Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

"Site ART GALLERY belo Anzac Square . " extension fURTHER to your editorial (C.-M. 17.1.69) on the location of Brisbane', proposed new art gallery, I feel the special investigating committee', attention should be directed to a site not reviausl consi ered. It Is one wh ich Is not only a compromlsr , If lnderd this becomes nrcessary hctwPen the war rin E! fac t ions bark– ln E! ell.her I.he Botanic Gardens or the Roma StreN area. but a site with dlst.l nct aclvant– n~rs In It s own rl.:h t. The follow111g fnl'tOrs lrnrt to 11.s lnclt1.'-10ll 111 Ihr short llsl for rlrt nllrrt C\'R l11n11n11 : ~ The gallrr~· .-.hrn 1lct be ea:,1ly nr ,·tw•-iblr 1uui Ihrrr – forp b1• 11 '- 1·c111 rn l ,it, 1>rn-s1blf' to p ro,·1dp for l1111cll t1 me ,·1r w111~. br -.1rh•s wrrk-rnrl nr (!\'('111ll,I!. r x h 1h11 1n11 op('ll lll~~- • As I h1• 1,:.a llrry ,,·111 be All'- C01lflll1011rrl ll1H1 llr!hl – r :-H'l1tri 1m: n11ywny to prr - 5-Pn 'r II.~ ,·:ilunhlr r on trnt.,;;, ll (•n,J!ct ,,n....,,I,,· lw ro111-,1 rur1rrt u11ctr rg rn11nci. 'Magnificent' • Thr f"ll ~- Co1111<"1l I HIS hr1•11 c1111-.1rt,~ri11c. 1hr n ·ctrr – plnprn<'nl nf t.)w sll e for ~1111lr \ lll\f• Thi~ ,·n111 b11111 11n 11 or fn r•. IOI'~ pOllll,... 0 I hf' nn•a bf'– low Ihf' prop0,\Pd :\ nrnr ~ri11n n" l'Xtrll'-!Oll. :\ 111u !.!111 lwr111 /'-1·11l pt 11rr ,·nurt t.>ll l l'l\ 11C'r c·oulcl bf' rh•– c.1R1 1t•rl Wit h p11bl1r :-.ln tr – (',l!-.1''- Jr-1u ll11JZ" cinwn l rom n plstl.R !t•\ r l \\'II h Q11rrn St 1·r<•1. to A pla ,.a. lr \·e l w11 h t\drlntclf' ~1 rr r t. A srnr~ of t,:.allr n r~ or rarylm.: rnl11111r anrl ctmu•n– ~inn rn11\d 1,,, ctr,1c11rrt 1111- drr th 1:- ..pn,.,. 11wl11<1111~ 1he !-pncr 11nrl1•r Q11r r11 ~ trrrt If dr.1drrci to n rlr p11l r1111nl ro the 1\.111~ G Nl!'IZf' Sq11nrr r AI' pn.rk . Thi.~ wnu ld In 110 WR\' nr – fr•1·1 t hr propo.c:r ci <'£\r · pn . \.; 1111drr 11,,.. prf':-rnt A 111,M· ~q11n rr nm! ,,0111,1 hrlp tn 111Rkf" hr l! "r' 11.~'' nf :1 1:1 n rf pf":tk 111111•, - fira lrnm ,, ,. c;rul'ln , fl rparln11:•11t n( \n•h itPt•l11n•. 1·nh·r1,1t,· n( t llt'f' ll'"l:11111. Painting not very popular rC"'ii- , df'nU rnn~ nrif lil, r, Jon ' Moh iq', 5 2000 point– ir,g " Tree nf Mon" h~, it i111 thcin fnr kcC' p•. , ;1,1<1 1 ·,,ll -' 1 °!!\ ri r1 p n;f" , 111111111· ·rr ' 1'''' - p r •· 1 rlrr 1 :\11 lnhn (' n np "r , ·!nni..'- 1hr 111d c r · :'111 l ,1 1 111r ·• I l!omn • · llHtd r n rrfl - .. ~= ;.\\\\~/.~t 11 11111 n p,1p1dn t , , ;\h ( 'nnp1•1 -:1111 1 111 pr r ',•. , rn1 01 1 '1(• prnpl, ,,.111 • hnrl . f"'f' II ~1,1]\IC. .. JlA lnl 111c. 111 1l1r C"nr • nllnn·• • l1nn 111 n ! 1hf· ("hM rn1 1tn1r\ ~ ·11 lt'r, P;1 rnd1:-.1 1 linrt nnr llkr rl Ii :\11" c·nopr- 1 111' .... 11 :i 1.?.nll1•n n, 1 ,,,·1 nd111 .'- 1Prl · " I ,•q11 1n ,r- •, 1111 • , 1•0 11] (1 )Ill' 111'' Ill 1}rn1 '111 1 ,...,. 1·r111 \I hr1 dnn; 111- 11 111'' :--,,•d 11 lt1H I '' 11 ,, 'tl ii\ I' " '\r'I • •1 •w·h••• 1 n 1 111 nrl•·• ··1• n ' 111 NO PRIZE