Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Cairns, Qld. 8 OCT i9 7 BrlslHne, Q. o,Ji . -l4 r~.,J .. * Q UEE;N6LANO An Gal- lery d ,rect.or Jam•• Wien– eke 1s especially proud of the Gallery's llrst ocqulsl- !_lon sine, he took ov,i·: A o a m Fuilbrook landscape ..M l. Cooroy wibh Pine T iees." J.n the old Moreton Galleries 12 or 14 i•ears ago he ga\'e artist Full– b rook his first exhibition •·when he had the seal out or his pants." Fullbrook has sin e sha rrd the W vnne l}r17.f' lWlCP. 3 o SEP 1961 l\lr, "'--l,.._ -~t~.il&ot, Queenslar.d regional manager "m Ford Motor Company for the past 10 years, hns bet•n appointed National Accounts rnunnger for Eastern Austrnlla. Y He ls succeeded by Mr. M.' r. Grans– d•n, relllonal manager ror Victor!" anti Tasmania. Announcing thl' uppolntmcn "' the gQJiernl soles manngcr or Ford Aus– trllllo . Mr. K . A. Homer. said that Mr. Stratlgos would con,).,lnuq to 11\'c In Brisbane. In his nc.,, capacity he would nmtt:taln top level contacts with O0\-rrnrnent and major fleet users In the Eastern States. His successor, Mr. oransden, was one or the company's most experi• enced regional managers and his new nppolntmei,t recognised the lmport– RJlCe the company attaches to the Gil~rnsland and northern New south , Wales market. ~ 8 OCT !9G7 Society exhibition~-)~ •" The Cairns Art Society will be holding its 21st annual exhibition in the Dove De Jorlai1 Pa¥ilion at the Cairns ahowg ound1. The ,~xh1lllllon will fe.ut– ure both 1-1n1ntin~ nnd M:11lpturc. :\lore than alJ llDlntinKS have b1..<en e11- 1e:-ed tn 12;; m llbl.s trom \ "lctol'irL ~C\\' Sf1Ul,h Wnlc•~. Quccn&land ;111d New Oumen. The main •~·ard al fZ50 hos been made by thr firm or Peter Stunesant and the Colrns Art Society has made two awards-ach or fUO. Judglnu will he carried ut on Wednesday ai d the ~sPostl i Festival ~ ~ Feature l t .. ,..,,~ ✓ ,~' exhibition ~•ill be open to the public from Thursday until Monday. Opening times nre: Thursday and Friday 10 a.m to 10 p.m., Salurday 1 p,m. to 10 p.m, Manduy 10 a.m. until 4 p.m, 14 1' · ' --~ -- Bri1baine, Q. · Mr. Stratlgos Joined Ford In Bris– bane in 1938, served in the army Crom 1042 t.o 1945 nnct rejoined the compai:y In 1946. In the same year he was ap– pointed branch sales manager In Queensland nnd In 1951 became as– sistant branch mn aw:er in Victoria. He was appointed district manager ror New South Wales In 1952 a•:·· re– tained this oositton until his ~ueens– land appointment in 1057. e arkh85 rnc1re Durir.g his 10 years In Brisbane Mr. Jt,..t•~os has identified himself closely ·.,·Ith' the community and commercial I re of the cit y. In 1966 he was awar<1ed the C .B.E. for his community actl\'ltles and services to commerce. to sell here He Is a trustee and member of !hP 1 Natlol'al Board or Directors or the 1 Clnu·c!1,1Jlilklnorlal Trust. n trustee or thn Quee-nd cancer Trust. a mem– ber or the Queenslan<1 Spastics Wei• fa r<• Council, n cm,mclllnr ud past presldNlt or the Australtan Institute or Management, a committee member o'. the Quecnsltrnct Chamber or Com– merce nnct wns rf'cently n11polntrd n trustee of the Queensland Art Oaller.y. enirineers. : The llllni~h AmhA~!lo:t• dor to ~u"tralla IMr. t:. Rh·tr•n • r,t,runl 111111 thi5 vP.Htr.rrtn ,,. Mr. Ornnsdr n Joined Ford in S)'dner In 1952 ns n district snles rrprrscnta· li\'e, He wns appointed car marketing mana~er for New South Wales In 1960 nnd thrre years later wns appointed ns.,;istnnt branch• tmnnngrr ror Vic– :~;~~- becoming rt:11ional manager tt: l\lr. and ,Mrs, 81.,·lc-t"n .. l'cterp:;1m rlc"· t.o nrh, .. hane yrslrt·rlay nn lhel~ fir.I off!clnl ,,L,lt to Qufl'et1!ll11nd •fllnce l\lr, Rb·tcrn • Pett!r-.en took up hill uMttfon IA.flt Jan1rnr~·. · The Sunday.Mall CTOBER 22, 1967 - --- - Asequel to "La Belle" Jtnbrrt ltnm1hl lth:hanl Frre,m«m. 2'.? - .l:1llrrl ror lhrN' month.. in .-\utu,it o,·rr thr dls1tp- h~:r;'l"11i:,11l~,r,:~~~~?·~;•,:;~ Q11rrntil:111rl Art (;:11tf'n --qulrth· 1rrt Url1-hanr ,·rlrilrrifa,.,· rur Srw Z.rn - 1:rnd. f r l'L!U,..;on, \\ 110 wns rP • IPH,lif'd tro,,, 1,111 ln."11 wrrk lrll Bri~b:mr Atroorl ,11 I 11 IT\ T wn sflnln1 Brl. bnnr rtr1 ,•c·11,·r~ " s11w h ,m off "' 1--tf' w{'nt to .. , ,u-klnnrt h10, hnmr 1nwn nflrl :,.rn l1.~ h1~ frn1rncr fnt un!nwftillr ctnmn~lmr n w\nriow frnmr ill 1hr Ar· Gn llrn on ,hmr- fi Hr \\'ft.Ii ncnult lN1 of l\ chnrgr nf brcnklnR, f'lll.Crll:'! Rnct l ~, rnlinR Frnrn~n bonl'rlPri tile Air Nrw Zenlnnri Elrc1 rn nhrnrl nf o; hrr pn.,~('OJ!f'r-= 1rnrl would 110 1 be llllflf\ 11"\\'f'd I>\• pressmen. rhcba ,.