Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"COUl\£R MAIL" &risbane, Q . How al>ou !"running a Culture Centre lottery? C ONSIDERABLE attention has been given recently to the inadequacies of the Queensland Art Gallery and quite a fuss made about what we should have. One ts lelt with the !eel• tloru, and the sculptur In~ that the critics appear court, the building now Is to naively expect this new worthv ol its tncreasin1tlY cultural centre to be eslab- valuable contents. lished as the result of a In this respect the miraculous Government Queensland ,\rt Gallerv I• ~rant rnther thnn ns the re- nbout level with the South suit of the community's own Australian 1tnllery as it wRS ~(forts? 25 yenrs RIZO, This would be th, fantosy Because of the ttnv nn- ol impractical dreamers and 111 ml 1trant, the ti'ustccs I woulct be most reluctant to here l'nnnot even take act- su1t~est thnt nnY of the rnnlA~e n! Interstate critics shOulct b·• ,o class!- artists' exhibitions to ncouire fled . contempomry paintin1ts The Culturnl Centt·e even whci1 mocteratcly should. and will. arl!e ns priced - n• in the Janie,; the result of the ertorls of Cont exhlbll,ion cnrrenllY prnctlcal dreamers - men praised by your art crttfo )"ho are prepared to 1tet <13-11-68\ : 111lo Lhe frustrating and ex- The south Australian hnu,ttng bu•lnel\ll ol fund Boord of Trustees rnlslnR, the death •Jf Sir Hnn• Men. wlih _vision nnd Heysen, had three pract.ls - ourpose, men 11ho are Suf- In~ artists out of slx mem- flclently competent to en- bers. sure that the dream Is cau- The Queensland Boerd abl, ol nractlcRI execul-ion. nPoears to be made up of And men who WIii not stockbrokers lawi•ers nd permit it to hr translormed medi 1 ' 1 · · 8 Into n technicnl nlghtmnre r• orac .ltloners. ridden by mlsmnnagement. Nancy Cato, Noooa. burenucratlc ineptitude nnd pallttcal machination. A st.crllnR exnmple of practical dreaming exist., In our own cth' ln thP. Mater Art Unions nnd the use to which Its earnings have been dlrectecl . Why not start • 8\milar lot.tcry for a Cu\turol centre? Jn this WRY, at leRst I\ stRrt would ue mAdp and R worthwhile nncl most. essen– t.lRI nddltton he ~lvcn to a r.nlturallY st,nrvrcl Stole at no nddltlonal expense to •n nlrcadv o\'erloaded and \n– nclequnteh· 5erved 1axuaycr. - A, T. Morland, Stella street, Holland Park. Veneer of a Gallery WHEN the new Arts Centre in Mel– bourne Is compared with 1hP pnthctlc brlck– ,·c~nrrr home of the <,uernstnnd Art Gallery, r nr cnn onlr conch1cte thet, t,, wou\rl br hcttcr to clm:r. thr lnttcr builctlng before 11 rnll~ ciOWll, nllrl RPIHI the hrst nr thr picture~ to thP 11111 \onRI rollec1ton In Cr1 n• berru. Certnlnl~• Me\hn111-nP'!'i Gnllrrv hns ~,nd n P:l'C'A.t cte:-1 \ or W('n lthy pr1tronn1,?,P. l!w hl· (!illll ,hr Fettnn BC'OllflH , 811! r ven in Arlelnirle - :-:111,011nll not nblc t.o cnm· pet.e with Mr lbo11rne's Vnn Eyrk~ ancl nembrn11rl1s - the Nn1.ln11nl Onllen · nl Sn11th Au~t.rnll:-1 hns n brt trr ~rlrct\011 or mn~t orrlnd'- of :\11~trnltn11 :,ntntma thnn n1w 01hrr At llt t' cnllcr,•. This Is lnr~eh· r\11e l.n th<m~htful h11,·\n~ frnm locnl ~hows :rnrt London cx– hlh1ttn11s. For ,·rnrs. , !,P~f" ,.xrrl\r,nt pRlntinS?s wl"'rr nlmn~t n~ l1Rrllv housecl ns BrlshRn,.·s: but ~·11h thP. nt'w win~. ,~– tra storeyg for toRn exhlbl· '\