Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

ry e nthu s iasm M AYME Lnu Wade a -k~ wl1n l. re- spon1-,ihli· ft,r lh r in - ~\',', ;. 1 , :;: 1 , 1 ,\•;t 1\ 1 :,~ 1 1 \ 11~::~\ 1 w 1 \l:- nr tion t h n t no IH' W Art 2f-111~ td t11•111 \\ 1111 iw1 01 e a GallPry wns ronhcom- 11 1 ·\II r; ,,llen · t'llll ld he in g? OUlil I ha! , 1·lwoJ:- i'Ulll•' fl 1M Tu I IH\ J \\ +1dld :U\ .... \111•r- I 1,11\•, !'!la:i;1 I 111,11 ,ii, 1,11- 'l'hr lrll,"ilPr/\. \\' 1111 \\RS rr s- 1e, ,w~;, ! d .11111110.,11 ., ltt• - pnll.'"Ji.hlf' for 1t, ,1111 all lhe \1,1',•1 111, !1111 ,1... 0 1 1lw 1 i11 , - 1>rn111ts,'i1 tr1•;1,.1, 11 ,., a nd fin- 1PI \ IIH 11 1;.-,u •i•,.; a1111 the a,u•p'' I'll•· 1111 _,i..,..:- ,,1 H,., IJ<' lon .,,1 1,·n .1 110 for To 1,1s11t1: hf' riml1•1·,lnsm w,.-. t r11~ 1 t'f'S tq t'lmo~P H illUI l'Hllllril"l \l'f' !1 1 tiw pub- t'lllllllUI J.:llf' I' 141 o ri.: 1 t1ll~f> f\ 1!1··1- Thr 1r11~t 1 " ' ! ~~~~ 11 : ~ " 11~1,.!:,:~ ,: : ~~ ~{ll~1l!ri 11 :~ wift~ ;•;~~.~~~ 11 }1~~;;~~-u~::.f~~~ clwi,.. p n rt•n rat !'Ill tor the or I hr Q1lf'rw-lnrnt ArL Get. ne\1. h 1 11 lr1 111S! }Prv anri Mnvnw J, 011 \VRde \\'11 il :1 !11 I l~ n1 .:nn1...,;., 111,n nnci 1lw ,·ar\011,; c11111r11lttees l.nrt full n-opt 1~11011 on the rornwd hv thP,111 and !Flter pa.rt or tnr 11, ,,;,oe,~. r 11m 8 ,q IH'P:;idrlll 01 tllP \\'•1u1rn's \ sur 1-- t!lfl\' will _f11 :.d n lot o f r nmm11 l•'r ol I l1i• Nn l101ml i 11 P ll' 11 lf'I~ - Ci,ilhrn Pntaro• Gn l\Pn· ~,wwr , 111 ,. ,•11m- ~ht11;,:.1awtl1or111• Honct, ttaw. rn 1t,1r.-. tl1d 1l1 1•1r 111 nw .. , tu th0 r · (ll'j:!fl ll!Silll! 1111)1 111111~1, f! Hllnt • 111A: 11111c n n rl 11111111•,· and rnisln:.: f1111cli,. ror 1111, l-\t11 h.l· lni:: F'und . fnllm\ 1111.: tn IIH· fOOl,5\PllS n[ 7\lfl \'nte f ,'lll \Vnclt• nnd 1111r f'nerl,!rtlr <hrcctor, J'tphr rt Hlllllf'S r 1wr~onnll v 1111,rp than ~KIIO of f)nwrrs rnr ,·nr1n11s f11111"1inns o,·r r n l><'J3~~~. 1 ,~'fi 1~ 1 ~h~r~~~~rp1ion of tw,, nnl\r•n trn~l••r~. wr re• 1·t 1 l,•t 1 ri nn r 1w111ragt•mr11t. lll)JlOl't, 01' ro\'rn J'f"f'0~!1ll l(lll F:,·,.n111ntl,· nflt•r fl \'r Vf"nl'!li, nncl ~ll)tfl1'1'/.,l:H)ll h) l,hc frtl~ll"I','-. tllf• 1'0 11\lllil l"P rn.~ p111 out i,[ nr·t Inn by t llf' nsrrtlon nr n rl 1111sr In tlw on~t, t,11t.1n11 nf Tllf' Cinlll-1~· ociet,v tw Dr. (ir,r1 r11c\r J~;~1J~·nt"' 11 ~ 1 f ,·,~~r t 1 ~~~.t~lt ha L the prestclrnI n 11d thr romrn·~ 1'n111mlttre no omrrr l"'XJ~trd. Can tll'Ople br hlnmed fnr heir "J'nth.1• or dlslnt errst? r;·o~~t ~~7Jf,"iu~h~~ ~I~~ erested, lllld that the trus– es hne been. There are more gallerle6 In existence now tn Brisbane tha.n ever before. The ubllc Brl11Mne, Q. Udllt", Site for Gallery 'fHE R11t n11h· G a rdP IIS art> l1 1 t 11P w rong plarr for an art gal le ry A ~RIIPn' ,-hnulr1 hP 111 lht hrnrt nf · 1!1r di." \\ hPrf> !WOll)ft llfll t1rnllv l'OIU.'. l'('t.;atf' , :1 111\ rnn nrop 111 oflf'P , 110 1 hn\ IIH? in mnke pltt11'i 1n ~PI lhPl(l' \\' h r1 1 1HI c.nl ' tf'I ,. ~h LI\, , tin ,P ber11 hPlrl 111 n 1·11,• 1·,.111 rf' ~,nrr. rrO\\fl" hr\\'e ,·nrnr llld n,· 1w nplr rPt1irnl111,: CiP\l•rnl 11nw~ 111 rile rnnr~" or ~hnpping nr doina h11~i11E'"-S \Vhrn ~hows 1111rlrr thP s:11nn !;JlOll'-nr~hlp h;i \'e hr.-.11 hrld ln outi•r f"l t \' nrr;\~. pPnplr lun·r r"mr nnly In nneo; nnrt I \\Cl!-. ri,·rn 0n wrrk dR\'S Fs thor rn11•, 81 Rth ,\\'PnllP, ~l. l.uria. Brisbane, Old. ifani for Mt. Gardens Coot-tha