. Fnr" 1 lw !11t.ll P111f•fll :- anct Cll l– /t'll,' r+m111111 Irr has 11r – r..l11..;t•ct for Qut•Pnstund Arl 0 .1IIPI'\" lrU, l(•f' Mr A1 1liur E,·u1i n ,•atJ t Space Age collection. op{~ la :~t"t'/;~1\~rveu:, compridng an astoundi.ng varlel,y of explorations by 51 artists from many lands, with famous pioneers of the developments and other out– •tandlng figures included. Nan1es •uch as Alber , Cnl - ii~c.v::3i~W~r ~iiil!~i',',.~~ Lo t.hla sllmulaLlon exl1ibi– Llon. The !net that man hns landed 011 the moon while this exhlblLlon wa3 tourlnv Austm lln does not oblller,,tP ~lf1 1"~f~~~~nc;11~l;o~l~~- ~na~i':~ emotlonnJ, intellect ua l 1111rl aesthetic response to stim uli around and \\ithin. Poetic Nor does the fact i ho I so many artll,ta of ou,· time ha\"e turned into scientists a nd technlelan~ annihila te - nt least ln the best of ~l;~[~,ophlc.S 00 ,'/,";;:l~1,[~el~~~ on tnten5e aesthc>t1c re– s1,onsc. 011c mny r n1'11) 1 u n• or works only r1rsh:iiir d 10 1r~,. ~~!~11~ 1 rifr~\ 11 ~~~- '1~/;~·r~~-1flrn~! ways come back to those that reveal the c1uallllcs mentioned. T found my::.~lf returning t.o a goCk.l number ln !his show. Movemen t And Space, while certatnlv fHctors ex– plor•d In I he nrl of 11 remote c~s~. o~:e~:"~t~b~! F RED BROM• LEY likes art. Stuff like bu1h 1eenn, old colonial bullclln91 a n d hou11e1. Things you can under– atand. No, he said, he wa.sn 't a nnolMeur. Just an old-fashioned cruqder. A m~t unlikely anc in t.he name of nrt. he had to admit. but ft \\1 asr\"t so much the bloke that counted. tl.S the end result. Mind you, he would llke to have collected 11 few good pieces ol'er the years. but nil he had were 11 couple or palnLlngs his daughter did I\I school. factors In the two and three dimensional arts of our time, aJso an increasin& de,·eJ- 01m1enl lO\\'&rds demateriall– sation which leads towards comp0sln~ with light. One room in the gallery la made Into 11 dark-room and there we are exposed to a va– riety of experlencos - flick · r ring hghls, shilling and flnbhin1: di: mborhrct shaprs of .-olored light and eerie t,OUl1d ~. ~ lect~, ~lti~~~• are In {\';;guely"s ~aenlou•ly ••· ae m b I ed m o to r-powened "machines" - half carica– ture or. half homa1e to the machine - nitaln a deal or Dada. Sacrament The other group of work . rtrerred to aho, 1 e 1s b)' ur11st. /\~~·t~;em~~~~~'t:~1.; ~=:~~ h•s richer a11d more rturabl• qualities than the '"Sl>CCtRCU· lri r" efff>rl, of real mo\'ement of t lie nhJN'l The Sil<' •Lacie nro1·id1•d b< ~rJ~~{~~~~ c~~ke~t ~~~. CIM~·e:1~~ Alber~OV~}!f. 8 Agnm, 11w111t i11 uni\'crsnl space or \\ Ithin m k ruc·n.o,m_:;, Nld "So- 111x." the work by the only Ausiralinn nrtlst. Ostoja-Ko– towskl, e\'okes a kmd of snc– rnmentnl reeling. Gt nem lly speaking. the exhibition falls lnlo roughly two categories : the truly kl· netic work, In actual mollon nnd the slnllc work., . which generate \'lrll:al movrmenl. Soto, Bcdgely. Bridget Riley. Cruz-diet, l,uclono do much here to com·lnce one thuL this might be so. Tn:.e u an ~~~k"a 0 b\e ex~ 1 1'i~\• tfc~~::; "Homage to Buch" whleh undergoe.\ a complete meta– morphosis n.s the 1•lewer pa.– ses 1n rronL o! ll. The musi– cal nn~logy ls re,·ealed ns the allenl11·e l'lewer pick• out lhP Se\·ernl lhcmPS. To de– scribe and assc.,s the exl1IOI• lion Is impossible In this In the former group, the m3111 cllffercnce lie." bet ween work:\ that are powered by mnn-nuule motors nnd thrre •ig:c:.o;t~ f:~ r;,~~~ {xperlencc Jncldrntnllv. the exhlbl· tion. whirh 'rontntns mO!iitlr work~ of not large a scnle cnn be enJoyrd lo grentPr nd – ,·antnge In our gnllery as It wn8 sllown tn our other cnr>1~ tals. l enjoyed ll more here than ln the Australla Squnrr. ~ 1 ,;~I c::~~~~·~abi~~ ~~ftr' 1 '.\\: works where lhc chnnges oc– cur 1hrough air or heat and 1hcrt>fore nre unpredictable and l ull of endless sumrlse. Cnlrter·s suspendcn mobile rrsponcls to touches of the nir while the charming flu t- t;;~nJi;~~nic;i~~r l~sep~~\~ Not, meanlnK th•t we do ~t ~~, ";: 1aJlery - Like yesterdny In Pn.r– llament when he llll ed the lid on u,e censorship of questions. lster without clarl!ylng a rew things. "Censorship of Mem· bers' quesllons, If Lhey don·t suit the oo,•ern• ment, has been going on ror a long Lime. "But in the pnst two sessions or Parliament it's been getting worse." or course they had you nicely boxed In, because ell her you accepted I-he •·censorship," or the ques– tion ended up In the waste paper basket. Take hls, ror example. Jn lhe une-xpurgnted form, it read : 'Further lo the Min• Isler for Education's dls– appolnl Ing reply to my quesllon on August 2D In relation to the progress or plans for a new art gallery. together with the Premler·s refusal to agree to and Institute a series of special lotteries to help finance the building or a new art gallery, and In view or the Gol'ernment's happy immersion In such gambling acll\"itlrs as the Colden Casket, T .A.B., bookmakers' turnover tax and belting tax, et c.. wtll he nuthorise the appro.. p r I at c dcpartmt'nt to conduct spcclal lotteries ror thl• purJ)Ose? rr not. why not'!' *** On the pr111ted busi- . ···.;.' .. ' ; to~ !t·,,un .-.i•r1t'"i fro1n S1~p{f'111I,, l\tr~ \Vr!i •9H :!GO-;' thr clf l,tJ I<: BrlslNne, - 5 SEP 1~Ro· * -* * ~IUNIJAY Is student day at the Peter, S tuyvesant art exhibition ·m the Queena– land Art Oallery. Free busea wUI take stu– denta to the gallery from the Union buildlna at mid– day for an afternoon•• i,li1f~_ni; of this &peclal ex- * * And, on t.op or the pi- 1mola, tv.·o Ohlna dogs thnt looked like they"d escaped from sideshow alley, and. on the floor, a pltl.sler-or-parls St-Ork. The Stork ll'B.S Siijlll– flcant becau.,e he'd Just lL nil f!lme out whrn ~ oi•in:u~l'On~~;,,, y;f ·\ii~ ness sheet., the words "disappointing" nttd "In ,·!cw of the GO\'crnment's happy Immersion In such gambling nclll"ltles ns the Golt1en cn., kel. T.A.B.. bookmakrr~ turnover tax nnd brt ting t.nx etc." wer e omilteiL ~i':'}\'i;t tfm';dfalher for In some ways, so wns the plnnola, because. un– til n few years ago. It was Fred's rnvorlte form ot r elkXllliOI\. ***' Stnnctlng nround wit h n few frletuls nnct :.1 fc>w :rc~r~Ol~l~~~!~fty ~~~~;~/ nlO OrcRL old ni.1mbert- likt' ..Some Enchnnled Erc- 11l111:," nnd "Wnlkln" Mr BKbY nack Home." Gee. he said. looking snd. they hadn't had a decent party In 11~es. It wns n shnmc polll lcinns )Ind w work so hard. hn~i'-t>~< • t~!~Ycc \\jV~; 1 F~~~ Bromlry·~. He could sin~ like a b~nu_tY, hC' ~nicl. Jn more othC'r sh ot in his 1011~• ~tu11cll11g cnmpu lJ?n to N,– Lablish a new an ~nllcry in Bri~bnnr. He'd wrlttrn oul 1101 1cc or a qur:,.t\on for the Trm:;urrr. Mr. Chalk, but when It appr urrd on the ~\l;;~~I\~:~ ~~~l~rr~t~:o:~~r~- • · So . · ' s;dd ff'nrh.'!-S ~Ll~\ it 1 ~?011~~s '~°o ~:~~,~~~ ,,•hat hr I hlnks, ··I de• ricled II wn,,; 1 imr to bring ii Into the open. "'The trouble I~ that Purllnmr1ll ·s powt•i·s In this mattrr nre fltr too wldt'. ··s tnndlng OrctPrs nllow the Spcnkc>r to dl'-11\lnw qurstion~ l hnt contain too much far t or rorn• mrnl. " But tlwrr a rc limes when ,·011 L"nn 't pul a tl\– rr<·L ·ur stion to a Mtn- "TREGRAPH" Brisbane, 0 1 n S~P 1969 ~ . ':~ Mr. Chalk. In his rrpl)'. !-n Id he was not pre pa red lO d l\"erl Golden Casket art. u111on fundt-, "::,o used for humnnllnrln n pur– posr s.·• towards cow,t.n1r• 1\011 of nn art go.Bery. And 1h n1 wns thnt . Prcd Bromley. pcrhnps u1Hlcrstn11dnbly. snw reel. "Clinlkir 's nnswcr ln– limnt cd tlrnt 1 wanted to l'~t~~Jl1~ 1 1 1 ~~!~f'~lC f r~~1 1 l~ t\ 1 1'i~ lllOl'llill.(:?, "Nothin~ could be fur– ther rrom the lruth. \Vlmt I want Is a ~J>ecinl lottrrr . l1kr U1r. Opera Housr \ot1 cry In Sydney." DC'l1brmtc omls~1on or tlw "cxplnn:1 tory rna1tr r·· 111 his Q\ll'!-l lon. h f' ~AHi. Pt1\'t.' 11 nn ln110t·wms np– pr nrnnrr lhnl rrrHn nly wusn 't h1trndt•r1 **.. 1 :1!--kcd him whrl hrr ~.1r. Chalk mny hnn• s1111 hf"Cll lhinkin~ nhout 1hc tune t In lflfiH• whrn lir • M r . 13 r o rn I r y I hnrl I hrC'atrnccl to PlllH'h h1111 1"111 I h r 1\0...,r. d111'ill(? U f1Pry t'X('hl\ll(;e in \he J-1 011sr . '" NO. I don't thi nk so." he ~nnnrd. " iordmf s quite n good bloke really. llc docs1i'l bcnr ~nult;tr~." le~,l~~~\'t'i,r~b~Ciy°~~"~ e FRED BROMLEY •. . . time lo bring things out into round or two if t.11e ne- Woolloongabba Senior the ability of artists u a ecs.sity arose because he Citizens Associ11tion to whole," he explained. used LO do a blL or pug- the Equnl Opportunities '"And I'm one or those l,?.llll! in his yo11ncc-r day!--, for Women Association. strange people who be- he snid. But the thing he wnnls lieve that we're here on Among other things. lo get Into most. nnd enrth to help one anoth- Like plnviug tnble l,cn• can · t . ls Queenslnnd·s er. n I s . crchng, ballroom new an gallery. "I think nrt hl\S n tre- dam·l11~. c1•icket. hockey. "I"ve been pushing this mendously wide ronowln~ nt,hlctics, scout.Ing, Soc- barrow for years. hul we in all age groups an cer, Rugby Len~ue, .pi- seem to be gelling rar- thnt Queensland would ~~~;~ ...;;~.~("ll'111~~"'/~~~~n: Lher away," he sighed. ~~t: :"~~;,.:e~fet~e Just to menllon n few. '· Th c Government Now nnd again, when Whrn he first filled In bought, n lousy three nnd the mood Lakes him, Fred !he usun l newspnpc,r 11- tJ>ree • qunrter acres or Bromley stnnds outside brnry questlonnnlre form lnnd over nt, Sout.h Bris- Brisbanc·s rxlstlng art n rcw ycnrs bnck. Fred bnne nnd nothlng·s hnp- J?allcry nnd nsks visitors Bromley llsted his hob• pr ned since. their opinions. hies ns "fish111~ a nd "TI!~Y just keep snymg You'd be surprised, he work:' there s not enough mon- says, nl some of the frank w:r:k~~; ir s ··work a nd ey. re lies. ,.; Wh1rh r xplnlned, he *** !--nicl. why thr /J\:tnola wns "Dul if tlll'Y SCll lf'd prfi~( 0 ~t~l1~dci,~~ni~·r- ctown nnd put some de! I· lH.Ulll' llt.. Fred Brmnley nltc project on the draw- was a den tal technicinn. Ing board I'm sure a lot. Now hc·ic- n polit tcinn o f b I g orgnnlsnl ions rull tune. would contribute tm~;a rd " How r l~t- c-nn you do the cost. 1 h.~.j~~:~:~ )~~ti~ 't')C~. JJl ('\'- m~:~\ ~~~!:i 0 '~j~-~~8Y lr~ci rrn h lnµ." iL's sUlJ coming In." J looked 11p his latest Pred Dromley .suri:. his 11:-.t of "ncli,•itles nnd flU CSt. for the cluRl\'C. gnl~ ge11r rnl in formation.'' lcry hns br-cn stlmulntcd 11. rnn to 109 llnes or purely by his Interest 1ll typing. 1u·t. !·'red Bromley really is "J don·t know much In rl"rr)"l.hlng. From Lhe ah~ut It . .. I ust admire