Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

-~---x1ri"Leywant1or Christmas is ... 1lcs wis h ed for Whf'll l!oll, lto_\<"I', 11127 11111d1•I, thry were asked last, lt r ah hur s t•••op le week whaL lhry would p.-,... n,_l"g him " 1111 lies. Ukc-an_cl ha Le- n1o~L lt~~~ll B~tt ~·g:tsH;~'t '.::~~:.~ !or Cllnstm as. question s wirh : ··11nll – l\t0'it o! lJu•111 :i1dd Jt. wa.-, a-dozen ot the wiriest. tlrs hoJH'h!!\S, buL wonh drop- ,you can find. Psychedelic l p111~ a hinL. Time will tell. of course." Sir Wllhnm Gunn did11'1 A red Aston ~tnrnn Is A I!127 Rolls ha1·,, 10 thh1k for long, tl1e rhou:c of 481, 's J ohn Ro,·ce ••• a nt•w nrt "Ple11tr ot rn111. u t·eu.lly DuleJ". He doesn'L want Kn• -' \\' rt Chrl<iitma.\i. \·\'t>Lt••rlo11!1•r dog the size or hlh gnllerr , , , II fill.id 1hnn we l1R\"C l1nd tor IO prescllL 11c1- n huge. 1111rt· hl'k '1 ' I I yrun,.'' JLnhrndor. m, • • • 1 1 en ~• I lie 111111•<1 1he thouHht or n 11.: i 11 ~ driver John or rain. I\ row \\'l\h his wi fe, hut 1-~rt!11ch Wl'-ill'S for J}C'BCe These are some of said 11 wu, ,-.,,.y unl ikely. i•nd h111ipi11ess throuµhout I ll I , , rl J•uhlk rrlatlnns man IIW world. A11d he dorsu'l IC l l)IJS some O lli,sn111111I llughl'S h,n~·s ll"UIII people lU dl<like him. rlsbane s person a ll- ror ,. "hit., ,·u11ve1·tlhh• An h:c cream cak• n!l';,,sn:,1-n~,sn~-:,;;.~nnn:-: ~ ,~nn"-Cn!";'!l'S'!1';"-1n,.,:~ ,1111. lf"lf:.u :Kli .I//!. /lf."//"f I'll'/"'/"~ -~111 11·11.1./,l,lt ~ ,rnuld be ldral on llw I would IO\'t' to I hink :,.IH' Cameron " 'llnb an Fltl ~ r:~1·:.. ,~rilt-1\IJ:rb!!.~ct•ns- d'~~l.d or\.a':,{/1-/l~li1e\t"'i'~~\l~ U!:1 ~:~~.t~e'd hate one t/A::' 1 t~~~~\;\, ~•~~-~- 1~/ia~ to J"o ~,~ /l ! G alley Hlrsl A new art @Iler JL_Ule lilac hair ribbon. doesn't want any lmpcr- C.l)r~ tm§~ dream oLDllery t Ml11is1cr ror T n111s1XJrt sonal gllt.s - · Christmas Is rlircctor, Jnmes Wieneke. : 4 DE" 1968 No special Caskets for art gallery The Premier, Mr. ljelke-Petersen, to– day rejected a 1u99estion ~ot special Gold– en Caskets, simular to Opera Hou • e Lotterie • be run to build a new art gallery. The su.rgesllon was made -;;;l'he Govprnmenrs pro– by J\lr. Bromley , A.L.P., posnls wlll bt! announc<'d In Nom111n1 in Stale P1trlia• due course." ment. Mr. BJclke - P l'lersen Mr. Bromley asked Mr. said the suggestion by Mr. BJelke - Petersen If he rea- Bromley that conducting of hsed the urgent need for speclnl lotteries in oLhcr fina nce lo build a new art S1utes had not a!leclcd ad– go lery a11d five arLs centre. versely the normal snlcs or Mr. BJelke ... Petersen Gove r 11 me 11 t nrt union said the Oovernme11t. was tickets, but had s1.lmulatcd aware of the many dell- sales In all Government clencies. which It had In- controlled and sponsored herltCd from the pn•vious tollerlr.s wns no! borne out Labor Oovernme1it. pnr- by recent experience in tlcularly In education and Queens land. cullure. The recently Introduced ~~~LSl~l/l~t:.! 1 •~~~ l1;~r•~1 sales In ordinary 60c and SI Golden Caskets. The Government gradu- Overall position ther ally :,vas . ov~rcoml11g thesr was a significant gain. but dcrtc1cnc1es. the, proccrd:1 from smnlle1 "The mutter rt'ferred to C aske t s dellnilely ha is bt!lng considered by the dro111>ed off. Mr. BJelke .Oovenunent, be •al<i. Petersen ""Id. 5 DEC 1968 No Caske for Arts P,oceed1 from •malle, Golden Cosluits hocl dropped ~ff lollf?wing the ,cccnt. introduction of Sun~h,ne .Special Cad:eh, the Prcm,C!r ,Mr. Bjd&te– Pctcnc-n I said in Parlia– ment ycstNdoy I .1 fr wn,c; rr fw,1,;J.! n n •q 11,•st 1,' Ml', n rnn1lr,· , -\ 1 1 "i ~•ornu111 ' for , fl, •1·111 i 1.'11,-.. kr11- 10 p11y for n nr,1 Nn. ~~:~1IC~1':~ ,.~t• IJ,.r,· :1 nrf f-'1;1r Mr. RJrU,r -l't'l••r..., 1, 11 "Ulrl l_hr S1111.c;h1 11r ~prc1n l Cn"-– krl s ln f ~.i; R l ic·kr1 , hl'\r! rrrer:1rrt 1hr. lr,·r l nf ,'-:t lrs k~i~'.dl 11 nr~· hO,• n1ul SI cns- J lnwrn•1·. 1hPrr ,, A."- 11 ~ 1 _ 11ifilc~111 iznl11 111 llw O\r°1.f11 pos 11011, ,,\he Rl'I ,::nllery lllllllf~I' ~\:/.~ 1 hrl11,:: R1'rl \'rly 1·011~1r1. ~ and chairman or rhe Hoad no time for practical, He doesn't want to put up ~ Safely Council. BIii Knos. household presents. vdlh I.he old one much 1, wants a big rrd11cllon In She'd like to be on a longer. ~ dealhs. and serious lnJurx desert Island With her hus- Disc Jockey Mike A'Kem ! on Li1e roads. He couldn t hand and chlldr~n around wunis n cellar full of Aua– , 1hlnk of n11ythh1~ he would her. Oh, and shed like Ih~ trnllan wines. He's not kid• hat1•. grass on the lawn to gro\\, ding - he doe.sn' t want FOR A SCOT tooPurllamentarlan Don hungover. N~ither could Alex ~tnc• Donnld. secretnrr or thr Trndcs and Lnhour Coun– cil. "Wl111L! A Scotsman not like n glfl'!" He wants to sec a llap• I }~~r~II l11~:\~~!\•i11~ 1 !;1 1 ii~j~g_~ ond the peoplr or 1,hl' t111• dcru~~~~J~riari' lll~~~~·cd no time to thfnk. "I'm t~: g~/~t;t~/b~':fka~~ ,!;:,dt;~n 8 ,r /~tic!~~•.;W~ bikini - and hope that will be llllrd." He would hate a recipe ror a savoury dip, "lhe abomination nr any hos– tc., ... MINS E. Abell, Brisbane Ge THE COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY DEC, 6 19 68 7 ·c ·oiiiic.ii· ·seeks···l·.:1· site view of Govt. The Lord Moro, I Alderman Jones I has written to the Ed~cotlon Minister I Mr, Fletcher I for the Gov– ernment view on whether a new Art Gallery, ihould go in the former Roma Streat markets Jite. Vice-Mayor !Alderman TI1ls ,vould b , alshJ safd this Inst night. works with woik 0 ~; 1 e~~!~– Ce sa\d 1 a stnr by the City tlllcnt'ton slowed until th; ounc contrnl'tor on re- council knew If the Gov ~e~elgpmendt 01 the site ernment Intended to 115 ; a een elaycd because part of the site for 811 A t o 0 f 1 t 1 he _question or the Art Gallery, Aldcnuan Walih a er}. said There had been discus- I\Vork was expe, ted t f/O<JS ttween the E.,ecu- have begun this w•sk 0 ~ Sl ve I t vfser < Mr. J . C. the redevelopment · pro- aug 1 en and the con- gramme trnct?Qr. 1 dArthur H. Steph- The council adm!nlstra- ens .) Pty, Ltd. lion favours the Gall Work should begin next going In the Botanic a:? wee 1 ~. probably on Monday dens, with a new Garden; l a n M o - :';"!?,· ' l /'I deal sit 1 ~ \.?'J• - for ga Ilery" } AGREE with Mrs. Wndr nnd othe r renders thn t the now vncn nt Romn Strrrt site would be ldcnl for our nrw Queensland Art G a lle ry. II would he rn.slli- acccs– sliJlr. to tile pubi11·, nnd " "OUld Ue lnr~r f'J10Uij:h for Q1aeen.i;;ln11d's nerd!\. fl would he quite rldlc:11• lo\ls Lo make r1 music: howl 011 thr. site n.s It Is such n nois~· postl lon belnµ J1111tu\lrd h('tWet•n the rallwn\' llnr nnd two mnln noisy Strcrts. H nil the music could not be hcnrd. I he ntll!\lr bm\'I would be useless. - .J. l\"rnther– lnk,,. 78 A,u~or Terrl\ce, Too .. wong, Praise for council for SURFERS PARA• l>ISF.: Qu~ensland's new Dlrec:t.Jr of Cultural Ae- ~:!lle~rl!.':~/- t.;/'~l,i Coast Count'II for the way II I• •llmub&Llnr Au•lralla-,.-idc Interest In art. Mr. Creed\' mad ehls flrat offlclnl · l'islt to ihe Gold Consl Al the week– end and met mnmbers of the commlt.tcc which lli or– KAil LsIng thr. Gold Coas t CiJJ~~~ILr~ze. \ 1 lce-prc:d– dcnt, Mr. JohnCoopcr, sald today Mr. Crcedy praised the council tor having pui up $1 200 or the $2500 )Jrizc– money for Ihe con1pet.1llon. The cornpetltlon L,; thr richest for nrt In Qucens– Ja11d nnd onr or Lhc richest 1nAustrnlin. Entrles clo.sc Lhia 1110111h. Work:-; 1-l'lrctrd for hang- 111~ will be on exhliJIIJon al 1he Cllc\'ron Hotel. Surfers P:irndi~c. l rorn Jnnuary 21 l o :.!H. Thl 1 Judge l\lr. Laurie l 'homa."i, n rOrmcr director or 1,he Q11ec11~lnnd Art Oal– Jtlry. will not choose an out.right wl1111rr but will se– lt"Ct n 1mm1mg ur />Alntlngs t..o I hr \'llillC or l l" prl1.c– monry nnd the works will go lllLO lhe Gold Const art collccLion. The new Golcl Coast City Art, Prize commlt.tC<" chosen n.t t.hc wcc•k-end ls: Prcsl– dcnl , Mr. Urtan Arr f• smith: \'ice-president, ~ ..r. John Cooper: secretary, MIM Frances Kelly: com– mit.tee members. Aid, I. Mdlwaln, Profl!1!1•r a. 8. ~~3'';J~'"t 0 Mr, Jee Pinter