Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

WORKING plans had been completed and wark on the proposed Bri1bane City Council admini1tration building would go ahead, the Lord Mo or (Alderman Jono1 1aid la1t night. Ground work study n the proposed build– Ing had taken "quite some time," Alderman Jones said. The new multl-atorcy buildlllg would be built next to the City Hall In Adelaide Street and would replace Kelvin House. Alderman Jones, speak• lni: on his weekly rndlo l ,rogramme, sold It wn lkely detail~ of the new butldtng would be released next week. It ls believed the new administration building will be a 10 storey, multi· million dollar project. Kelvin House Is the present home or the John– sonlan Club and head• quarters or the Council Electr1clty Department. The building Is expected to be con:,trucU?d under a 15 year rrnnchise building lensq. The Kini: Geori:e Square cnr park Is covered bv a •hll'l~i t't~~~i'°ht likely that Cltv counc1f meetings w111 be 'held In the adminlstrn- 1 Ion building Instead of Cltv Hall. Music Lnst night Alderman ones said the contract •overlng the proposed nuslc bowl In RonlR Street. ,t present coiled ror only epnratlc,n ol enrth a oi~~i;;:· developmen vould be subject to tote Government declslo1 n O new slU! for the Ar - 0 m,ry, now situated rv TC!l't'RCC. B RISIANE architect a•d town pl011ntr ( Dr. Karl La•ger I yesterday supported in principle a proposal to houH lris– ltan,'1 new •rt 1 • ll1ry under Anaac Squa,e, But h• snlrt ii wo11ld ack "symbolic" val11e. "An art IJl\!l•rv sho11ld ot only be a f.allery, but symbol as wet ,'' Dr. Lan– ger .aid. Location "Thi• ,·nl11• hAS t.n be ,x. resscd to !,he 1iubl!c. It M to be somot,hln~ to 111rt11r, their pride In their ulture." Dr. 1.Rni;trr snirt t,hr An1.Rc ~?~~i.~ dt~,~~~1~ 1 dt~~~~~~\~ of the un1vcrs11v or ~r''"1~~~\~1~~i~... e~rnr:J"'e~l\ ot lwr requirr.mrnts. ''So fnr. RllRrl frnm Ink – ing O\'Pr nn r xistln~ h11llrl – l11~ In Q11rcn Strrri , thl, Is I he best su~i:rstInn a, l•r ns loco Lion j:toes,'' No comment The chairman nl the ~•I• ICQ''s truste{',c;: ,sir Leon Trout, dccltncd In com- menl. He cnnslderert It would not be Rpproprlntc In the light or lnl'e•t.1sa - 11ons by a sper lRI rommll - lee rslabl!•hen by the Oov– rnment . Mr. I'. l\lol'one,·, tht! archltt•cl ror the Arthur II. Stephen• d..l,rn. said IMt nlcht th• howl would hr hie Pnourh to cat~r for symphony concrrt~. Seal• ror ahout IOO would b e provided around the music howl. llut mrn<t people would •It on lhe ,rr••• on throe earth mound". Thrftt- mound• w.-re cruc""•d lo he ahout IR(I. ..!if nt. at thrlr hlch..t ~lr. 1'torom,,- ~a.Id the mu~lc howl ~·nulfl he a •l•w !:'o,:l:i' .::,un~;,llahlc also rnr hands, 11la~·~. and ror dlspla.,·• or palntln!I'• and sculpturr. I ndrr a modlrled de- ~t\~h ~~a•• t::"l;~~e ~~:~ uncovered. • ·ould he cov– ered. Ct\NOl•Y Thi• would ho by a MlUlptural canopy - a trlancnlar ~tn1cture nn •1111•. The eanopy would por– tnrm an acou1tfcal func– tion, Mr. Moroney .. id. There would be no 1un problem. A member of the eom– mllttt or one or Brl•– hane•s hand~ ulrl la~t nl~hl he brllevrd hand• would h• lnlere•ted In m1tn~ thr mu!lllc howl, lie ..1d that the or– rhr•tral •hrll 111 the Bot– anic Gardrn14 wa~ hooked h~· hRnds for e\'cr,• Sun– rlR,. aftrrnoon this ,·e:u, from a n'«•hlt'k. Thr ('ultnral Attain Mlnl•trr I Mr. Fleh-herl ••frl )'.,.lorday the Go,•• ernment had not ahan– rlnn,,-t'\ Rom • Strr,t>t •~ a •ltr for the ne>Y Qncen•- 11•?.it,rl~~~~ 1 :;\rohahly ,.,111 he hrou,rht berore Cahlnet next "'cek," he •aid. .., ramur the .u•. Rlld m~· lad lmpres•lon I• the ,railer)' •uthorltle• al,o • re ~tron,rly In fa,•nur of the •lte." JANUARY 19, 1969 Striking Nordic colours By FREDERIC ROGER5 The immediate - and strangest - Impact of the e•hibitlon of Nordic Art, brought here by the Peter Stuyvesant Trust ond now showing at the Queensland Art Gallery J Gregory Terrace J Is made by its telling colour. Closer acquolnlnnee wJth the 99 pieces from Den– mark, Finland, Iceland, NOl~\'Ry Rlld Sweden under. llncs the contemporan• tendency towards el!mlnn– t.101.1 or "national" charac– tertst!cs from art - there Is llttlc In the show t-0 set It speclflca!ly npart, from a comparnblc exhibit em– anating from any other Western Country Yet, within t'Iils a-nat– ional framework, there ls a great diversity of •P· preach - from Dnniah Carl-Henning Pedcrsen·a obsession \lith blue and the sea In his maritime fantasies and his compat– riot Richard Wlntlier·s vividly conceived girls from Stockholm, to Swed– ish Bor,!e svensson's PDP art rcallsm From the luminous sur– faces ol Iceland's abstrac– tionists to the muted com– paratively sombre tones or Norway's representatives •nd the quasl-mathcmnt1- cn1 apnroach of some of Flt~lnnd's nrtlsts. r 1 here will he opportunltv or nrgumcnt rout11.1 n11<.1 Rbout l hr con tro\'erslnl nspecls or lj1e e,hfbltlon ~ 1 1 1 1 ~~~- JL clo.i;cs in n 111011th's In . n ~ma II hut selN·t :-:J101n11J:' at thf" Grand { r11!ra1 Gnllrrlc!-1 tfirand C · rnl Arrnffr. (}urrn Strt. I, ( 'llflon 1'11,1:"h ,·rr~· 1 fenrl.,· ,lemnnliitrntr~ 1hr hnnn.v WNlrlin~ he has n.<'hlc,·ed or trnrJft– fn nallsm wllh lmprcs– -.fonlsm Rnd eipresslon– t.m. If ls. inrteed. one nr lhe mo.c;1, lmpressh'e ga thcrln2~ J f Pugh \\'Orks ve see1l 1 e~e - R rollec-t ion or P 8 llHlng,5 f11 II of 1l1c ..plrit of ! 11 • lcss-n pnrnachnble Ausit Rlia n r xeculed with sens11 l\·c nrl.lstfc npprccr– ~~\~~d. or lhe rnlues Jn