Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

EXHIBm OF CONTEMPORARY NORDIC ART candlnavlan art and dealgn 111ve had n extraordinary and growing Impact n the western world during the paet enty years. Thie culture has lnflu– nced architecture, furniture dnlgn, Industrial daalgn, typography and many other facets of everyday life. The Board of the Peter Stuyveaant rust has arranged to make available In Australia a less-publlclaad art– form---Nordlc painting. A collection of 99 work, from Dlnmarit, Finlan lcieland, Norway and SWeden wlN ahown In capital city gallerl.._ The 111 artists repr9Hntad Include Rlqhard Mortensen, Goran Auguato Knut Rou and Borja Svensson. Th work shown rangn from 1930 to th 1980'a. We hope you will take advantage thia unique event, and visit tt,e temporary Nordic Art·Exhlbltion. lrlabane Showing, Qllffnelancl Art Gallery January 11-Fabruary 11, 1NI, Admlealon FrN, BROUGHT TO AUSTRALIA BY THE PETER STUYVESANT TRU Nordic art on show AFTER last year's e:mlbHlon of Scandlna•– lan Destan our cultural &1'&renea of the Nordic countries ls now betnr enlarred by their much le11Ser-known palntlnp. The ExhlbllJon of Con- "Sprtnr." Kn • t a- la a temporary Nordic Alt span- J010u1 colourlat and hll ,ored by the Peter Stuy- palntAlrl:r llbatrr.ola have a vesant Trust and showing whlmalcr.! note, now at our State Gallery Iceland, after Ila Jons per– lnoludea 99 palntlnss from nverance In ltl old tradl• Denmark, Finland, Iceland, tlona, only recently haa be• Norway, and Sweden. come open to new trends, Denmark Is represented Jta pioneer of abstract ex- with Impeccable construe- preaalonlam, Jon Endlben, tlons by well known Richard embraces spontaneity with Mortenaen, the romantic lively enthusiasm. blue fantasies or Carl Hen- A love of colour which nln,r Pedersen and the seems typical or the Jce– llguratlve expressionist work landers, la alao seen In Gun– of the not-so-predictable naruen' • 1lowtnr landscape and talented Richard abltract10111. Winter. N J' Palnttuga from Finland ew re& 18W Include the elegant clear– toned gcometrtcal non-ob– Jeotlve work by Goran ~~: u~i:rra~i/gns th ~y 11 fs':.~'l.: Lethlncn, and Orre, nJJ good painters who hnl'c absorbed 111flucnccs, the latter t wo some rrom Picasso. National charactertllttcs arc deter.table In some of the NonYe1lans. . We may sec them In the senalttve mu!rled colourlsm of BN!ld– •lk and the dusky &ym– bollcal constructions or Lan1myr, InLX~!s~tr!C:-~: =u:l~ colour compo1ltlon1 with perhaps Influences f1'011l Matls11e and Rothko, J,;t" i:arv~nte~::::-;: While contact with nature ls strong In moat of the semi-figurative and abltract work or the Scandinavians, the worlla rep..-ntln1 Sweden are sharply directed towards recent trends of new realism, or coune not conventional. Von Sehanla p,rov• rather the Illusion reality Is and creates the Illusion or a pic– ture detachable from the surface, Telemaa moulda three– dlmen,lonal forma, ~ on a planar 1urr.at, chanamr tmr.111.11'1 ;&."'71n1-