Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

BrislMne, 0 1 JA 1·· L ':: ~ Public resolve figures that •• • BRISBANE public figures' hopes for the Ne·* Year are not all connected with their work or official pQsitions. A survey yesterday showed that, in addition to their more serious wishes and rHolutions for the New Year, many public figures harbour private New Year h,opes arising mainly from their spare-time activities. The Premier ( l\"lr, Jc 11y .-,o t won't ha\'c to pA1~ 1nauonal - l-'hlnat10n of 1:-.nttnn - Acli:11: Lr~drr In BJelke-Pelerse n) has 1ny ,·ar in Joarhn~ 1.011(•~ · 1uu!-111rss a1111 P r11u• .... 1oual th e a n sbnnc en,· Counc 1 made two Ne w Yra r Arthur II . Stephen•. the Wo111r n. " " " , hr hnd re - hn,< three New Yenr Resolut.ions. ','.~,/\',',','' ','j,:,"\,;~;'."~;en?',: ::'.'.';,';'~·;:,~,I'.~,'.,,',',','';; r,.~.,;;"' w1,l1rs. As l'rrnurr: T11 ,·011rl!"'' Inc '"""''r 1111'I lmtrr pours 'J'lln t ,11, ;>, ono, r d Anwr nett,·~ nnd ag~r•"''"' u m - ,,r ,..,,,,.,""' :curl 1nr 11 111 11,· llri, han• t 'ha mhrr 11r S,1unrr t ar pa, k schemr ernmcnL 1,nd co11sol1dal1• 111orP t1 1nr 1n f' XlJlfil'I' the romnier,·r 1 rt1dd1ml I Mr. I be nlunned "O thal 11s the conlil1on 111 0111ct• - 11 ...11.!~~ htt.11111 ~ ot ~lc1n•1onl\\', A. ra~k l _whr 4,ad Jl.1St ctrnrf!cs- 11 .thke tJ1ose of trnd Losee tllat Q,iccu .:lunt1 Bll\'. hrrn d1C!1H hcr. ~1 last \ Kinu. Ocor~e SQuure car proceeds on a bn"l:i of livi!• Q 1 , • . 1 . , 111,::h t's s1rn·m ~nirt : " f\•!Y nnrk - won d he suttnhle l· . · l 1• . I , • 11 ••11• ·' 11" • -111 1 1 ")"' hone " ror n d rier New for the genernl public. tfu\L1~~~~,'11J'cs r~tJ1'ro~g~:-'l~;~ f{ dj~~~~~•: '!,~li'"~·l~•! ~l\t~r·~; \\' eui·" ~:u·. 11 r:.. 1 Y 1 'ni . ' Th~! the Lord nltles for all people. rnrcooer nncl I\ br nt hlO\ er ~ . 1 1 \ 1 . 1 1 Alderman Jones I lift . '"' • . · •urens a ru : r t ,a ltn I " · II r · • " As a clllzcn · To 11resen-~ satd· "I would like to b•ck \ I mi· r t I ·i I ,e H o ..,c1tcV - ~ balance between m v 110- 0 the ·ca rd nt the rnces and , •• ,tn :, I rus ••• di,-, r Rt Its \1'01'6L in his 22 lltlcnl and personal 11,·cs so blow the :ircl<'eeds on a ,i~~,n on'~~,. , .',~ 1 ~~,c\' pine,\~ '"";{ ~ " ' the CJ 1 ~ Hnll- 1 don't lose touch wtlh mY bcnl'l1 l•' 'lCln)'." for R new gallery woulci he ~;I ~,~nt~•~~~~ttn c coun- lamHy. )·m.:h nn lhr h!i-1 nf Ne\\' Mr E J Carlson LIS To look . . . Year n•sohtltOIIS for Stale ·n,al thr Council spend Golden °CaskrL ,i,ana~••i·. , Cnl1111rt. more mosey on bread would like to see the cas~cL Mr, <, N, Barton, thr nnd butler suburban cnnLinue 10 1 ,rospcr a~ 11 fnri nrr Marn lloalls Com- A lder'!'"" Rndd, t.hr works anrl :e.,. on aran- dld in t06R. · I 1111:,;,;;1n11rr. \\'ho 1mlay be- Citizens Munk1pnl on::on - dtosP schemes. i.:rn~ n ,r rrn-yrnr tr rm as ln his 111·1,·a tr rnpnl·' t.\',\Co-onitnntor-Gr1!l'l'nl. snid he would }O\'C lo WIil h e !otllll ply : ··1 hope t WIii llkr next $100,000 coskcl. m y nrw Jnh n~ much ns t But. as prudc~.ce pr~n?nts \ikNI •· - ,.. ,r t·m lr:H"ini::." ,~~m w~~s~l ut~~ 1 ~'F lcl~~~Cll~ American actreslll fi1Q·lr.a ~ee one or his close relll- Hyrne. ~\lhO~~ lend .. rote In tive:; win tL. the 11111s~co.l Mnme nt Her Tranaport work•'"' MaJcsl.y s theMrn calls Union M!cret.ary (Mr /\rch !or 19 coslltme changes. Hevia), who Is 1eadi;,g hls said !Cr\'enLly: "I vow 1.0 do union'• fight Lo have load- a rol~ that cnlls for only tng zones reserved for corn- one, cost,1,rn1c - p1cferably merclal vehicles only said : " htkln1. "l hope to !Ind a secure ~II•• J•atlence parking spot In the tnncr pr••~dcnL ol the THI COUIUIR-MAIL PRIDAY JANUARY 17 1969 Committee on gallery S TATE Cabinet's decision to establish a com– mittee to examine possible sites for a new . Queensland Art Gallery Is fair enough, provided one condition Is met. This condition Is that the committee goes about Its work with a sense ot urgency, and Is not used as a means ot delaying a decision on the bu!ldlng of a new gallery. There have been too many delays on this project already. There Is no reason why the committee, If It meets eartry, should not be able to report back to Cabinet In a month. All the Issues Involved In the selection of a site have been canvassed again and o.galn. Anyone who Is not aware of them should not be on the committee. What IF neect.::u Is a new Queensland Art Gallery, of modern and soundly aesthetic design, capable of showing adequately the state collec– tion and of housing visiting exhibitions, air– conditioned, with the ancillary facilities which go with modern galleries, and situated In an accessible part of the inner city. To be adequate It need not be a grandiose project. It need not be associated with other cultural aspirations which the State or the city might have. Selection of the site, design and construction should be proceeded with as quickly as possible. MMITTEE ON ART SITE IS WELCOMED THE Government's dcri,-;inn to cstahlish a committee lo consider s ites for a new 011censla111l Art (; aller~• was welrnmed yes– terday by the ga llery's trustees - prod1led the committee acted 11uickly. r T h r Ectucn1 in11 nncl Cu1t11r- 1llO\\'('\'r1~ th C'l'f' WI\S \'ll'l\l a 1 ACll\'lt lP~ Mmhl('l" Ill l ht' com1111tt er·~ 8.P· l rvt I' 1: 1 I r 1 l ' ll (' r) fill - poil\llllClll ii It nctrr llOllllC'('ci nn \\"rclnc~riny fl lllrk l\' hN'IHl:-iC' 11 wn. Ille ~C\1111~ n p of 1hr po~."-lh\r 1hN'' 1·n11lrl hC' l'OllHlll llrr 10 l"f'C:01lllllf'11rl -.11r.. nll\f'I 1l\\\11 1111' n cnllcr\' ...11<'. n 11mn ~1 n·<'' \l!H' of T r 11 s I c ~ ._ rhn lr m nn , ~II' wlrn·J1 1111 .rwr r11mr11t Lro11 T rn111 1 <.:RHI 11 11 • ,, ,•rr " '' 1 1'' lH• !--alCI 11'\ISIN'S W<:'\eo111rrl t 1 11' ·1;:;;;n\:·;,i;i;:,':. ,~:n"'11~~~,1~ 1::~ d(•,·1~\n11 "hcr n11i~r \I \\ n 11 ,nc\lf'O l\01\ nr dl'1 1n11r i\t' - 11011 10 rnl\n\\' " I He pn111trcl n11 t thn t u ltf'r \'C'Ul'S nf Cflll'-ir\Prn l inn \lH' l 1'11SIN'S Imel l'('('OPl – lll"llrtr(I 1hr nlcl mnrktU•I ...11 r 111 Hn111a ~1 rrrl In thr (in\'f'l'lllllC'!ll !-,1'\ r1·n1 1 ._ 1 t h r lnsl '<'n r. rPr n111m1~11rlrt\10n w 11 l11 n I\\ lt or t h n•f' \U'C'k 1'~ l IH• 111n11rr I'• \11'\:!f'lll nwln ~ l0 d r ,. 1 ~ 1 n 11 ~ whll'h nrr nppn.rr 11I I,\' hr1 11g n,nrlt• nn t·rr10111 !--IIC'S wlilrh ;·~ 1 111<~ 1~:~w111~~\\r~;!,i.~ nl;~~ \ ~ ndctrrl High site for gallery M RS. Hl'len Lawson (C.-M. 13-1-69) is right on target when, rrterrlniz Ln the con– tcmpinLecl art gallery ~li e nt Roma Strrct. she asks. "Is t.hr area large enou(!h for fu ture ex- pan~ion'I" E>:pert,s sgrre tlH\.L a new n1·t ~•Iler)' shnttld he parL ol a aeneral cultural cr.ntre. Th ts needs spar• !hat is bet– ter pronded in n spreadJnt1 layout than In a "fillnll cabl• net" type of bulldlnl, IIOth ., ~/b~r\;~•r~11r~1:-i2r~ tr•l ~, ~tfon orrer more space 1hnn t~ n,·Rllnhle at Roma Rt rrrt. and thcsr s11 r~ would be more ele\·at rrl and actd prcsllµe . - s. R. Hnme, president, \\'rllen1' Guild nf Quern, tand, Use park for gallery A LBERT PARK con- Lnins 18 ncrrs _ :,Olllcl ' l'Vl' ll ncrcs oft hi. ,n 1H_I h~ no1111tC'd b\' 11rl.,bnnr Cl!) Co1111ell for a Cult it1 ,l l fi~ ntrl~ti:;r•!'O\'l'I' nll nrr(I~ nf T t1i~ park ifi n br;rntl f11 l nne 1,:t l lw nrc•:1 n<i j irc·1·t to the 1nllw:w llnr' 'lllcl l llPCr 1\ll)c1 St rret Is ~rl– cifrn rn,rri n!1hnt1(: l1 lllr ,•irw flll Ilie rlrr r l1r rc \s r!rl !cht- Tlw b11 ilrlt11c ro11 ld b !~liriM·np<•,i nnn !lw Horn~ ~lrrr1 !--l' I IIn~ hr !ow ,,. 11 j 1 ovf'rl1f':HI walk. nnd hrr·n111,, 1>ar r o f t!w ,·:1,11:11 nnd rr – l:1·"''d ntrnn-.nl1cr(' of ilw rr - ~~~;~t~:;;!11;:!~~ :1 rr,1 nn" 11Hclr r The _C'ult1 11'nl .'\ flulr~ \t ln- ister , Mr. Fir c.:l1rr • ~a!cl the n m·crnmcn1 1 11 ,c1 n<>t nban– cirin,·ri t/Ji• 110111.1 ~trrct silc '!'' . 1 t! 1r 11 ,,. Q 11rrn!--l.1nd An (,;~ i.~ : \ b ,I 1!- Ill :Jl'flfl :;::ic\:10'/ \0'a;li 1111 1!11un• r.x - \L,, hr \\ll<'n C,t hll1cl lll'XI o;_:n1!".-.•'~. 1111., 111"11 lt'r, tiw 111• < I 1101 ' ltll. nt :\ ll>ert Pnl'k i n•11,1 h . II t t11d1•(: in tl , !" !'J•', ;., IH I 1111"/lll'rrd ~ i ;\1.-... 1 ll ••kn l.a ws111t, I-I i A,h.r,:: rin •· \ ,·1•1111r. \,hi:rn,·r.'