Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

THE COURIER -MAIL THURSDAY JAN. 16 1969 Patron of art critical of State gallery ' A VISITING art patron lost night condemned the Queensland Art Gallery as inadequate, and criticised "ustralia's assistance to t he arts. He is Mr. George Hawkes, director ol the Stuyvesant Trust wh ich is presenting 99 abstract paintings, woodcuts and plasliCI at the gallery for a month from today . 1\r l IOVC'l'S wil tf'd 111 1 1,11m .!II IC'udlni,: arll~h II! t hL· h en I ns tlH'IY l 1'1Cd 1 ~;:11~~~~;\H~dr~lrll'liutrcc~:;, to a dm ire a Pe te r " 1 he t, r. 1 ,·ollrruon ol Sl uyve.,anl Tru~I Nor- lNordir pu111t111~s prese111 ec ct1c nrt dis play in lhe 1 1"Q~.'~~;~~1~\\·d n 11 w 10 ,. 0 no n a1 r-condllloncd cul tural Ar11rn irs , ~lr Queens la nd Art Gal- Arthur Crerdy, 1old ar lcry. ~~~('l'! '.lr~!1f8g~<; 1s 5 ~ 11 }~r~:~ 1 l~ 1 Mr Ha wke, paid 1rlbutr us ~ope !hat the fC1 er i \~.,1 111 ! •oi'l."e 1 Jeri;nJ~~tr, ,.;i[;~ ~g~;!t~~t,J1'.,!d1~h1~ie 1 ~l\\~, condlLJOIL'i ror t"o days on bus111ess houses \\h0 A.I'' the show. not already 111 fected, nn<. lie suld he wo11ld like to that In turn State patron COlllrRSI O\'('f5('A., t,pemllng a ge, no.Lionel l)Rll'ClllO~t! 111 the le!-it yt.-1H with Au~- and not 1rn.st nrh·n1r nH • trn li:,·,., $1 5 111ll!lon to as - t 1·:m n~e will c1t"\'elnp 011 ..,,• ..,,.,,,.,.,,_ ~llit t l1c nrts, sco lr c·ommr>nStl!'Rtr \\ 11 h ' 1 On•nt Bri1a111 .,))Pill .$30.4 Q uecnsla11ct·~ prnn•n 1ol- m11lion , Cnnuda $3.9 m ll- r111 ~. nrmnn...,trnhlr 11rrrl. lion. th e Unttect St ntr :-. SIH a11r1 potcnt inl rr~ourc·r~ ·· million. FnuH·r OA mllllon, M r . Crrrctv ~:lie! J1e aud W t•.,t Ocrrnuny 1"n cir- t ru,..,11 .... d IH' ,,Ould 1101 br fcutN I ll8 l101l, remcmbrr" , COll,"lldCl'erl t hllrllsh I[ hr s:i:u1 mlll io11 . wished thRt count n · err ni,; Australia hnd 11L-m to could receive such · exl1tb~ shape up to the effort s or !tons. countries like Att,trla $23 m!lliou. Denmark $34 mll- s •t !ton, Sweden $16 million. I e Norway $6 m11lion. Haiy Sl2 mlll!on, Netherlands Sl6 m!Ulon and New Zea • IRnd SI million, 't"'ilthy lucre' • bl~]L~~o~k 1cr~1~R:~v~~ 18 +1~art.; Siles expccled to be con- ~ not true - they work ror sidered include I he Botanic . luci-c. !llthv or otherwise ·· Gardens, Albert P•1~. Rnd , Mr, Hawkr:, said amid ari- :he old markets sate l11 · plause. Roma Street. He .said It was to br The decision to appoln hoprcl thnt gorrrnment.-.; the commit tee WB6 nn• "' would double. thrn treble nounced by the Educn ll and eventually quadruple an d Cultural Actlvitl Australia ·s a.ssl~t-nnce to Minister I Mr. Fletcher the arts who said choosing a sl Mr. ·Hawkes said his was too important a matl company hod spcm $3 mll- to be decided ollhnnd. lion In the Inst six years on He said the commit! 1clp1ng the arls In Aust, ~- would examine avnllabl lin. sites In Brisbane aQd ··surely there's somebo ·, ommcnd t.o the Govern se:· he satd. ment that considered mos The collecl.1011 Is the fifth suitable. xh!blllon brou~ht to Aus- I ity member ' ralm by the Peter ~• 11 •· . e- nnt Trnst since h ·wa.s The committee would b armed In l!JR3. headed by the Co-ordlnn t corn rises atntln s tor-Gcnernl 1Mr. Barton'. -.. Orrtcers lrom !he Educa- t/~;' i'.'i~~. ~~t~~•\Vort;lt!:- ,·~ '---..........~"' g:~!men1s would be mem- Queensland Art Gall trustees would be invited t n~~l~~t~het:gm~r{t~~•t~;~ the Brisbane City Councl ne.