Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Gardens Brisbane, Q. Jmit w h111t i~ \\'fn11E: with ruttin,r thP nr" ,\rl fi11llrr~· 1tr th,•rr rf':111,· I~ G"Olni: to h~ nnf' 1 in Rrlsbane·~ Hot:rnlr fittr– r1rns'.' 'I11e I .nrrt 1\ta\lor n111 up 1.11r ldrn r1nrt A. J;to0<1 mnn~ Pf'OPle Rl'mrnct tnwn tncrl ln )10\\'l \1 ctO\\ n Rut Wh \' '' The Gnrctrn.,; \\'011ir! ll<' · n SllltA,blP ~pt.I Ill~ fnr t ltr ~allrr~·. S111RII 1.hnrn:11 l h ~ \ Are. thr rr·~ some HtlllbNl ~Pf\CP Ihf"rP. The GAl'rif'll~ Arr r Jo,r i to town lhn11 1l1r prr ~rn l Gallr rr nn<I rvr11 tllf' prohlr 111 or pn rk1 11c. rnolrl hP n,·r rN1lllP \J.,· propf't rlP~l'1:ll J'm nl!ni11, 1 m11:-.1 uk ,1~ 1n l,llkr , p111 r :, \,n ,· lr•111\ thr <"iR rcirn . h\l( 1Ill,• 1·n11\d hr nn r " ·rpl 1n1 r;n\1r1 , ,11 ri G rn ·(lr- w. ,•nq\fl 1·11111plr· nH'l11 r- ,c 1, ,, l!F' I ,A n r\ 1r thr ('11-in, tl ,, ~111.• In 111~ \..I" f\ !W\\ (;"lrl"ll !=<m1r-,, hr, ,. 011 :\11 r nnl • t,h a. f"l' 111,l..fR llfP. ,t;fl tnllf'h th" h111 trr Brisbane, Q 2 \ ~!OV 1968 gallery idea pleases few Q UEEMSLAMD Art Gallery officials and the president the Brisbane Development Association were unanimous yesterday in their disapproval of a suggested plan 1,y the Lord Mayor (Alderman Jones) to have a new gallery built on the Botanic Gardens site in Brisbane. On T11rsrla v. Alctrr11wn "TI,,. '""~' IF 10 b.. 1aJ{rnlmOth,.r~ Anrt 1he1r r h1lrlren lon,os ~t1R:K" !-lt 0 rl a 81~,,. \ r l nn h,· A mn~I. ,rnd other whn found 11ntolri tnJOY· ' RllPry hP bu1l1 nn 111r ,;.rr n1c· ArrA~.. hf" s:uct. m,nl in lhf' ,-astly a<·c,s • pre~fl'nt :-air. Anct 1hr Jl~ r• 1 n r. t.:n liPT ndrlrd thRI 1hl,. RoHuiir nnrrtrn~. c1Pn~ mo,·p'1 to '.\tt. Coot - only t1.'fl lRrlZP' ronm 5 9.•er, ··1.,1 thPrf' hP nf"W t.:Ar · th_n; , nttrritri 1n hn11.tr !hi"' " good'' \rtfl'n1' nt ML Cnnt - thFI . l Am 1hr rhn1rrnr1n or 1ht s;:a l- ,1atn1tiig~ in 1h, Quern~- 11 11 fcir i:nrl'itm5. nu1 rirm·1 lrry 1r11!-lf'ec. jS1r LPOll 11 11d Arl GAllrry·~ rolle-r- lnlf"rfrrt " 'i lh lhP pr..~Pnl ~•·m11 1 ~a trt 1hi- s;:Brrlrns 11011. lone);," Mr. l\•tRhcr sniri. 't,'.\~ ri•nw•~··1~1i" 0 .'/;!~·i;~!, ••U11r11 (........, ' ~-~;:i~rr~~ 1 ~;~1r M:nket.'i ~IIP I " Th, ffl!i-1 !ihOUld f'lthflr An ~1'1. g:;:ll\f"r~· Al IIH• ~ . ?,:17:n 1 .* ~f!lrl or gt\'tn prP~t"nt \ZRrden!- st'r wnulrl :\ ,\ a~ ,lP -Rm. h n ,. " ,wo ma lnr r11s- 81 l!iban~ OP,·Plf"pmrnt AdV&ntRp:e);, hfl ~ain. A ~~0~\1 1 ton pr,s1denl And The ~nrr\en~ wtrr too fRl' jc1t.~ !; Oh rltor •Mr . .I. rrom thr rrntrRI rll'.r Rnn lStubb!- 1 Hid th, purpose or 1h• sl1• rl1<1 no, · ' ha,·• 1h• rsrd•ns •s • restful \ Pno1q:h pi'\ rkrn,: racllt,ir., I plAcP . n,1u lhP ce:ntre of for ~r 11rry rl!-ttnr,;. 1r~ I~~? ~!~~ 1 l<:n::,3,,r~a~i~ ·•B,ig enuugh"" cn;;,/Qutensland Govern– ~lr Lron rrr111,d c1~, m~ mPnl. hotanlst ,Mr. 5 . L. nHHif' hy Alcterm!'n .ln1w~ Er~n -;t 1 .,11 id lhR t, hnt~ on T11,~rla y 1.h"I lhf' 1wo l RnlcAlly sf"e&kinc. thert~ i& r. rr , f' \'Ailnhle: "' thr 1 ~·~!' mrrll In th, 1de11 t.o t?omA ~tre,t m 8 rkrts l'\1tr 1rnnsr,r t~e a1Hden.~ to Mt. wr111lrl 1101 be Adf'qt1rt1P fo r Coo1• ll1a.' 1he propnsrcl ~•Iler)'. Th• Dlreclnr-Grneral or "Thtt RrrR of th, ni:\rk,1,- 1 Pr1mary tnrtustrtP5 ,or. ,l. ~ltf' t,: nPfiir,r twn srnrt R M. HRn-ey I ngrl!P.'rt with hnlf acrr~ - anrl 1wn nr rc~\thr lrtPA or M_r. EYer1st. anrl ~·~,~~;/" quite sufflclrnt" f~.~ •,~. l•ti.'!',~1r bli:,~!~~' ThP Qu~enslAnd Arl Gal- should hp A plar.e lo r•rorrl ler)' Sor.i",Y preslrtrm •Dr. Qu•rn.,lonrl floro , nol Jusl Kn rl Lang,r I was RrlR.• trnnther fHll'k. mant that the RomR Strf!Pl Dr. Harrey !-Hirt II \\'OUld ~:o';~:,:~ .,iLe wo11lcl b• bi~ W'"8;;,,:~r~. •~;;:n~t:.~u?d Or. Longer sa id lhol Al- br s11l1obl•. t~~m•'~oJ~~':.f c~~H~o:,~~! •'Hands oU" An 8e1fery o:ou\d co,·r r Former Senator E. B. t.wo •nrt a hair ecres of • Maher brok• hi, reur•m•n' ..-ven • ere proper1,v did no, 1, 11,ncP lnsl n1ghl wllh this •ccoun1 for th• loci thal messa~r: "Hanns off the only '"''O smell court~·nrd~ Botanic Gardens:· would b,. usfld for housing Mr • ·-'-ler s11.irt ht palnllng.' . sp•· on bthalf Protest at gardens grab TH E Qt1!'rn.slnncl C<HIIH'i l nf Gnrdr ll C'lnh,s rr pr!'~rntl n i:: 1700 n,rmhrr!- 111 Q 11r rm..1n11rl. W\!-l1r . 1(\ pl'O\f'.'-1 ncnlll!-1 liH' "n•·ri111st11n11 ·· lw 1hr tn~11111tr nf T r ,•hnolnt!Y nf nn nrPn n' 11 1 1ri whkl1 L" pnrl nl •11, J1,,1 mc nnni f'l1 '- :\111, ,~11111 j~r,,r-n ,~ 1Ci11\·,,r,1111f'lll (111 1* rot· , N11 1n.-, ~•1- fl~ tiH• •n Hi ~, 1111·1•. l'- n11•\ dl'r \n rf'd tn 1n1 Er\ 111·1l\ 11111 :\ttn1~1f'f 1:\l r ('irt ,..l lf r 1 111 hr 1 )w fll ,,t 11 1 1 iw ,, Q\lP1 •11.'-ln11d C n JJ.!-<'f· Brisbane, \';11 ori11111 of :\l11~ir tC.•l\t .. 2G• l l -liA I. ln \'\!'\\' nf thr fn('t thnt t:·o prr~rnt Rn1:1n11• Gnrctrn!-. 1~ br no 111rnm:. \nrr.r 1"no11ch t,·,r · 11s pn rpn'-f', 11 \.~ t'X • ·r:•mr:~, di ffwult tn l'nmpn·· hr 11d thr m n1\, r- lwltln ri 1hls 'llO\l'. \\hrn the \oc\i nl prn- 1:n ~'-Ion w a!- 10 Im 11d 11 h:wk w 1hr Bnt:111il' Gllrr\rn•. 11 111ch l1n1 •• m ,1i11in 1nr <l 1lw nn•n ~int·1 \fl:.!:'1, Tilr c n11 111 il wt111hl nl:-:o llkr tn c·n11111w n1 nil t hf• pro – p •snl fur nn An. Gnltrr·,• In \ l"'E-7?l\T0Pn~. . Tltr Rnr nlllr- (ia n lrn!; ~11n11lr\ 111)1 br "!.\irNI up" i11• 1 iscru111nn1rt,· in to rr nl "Hntr, Gm·rr1111lrnt or tlthrr– wi,-r . T !in ~nrrlt>IIS lwl, 1111.: 10 t h•• \t lf 1 ~ 1 11 )~lff n;Jw;:·. 11 ~~:1 :~~~ c~ :;<~ r:·nmr111 nr r·n11111 •1\ II • li.!n11l't" ;111!- fnrt 111 11 " p lan, !PI' [U!ll l'I' 1)1111<\111$.!.~. \\ 1111'1) \\ 1111d hr rn r IJr 11 ,,r 1111!11 111 Rl1 n l'l'f\ !O r a1<' 1' !111' p:irk– l~L! 1:w1\J1 lr ~ n11rl 1H'1'1',:-., .-\ ~ 1' ,, 111 111 k, · 11l i.-n,r IHI ,·,..11r~ 1n f":-.1 ;1h\1c.h a 1ww b',tnn lr l!fl l'rir11:- ;:tnr\ :-1!1,•1• 1 h" propo~NI i,:n rdr•1h t1ll :\11. l t 111~1hn ,, 111 1111' lw a rr,·11\1 ,· 111 1 111· 111111w ,1111•r 111 1,rr 111, ptt '""' 11' 1.wrdr•n r;, (llf,l\(j rf'lllflll 111l n tl 10 .. I\ " 1 .., 1 111 ;·p 11:,.+ nnd ·n pro• ,or .1 p\:11·, ,,1 rr\n ,·n llnn fn,· 1 it<' \t• 1,1111• nf Hn h:,nr 11lri <-;111, l'l'!,ln nd. I ,1r~.1 P . ; : ;,,.,. ~tt~L';~i{" i;.~~~~ 'n r I f1 ~:•;-i (!;::~ 1 : 1lr11 ( 'luh'-,