Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

'.1t~ '- .. ~ .. ,:~~~it~~~;~{f' ___ :,_~,_-~_;;f f·. Mi ., YOUNG Yukari Yo1i, 3, daughter of Jape nese Vice Consul Mr. H. Yo1i , yesterday, inspected the piece of abstrac t sc ulpture which the retiring Japanese Consu l Tomeo Hongo) will present to Qu eenslond Art Gallery tomorrow. The sculptu rf'- carrrc1 l>c1•n Jnpanc~c Co11~11l 111 ,cir of 11," A~inn nnrt lor ,Mr. \\'if'tll'ke 1 Rl the wood con~red with ror- Brlsbnnf' for lhreP ,·rRrs. Pacific· Cnu11dl 1ASPAC , ,Jnpanese Con s u In re. per plate - is the work SRid rrstercta1· he irnuld Cul1urnl anct Sn c inl Herschell Street, RL 3.3 of Sof11 TeshlgahnrR, learc Australia Inter !his Centre. p.m. tomorrow. Japan's mast.er flower month, Mr. Hon~o ,,·111 pr1•- arrangcr, calligrapher, His next assh:nment ~en1 1 he Trshit:ahara and scu lptor. would be In Seoul, south I sculpture 10 the Queens- Mr. Hongo, Korea, as depuw direc• hmd Art Gallery cllrec- ·l. (,_/•:•\:_.,__. ,·:·? . . ·, ·. ~r. ~-f"f.,_, .., .. ,·_; ·.:. •.i1•:>.;;""·~•.;-}5,· i~~~~-~;,,,~'-:41.k• .. t. ......,, .- _,,.,.;1.,:.r ...•_: ,•:) ,. . ::'_·:_·. -_.·· .. ·.· . ,, • ~' •"• ,..,~ ~,..,..,,_r,.. ~'tt,•~~~''--1"4.'°'~!.I ~ ,, • \~• ~-• •f,:, ~ "•l _,..,_.,,, • . -_ ,. ,,,:--... · ~.,.~'.•~'·•""-' '~~,.o;•::..,•·1••' ~·~ ,,. "· •t•• .•, . ., . -,;/ .• , . ,.,.. ,· :·J·-··"-·-·.-'· . '• ,,c·"e.f' '°"'.Jt:1."'f!,'4'o'.'1i -,.. ·,4:6"1- "•:'I!\'''- •·• '.~~ ' ·• -~-. _..~~. ,., . . 'i:·:°?f·h..,. .,'.·°<:lr.,,~,• -~,i~'>' ~:,."-:::::.<· - . ,t --~~ • i~:/;:;.:•.".'~r: .> '1, ,, \>::;__ .~.. ~ . ,. -~- ,, ...... ~ -~ ~ - - .. ~c...- t__ ,, .,. --. ·_; .• ~ ... ~<~- -~~1·>.:, · - Brisbane, GALLERY GIFT BY CONSU[ . The Joponcic Con\ul, Mr. Hongo, will present a piece of Jopnncsc ob'itract sculpture to the Queens– land Art Gallery t.iday. i\lr Moni::o will gh·c thr ,'i<.'ttll)lllrc, IJr ~or11 Tc~hiunh – nn1: tu i\fr._ ,J, Wirnrl:,•, llil't.'.!c or of LJic Art Gnller.v. ~! 1 ~';.~;.itlf.. :f, 1~\\?trr•rcmo11y at I he Jnpnncsc ron~ulnLC lJ Tile !--CUlpturc wn" hm111:lit tn Bri.1.;hnnr by Sofu T<'sl11gnh:1rrt. who is nn i11l r r11alio1mll.r -k11tm·11 '111nsle1 i of floral nrr:ln1~cmc11t ,; nnd fn11nlt•r 01 1hr Sot.t<'t~u School, when he cnmc 1.0 nrhhnnl' rur till' n•i::lonal con– fC'rc11cC' of fk<•hn nn r1111•rn:1t101.;1 I. i\~r: 'l'<'~h lµnlrnra h:.~ h1•!d a 1111111 hl"'r or onc-111n11 -:• r xl~lblllOllS of Ql.):;jtrnct M' llipl lll'C' lfl Europt• nml t he 111tcd ::=:talf'.,. The F'rr 11rh Ciorcrr,111r 11t drt·or.1tt·d 111111 ror his a rt vork. Japanese art sculpture gift A p lP.t'P nf A bst ra.cl ~(·ul p111 rF' hy a ,l;tpnne:,~ i\1n..~1rr nf lkrhRn;1 flnu.-1"1 A1'1'nlll!C111<'111." 1:=:. n f 11 Tr.r;hiLrnhnr~, wa:- prP- :-rnlrri 1n Ihr Q11Pensl::1!lrl Art Onllrr_\' vr~l,Prrlny Tlw .Jann 1w:-r Cnnsul 1 i\11'. Honun , mnrlP t,hf' rc:-r11rnt,in1\ n1. 1hr n 11,1 n P:... P Cnn~ulRI(': n ~l1llnrpnn Hnm,P 1 '1 !he ,::11lr n •~ n11·p,.("tnr 1 \itr ,I. 1rkr ,