Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, 0 THE Lord Mayor (Alderman Jones ) suggested in the Brisbane City Coun– cil yesterday that a State Art Gallery be bu ilt in the Botanic Gardens and new gardens be established at Mt. Coot-tha. Alderman Jones and the Cit izen's Municipl Organisation deputy leder (Alderman Rudd) opposed proposals for o gal– lery to be built on the old Roma Street markets site. Both a lderm C' n T hr -- pn~-.cn: B otanic J-lr• :-ii11d :nr s 1rpl1rn:-. cJaitn r d thnL llw Ro:na Gnrci,• 11 ~ ,,.,.r,• 10 11 -.1110 11 f>lnn d:d h.1\ (' n wn1rr r1- S ll'C'f1t si te of two ar1ct llf>\\' 1,: anlf'11 . .., .-.l10uld hr- t·,·t. '.\llh n ,•n!i-carte 1wn a ' ' P.,1 :1 b!1~hf>rl !II :l1r non h- p0<,l. nnd lfli/1•1 :,;. acrrs would be too cr1.-.1 ....,.cuon 01 !IH· .\'lt Aldl•r111n11 ..101H•.-. .:aid 1 1 11 s n1nll. Coot-1hu rr., enr, IH' said. S tr plw rn,' p 1k 1• ,, tt., lm, r>: Alrlerm nn ,Jones rn lscdJ Art lo\"cr., nnd n1:clll- 1lrnn t i lt' B,1 11·! n · Bro, th e qur..c;;1lon ol ,.., 11Ps for O tcc1.o; l1a \'C long lu•lcl _that 1·1ricc 1 0 1 S\7<1.450. tullr nrlrd new gallery and new hol-1nny new an gnllcrv shoiilrt lkr. l hf' • 'r t.•pllr 11:,: ll'!Hlr 1 nnlc gnrd\~n:, cl unng A long br erected 111. Lhe old H om a nftrr _rl is,·11 -..'iJ0 11<, wJt ll tht' clebn.t~! on tenders ror rr- St,reet mar ket.Ii area. Tiu- cou nc:II ,. rtr relop111rn t of the m.1r- l~n? 1 ,5 f:rm,·11 la_11c1 . held In / ket,c; nren. u ust bi t l1e cou11cll for a.. ,.. .. 1-.:.:.::.::.:_=:.:.::_____ _ ~,i pnrk J)il!'POH''-· AldPrmnn Jonrs told thr ~~ll~~~nsftl~n~n l~(~J~IJ;s ~;;;~~lei l lnrge nmn11n1s of ln11d rind tiln t 1he Melbo11rnr Art Gnllrry ,,·011ld cm·vr twa - nnd - n - half ocrrs o f n seven - ncre proncny. Dlt'FIVULTIES " Al ftomn Strcr1 , w p hn \'e onlv two nl'rr~ m nil " Alderman Jonrs Mid. · Hr ·"n1d lhNe were othrr dlrrtcu ltir.s, 1ncl11dlns trnr– flc problems and the ir– regulnrlty of I he slrnpr of tlw land. The floor nrPn rr– qulred would make 1--11ch n building ··111congruous· 011 the sit e. Spcnklng Jn rn ,·m11· of a rccommendat.ion b:r I hr 1op esta blishment, a nd co-ord1- 11ntion comm1uec to accept an amended $169,300 tender from Art,lrn r H. S tephens IQ!d. l Pty, Lt.d. 0 rede\'el– Op the la nd. Alderman ~~c~~ ·;~-~~o~f ~~g,~J 10 g~ subje.ct , lo nny rtltcrnLlon I.hut might. be req111rrct bv nny Oo\'ernnwnt act Ion re'– cnrding on nn, gnllcrv. "f think we should ac– cept. the SLf:pl!cns· sch eme, get 011 wt th 1 I. ns far ns pos– sible . .. get on with the road work and the bcau– tl ficnl,ion so thnL we cnn lisnlsh it by the time o r t.he opel11~ of the car park," Al– derman ,Jones said. He said that If it were decided to set port.. of the nrna nside for nn an Ral– lcry. It would have t.o be "on I.he fa1· end of it." We would sti ll be able to go nhcad with the sch eme," Alderman Jones saici. 111 the same l'C!ioluLlon ilirol\·ing- ncentnnce of thr St rphcns· tender, coulcil I ap1ll·o1·ed that : I CU)' s11uare Arlhllr 1-1. S1cpl1c11s iQJd.1 Pr y. Lid . be nn thor- !: ,~~t r~~<'I \ 1 ~·,~ccg1 ~\~~h ,~-~\~ Cit,r Squnrr at the snme Lime a~ consu·uc110I1 of Lhe cn1· park i1.,elf - the CosL IIOL LO exceed SIH9,OOO, ex– cl11cti11g the co::-;1, of n foun– tain. The work to be comw pleted before April 30. There be two O\'CI' or un• dcr pcdcst,n a n passes ··10 cros::; Ann S t rr('t rrom r<1 nc. G c ori;r Squ:'lre · · and 1 "ncross R.omn. Strrrr" -1 ~1;g,~·;:c; 10 hf' souµ h t. for I TcndCI'~ be 111\"IIN! for tl1r COll.'H l'lll'l,ion of:1 n•- , lw·ular "m•rqrnss of Homn Strcrt in 1·urbo1 SIrrc1..·· The ('Sl:1blis hmcnt n11d I'' ,1-onll1111Lio11 comm ittee 1 I /'l"l)Ol'IC(i 10 ft ldrr111rn II was d('sirnbh? 1lw 1 1hr hu1lr!rr 1 or thP ,·a1· p:-irk rtn lhP Slit'• fnce work of Kin~ George 5 'lt!g~~(' wn~ I }lp IH?Ni lO g? 111 ~'g,\~ 1 ~~11c~f;: 10 ~~}~ 1 1~~ April ~o. TOO NO!S \- ~lol'l11g that llw Step– hen.'.:' rencter rcr.ommc11da– t1on he referred b:1ck 10 the cn1111111t ,t.ee fol' furl hrr ran• , ~1rl f"rn 1 1n r1. thr C\1.() LC'nrlcr , Alrtr rmn n r rn w. 1 torr\ 1 :-ntr1 tllf"lrr \\f'n' , .., . '{'1'1)\~ (If I hf' St1 1 ph1'n ..... t I•'· 1stc ll 1 lle c .~10 . rl l(l 110 ! like Tlw.•;r 11wl1a\rr! 1h,1 I 11H' ,u,·n \\'n11lrl hr 100 noI ~" tor– r m11:-.11~ l·r,,,·I, Wl' 11 d1(''-"l 11!':1:ns on n11P ."-lclt•. 11nrt l ron rt trnfl lf' Ill Cio11rn l !-311'1'(11 I r\ ldf"ll' mn11 nn 11111,rrt 1(:~·f (l, l !hRCl'R' :--rurl lht ~1~~ 1 ~}"·~·11c~/~~rt i17~r r-~~~ 1 ,..rnl 1 --tnrr.,;: n 1nilrt hlnrk : ;;r,11 Ml, f1 nt np1' rl nlr cl1,c;.rJ11\ ..,piu·r . nn n11rnc11\'1' fn111~– ptn1forrn T hi' S1rplir11;' pln il 11 lrirNI 11nt h 111 t: hu · i r,,_, ~1·a:-.. nnc! :111 1m 11•n h lf• 1111, 1 1•H; brml T l11' l ,01·<1 M:1,·nr ... nrc! 1 111111'11 hn ri hC'" ll 11111 (1f , f I IH• n111s1r l1rm 1 111 1hr S r f' p h r 11 s ' pl:rn . IHI! JI ,,·01lld lw on l'v n pn, NI nr,·ll 1 1 1 ,.;t \lllRl!''(I !() t·n~1 $ 1'.-00. Adel1ide, S,A. 2 8 NOV 1968 IN OTHER CITIES In Search Of A Galle~ Ou, Special R1p,e11nt • tl•e IRISIANI, November 27 - One mafor difference between the argument i about the location of Canberra's per: manent Parllament House and that about the location of lrbbane 1 1 new art gallery Is that Brisbane's annual debate has con• tlnued for a greater number of years. There'• also thL~ slml- \\\~),\1ihe~ 1 ~ 1 fiite b~:l~~-• The people who arc most, ,•<,ea! in Lile Brl.-;banc de– bale hnvc an nd,•ntlt..age : The~· en 11 \ 'a.ry t.he tlwme from where t,hc callery should b~. to what sl1011ld bt'J~!r~hcl~~~crbCcome nil ··nrl,\','' which docs not, nl– wnvs n1t:nn intctliglblt• LO 1.hC P{'llSll.lll.<; who ulllmw otclv hn\'l! lo pay. hi terms or Brisbane'" ialler,,·, there 111 only one JJOlnt ahuut whlr h you t·an'l gel a n arrurnrnl: f'\'er,·hntly agrr..rs that the preNrnt one is fur too frimall and deplorn.hlv de– llliKnr:d (It n·a"i not lritrnd– rll 11s a ,:.illcry, but as a publk hal11 . WhnL hns rel'h'ed the J~n ller~· wrnnglc Just n~w 1s f,hf' dl'Cl.')~011 of th e Br1s – hnni' Git ,. Co11ncil Lo ac– t'PPL n 1.-•i1df•r 1'01' clr\'t'lop- 111)! tile for.:iwr nrnrkt'ls ~11,'. righ t In tile l1r•arL or the r11:.-. Ideal Places Now rhe Lord 1\tnrur 1 Ald,•rn1an C. Jo11t·s 1 1-Rj'S !Ill' npprm<'d cl!~\'t•lw np111r 11L plnn r un lncor– JIOl'UU! n 1-tnllrl')', if LIH! ( in\'!'l'lHIH'llt. w:inl.s 11 . But, hr person:-tlly !n,·or.~ p1111 ini; thr 1ww gnlll.'l'Y in n-hnt ls mm 1111• Botnnic ( ,:trc1t•11, nnd P..'-ilnbli!-Jhlll~ 111'\\' gnr<.!Pns In the Mou n! COOi IHI 11ills nholJI r, 1111' 111llr .... 0111 or tlh• l'II,\', Tln., icit'n, ,,•hill' 1111lib •ly 1-1 h•• 111•1' rp11•rl. .'-llPlllrl :H lnl · ' ,n'P d 1--c·11, ..,1u11 nl 11 ,• :\ lltl. afll'r :d i. it '..; cull.\' h,1111 2,i ,\'t':1r., :--mc·f• 1lw Tm·,·rn111r111 of thr- du\' said ther~ was to be & new gallery. * * * On thus topic of bulld· Ing, a.re Brlsbaneltes less publ!c-splrltcd than t.he 1>cuple In the place where th~y·re building a hall wlt.11 sails for a roof ? Or a re they Just forgetful'/ tl 1~~;, I~~ v!-o~~~~e~~ln~:~ Lhat their clt.v hns ~·hnt the cynics nitaln cad a non-rxlstcnt t.~quivalcnt or the Sydney Opera House. raU:t r~ 1l 1 ~:i•t"t 1 er.1t 1 ~t· 1P~ going to be. In June, 1960, a Queen.~– ! n n d-w Ide fund was In unchcd In Brl.sbane to build " G reat Hnll for the Unt1·rrslly or Quccn.slund Rt u then estJmntt.-d cost ul ~r,QQ,OOO. Tile p l1 b 11 C APIJCOI ~-'ifi'~f,ht w:~ 11 ~ac:1so,O\\~: $200.000 ench from t.he S tate a nd Federal GO\'• Cl'lllllClllB. Too Costly 11111 t•or1,1:t r11ctlon or thl' ' ~:~1 1 ~ hl]~C' n;gcp~·~L~' ~~g~ 1 ~ Cl1nnc, 1 llor I Professor L. ,J. Tenkle, h11.s told the dis• hi·nrI r:!nlng re;1~on for Lhe delay, A S:!,QOO award wu paid for t ht• winnlni de~i111. ' nut latr r It had to be rt– jf'l'lrd. a~ It \\'R!I ton ,x. prnsh·r. Aflr1· ll1t• lll'Chlt ect ·~ elm ,, In~:-. CHIIIC WlC trndrr., amJ 1,lic.,,;e wcrti nll b1·• t ,,·rpn [111 nnd 100 p.l', 111>in·,· ,,·1rn1, tlw uninr.'lil~ n111t1nrl1lt•:-. ilnd In 11111HI \lrn11wilil••. llkr l'\'Pl'Y· 1l11 ni: rbl'. l.hr Jn11grr Ill•' (11•h1\', I ilr- 111Ul'C! lilt' G !'t'HI Ihill prnlY.l bl,\' will Cl), t. Tl\f• 1111h·r11-.lty nnw Is lnokl •11-:: for nltCl'llRth·r d1•– , l~n,. 1311t ll>C)' probnbi)' will ,w.. cl nb,11I1. S\m, " If." .,s P r o f r ss o r Trnktc snrs. " till' olnc:c b n't 1c:olnw LO br n hnr11." Ami 1lu• monry alrcndy f"ollec tcd ? 1L hns brr.n snfr lv lnl'csted In gilt • d~cil •ecurllles, and ~ ruing Interest.