Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, a . -New ple3 N~f Or art gallery on site of 1 ··old markets' •;(ll/U~J'!>"-'I ARCHITECT and town plonnc,1 Mr. Arthur Bligh ye sterday urg ed the Stole Gov- I ernment to g rasp th e opportunity to erect I a State Art Gallery and Art Centre in the old Roma Street rna•l<ets area . He said th e Govflrn- ·11rr" \ms 1w,HuuJ -::l -l111lf mrnt h ad alrf'a cly nc- """"' n1 Crmrn lnnrl ava1l- r ptflct the nrea in ~hl; nl~~ ~} 1 fln~ro,\~~~- t~: 1 ~~ prmclple a.~ t he sl1,P , I llllllion or a nrw art i;:allPry. Thr plan sn1Ci 1.1,a1 nb· Hf' snid : ''Thn l ~ite 1 ... :H'ITA!h 111 JllRciP h\' !hP wnrl h A.I ll'R!'-t $ 1 111ill1n11 r·l1R11·nrnn . 11f tustPP'- nr thr If Rri.~bn ne 10 fin<I t\ 1'1 t.inLflr~ ,Sir I ,P1111 nnnthPI' ,c;l!.f.- :Ollllflhlr Trn1r1 ' lfl fl IJ)llJ nr wnrlrl - arl J.ra lle r \' I I ('().;( R1 "('llO\\ l'li"'il i:::lllrr!r .-. h ad }Pnsl ~I m illlo . bp1•11 1rworpnrR ten 1n thr "Thr nn,·t-1,lln"nt ;1i- pr~•JJ1l..'-,N\ ciPsic n 1r"Hrh nw11s tl'lf' .<-llr in 1hf' J'l ,,, .n1~ ,, ,-ti ·,1-..,i L:Pd nil n nm";i i=::.1rr'r1 m nrkr t~ Arrn An.., c·rrH ''f' 1hn1 ·,,01 ild ., I JI sli nitlrl nnw ncl lo f'I\· r 11111/\rl~r fo~·.-r, lnnru::P. !lb · s11 · 11 is w;r t fnr nn arl l'fll'\ , 11•nrl 1iilio! m nm,"-. n11cli– ~nlfrr\" l;ern'r/ 111.., :,n•n hf'- 1011r1 . l"r11irr ronms. res- '4'0llle.,;; ·1 Otl _,·hit I r rl'<I ., :trn~ ~ 1 1;,.~i'~c. 1 '~ 1 ;~·t 1 ~('t~l~)t~·.~~ Mr . Hllg-h . l~llltPrt rnn a; rd~n. 1nc:•1hrr \,;1th 11i.111 - l l n11 Ille GO\PlllllH'lll lrnrl I H lflll rn1·i}ll1Ps :RL!.!·rrcl rhnt ihe nrri1 \rn.c: 1 A floor nrrR. 'or 1101 !Ps~ f~"!III H.hlr a~ All nrt eallPI'.\' lhRll :!00,000 sq [I . WAS p.i..– i;ate m nr,·eptm~ thP Hlll?h rinrntrrt rn • Rll rlpmrn ts or Plan fnr rertrvrlnpmrni of I llr prnp~srrl ~tn.t.P Art. 1hP Romn Rtrrrt nr<'n n.i.. AICf'nll·r plAnnPci ror rte- Go\'rrq •,irnt prn 1 " 1 ' 1 • rrlnpm.Pnt. or 10 lo l!i Blueprint )'Pm I T IJP BliJ,!h Pinn wn.c; ar• rr~i\'~~ 1 :1 1 1~~~-"' l,~~..,nr g~ft:~~ r,.p,rrl by lhP S t1HP Gm·- \\'AS f'!i!ti matect Al ~o 000 '-ri I ernm.rni .. A~ n blt1('prln r !t..' r'xrl11d11-iµ: rriur.'atlnftRi ror 1rcil'H'lopm f'nt .o~ thP [ArihTJP.~ 123,000 •' ft • rt.1 nrrn Anti rrndf'r, \\etP 111· nnc1 PX<"lllciilH? pron slon ,·it.("rt nrmrnd 11,,. wnrlrt fn • R ·rnrn!1 11rP m11s~11m frnm dP\'f'lopprs lnlPJ'f'!-lf'ri r111'c1 sc·11\pt11rr 1:mrrlrn: I 1n 1mr,le m,pn1m ~ th P .sc~;~r.schrmc w:,s Rba11- Like Chicago dnnPci h\' 1hr. nn\'PrnmPrl! Thr plnn salrl 1hn1 $Ul when pf1t.e n1 ;nl dP\'l'lnprr~ 1111111011 wns rs11m!' Lrd t,n bn ckPri nut of th,e prn_irct. rn\'rr rhr cng1 nr rnn~t.n1r• 1 Mr. Blt11h SR id \'f'S11"1'- 11nn nf A fi0.000 Sfl . rt SIA~(' dav t,hnt 8 11hou5Jh tlw of nn nnprnprin1r Arr schemP as A whnlr was nn1 Crntrr. .• • , bein g implemen t.eci , tlw lt q'.1otrd Sir Leon l r?11l I Art Gnllrry pro jrct. cnutn 1 n:,;. JHl\ornrini: t.hr Rcinpf.lon m" ahcnd, · · of th~ pr111c1plrs nf H P said: " This Is un- Chirn~ns :\,f11!-eum or Art douhtcdl;· the best pince which _h•d b•en rte.si~ ncd for Rn Art Gallery and to .CiP.r\ e the r.ultu1 ~1 In· Art..s centre. The proJect t.erest., of the !Amill . h n.s been lnvestlgnt.rd 'J ~~~;, ~l~h~;x;t ust not " There wo11ld be plenty or parking spArf" so I·ha.t h paren ts cnuld br,ng Lhe enoug famll.l' Jn And park on the spot." Pr~~:i 1 ~r \\;e{,r~·. g;~a lk~rl~~~ ' nnunr:r rl f,hA t he had lnl- space t.1nlPd an ln "e~ tiJ:tAl.inn into the fu ture of I he Queens: IRnd Ari, Gnllerv. H P snict th i~ · rPIRt ed In '·ROOM is aur treuble," t hP G,..H·prnmcn t ·s anmlRI the Queensland Art 1J:!rAnl of 824,000 R .Vf'Rr and Gallery director l Mr. 1 n nnsslhlP ~HP for a nrw James Wi" neke) said 1 5:A Iler,·. yesterday. ~h~ G'.1\'f'r 11111r111'.c; nlRn "If \\'P hncl 111f' ~par·r tn l rn1 1('rle,Plopmen1 nf th,. hRllll Ln Rf"II HollnnrlA i.c;e nlrl nnm~_ ~ ll'l"'CI mnrkf'I~ Rtid DPRA.'=i ~nAnrrr.o;' All areH - mni,Rted h.\' l\lr. Ill(' tlmr th,.,· would hr. Bll~h -- Pll \'li;;np:rd 8 llf'\\" nrr rhr . \\'All onl,· fof ~ 1~ 1 ~ 11 ~ ~ 11 ~;;_,;;_' 11 Hi CrnlrP rlranl,n~ ~.nd ci11~~!nc :·· I The Bligh Plan said lhRl While 011t.<lde exhlb.- -· -- --- !1nn~ Arr hPine lrnn~ Rt thP gAllrr,\', i fs rinc.<.t rrrn.c.. • 11rr.c: - fA BPile. I.IH " De~~s \,·nrk. R ~mall Vht m in r k Anrl i.omr P1cns."n cirAW • lnRi;; - nrr krpt, m !-tOrR.C-P w1fh thP RO-nrtrl nthrr rr– cnlnr~ I Missing out ~11'. \Vir nd~P snirl llrn l ltlP ~AIIN\' nlll'nf'lf'ri snmr (in" rx t1 lhi1lnnc. h111 11 ~, ill ml.c;.c:.r rt 11111 nn n,h,.r.c:. h" • ("A ll.t:.f' 11 \\'A!- ' "" ~m nll Rnrl wn.i.. nnt A! r -,·n nrt11u-.n Nl R11t ,rn11ld n!'I fn n<'1er.c: ('Onlt' tn t II" Ql!"rm:.lnnrl :~~ ?t~lrr~r!f;P""~~l~~· /r~ llrr 1op 1111 rn,•1,on.1.."' Mr \Vlrnrkr IhonQ'ht !-n lhmk A 101 nf pP()p]r– wnulrl \\'Rrl l It• !-f'P wh;1 1 trfln.~11r,._c; n trn ll"r" hn.,;; " Sunday critic Thr Pxh1hi tinn sl1n•.n r: c :\'"f 'rr<hlt' A ftf'rnnf'ln A, _ .... ll'll('lf'rl l'lf'f'hnpc; A srflrP nf , tJPnplr 4 \ fn~, "'"'l'P S 1111rifn· rnn- nnt~'-"111'/., t1.·hn .c:f't'lmP(i !-n!l!-fl"ti tn c.q11 lnt nnri r,1'-.,c:; n ri,·Prc:p 111rla,nPn t ,-.r, 11lr- mnrP fn n tA,:;11r nh– c:1rnr1c:. T hP r'lm11111nA J tRc:T ~ ~' C:N 1 111Prl, w~ , [fir• I h111:t~ p ,•n11lri unrlrrc,,tnnrl .111ti a cJ1ow111c nf t l1r Ar 1 Gnl– lf'l1y·.i.. mn1 wnrkE- !"'If r1 r1