Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

" COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, art • • • cr1t1c1sm BY A STAFF l<EPOlnrn IT was frightening , te rribl e, and certainly not worth $2000, people said as they scrutinised the Gold Coast's most controversial work of art. ;tl ~ "i1Jhll11t~ l it HI ;\l11IIJ1! { ·011 1111. \('" II 1li rt,\ ·\\'ha1 prop!" .,:, ~ rlnr ,, , Mnl\11,:, hrn11lr11, IJJ111, • 1 1 · 1111 ·rr " 1'' h,· -ni<t q ,1i•t !; MR~ . L. THOM!.ON of nun wt~nr111L: o111v a pu1r iH \" i • ' li,1.d no1 o w· . short :,.hnrl!-i, lrnd , ,•n · l11 1Jr a.-.k p1·11p!t' lih., .1\h~l\ 1.! ... ,,,. , , inte r, o, tu , n\' uhout tile fHlint rnc /Jltl q t!{'., 11,ti-. A .._k 1ni.: l111n, Hoo111 .,l till' Cli_r ,111 1 , JJo+ II!\ 1w· IHJJfccl nn 11 1.1 •u n•i 1, 10 1•,p l11111 lu., '·' 111 L:. :- 1 ·,·11 ti'd J ! ,. ! s u r 11) r-" P:1ract1, c, 11 his i.c-f'ludt•tl lrnshi.: llullH' ,dll111~1 lh:ll . . , ',\ llrrr tiU' Gold '0 .1:,,;t A rt Jh· ,·111dtln I I lw p n1 11t- r nz,· 1·n1r1r., :1rr 011 d 1., p l11 r !:~1~11•~'' t;~u,::;u.~.\ 1- •,' t:,..~'/ ~\'i\11 n 1 '.\'~t 1.~ 1 ~;'l~~/tl· u~;\' \~{,ti~;~l!;i; n n cl ,•.11:- \ \'11Inolh· , ... :,-1plt•c,• or nwrlcrn I>amt I11g," p n ·!-.-i:H111i-,,111, lu• 111d. .,aal t11•1• 1sln Hi , r - llriw !n11J.: did It tnla• tn I •n 1 ·· , • , r. 11mct-- \ 1:w11 ' T ,\ 1·111,·- 11,·c , ,·nn,. \ r 1lt'kf11 1c• n •pllt•d · " r1 ha~ ,·c•n· ~on<I 1·olm 11 , ''All my best'' ~ 1 1~'..~'1~\~ :\.~::::r1/11 n 10 ~• 01 1 .t;•.~.';.1i!i Th(• f)llllil took l'll! hl Ill n 11 t. Ill hll!ll""i 10 JHJ 0 11. hid l h l' " f l 11:"ts H lll \'!-I C'rJOll/- l'l·Slilt \\'U:- 1111' l r1111 o f qU.d lty Ill ll t llA l 11!-.SOCIRlf'."' \'PH!"'- 01 1•xprn 1'1wr i1 wi1h tllf• tlllc," he :;auJ II(' d 1d11"l li ke n11 n(·qt1 l/-1. Tllr pub 1c a m1 Lh r.\' u, ,~ L'01npc•1111n11 Jik,• t lw 1111,·r h1•P11 ,t ... 11 1111,: Ll!r ,•x– GnlcJ Const 0111• wh,·rr t hr '11h11 1011 a t I hr nt1 r or 16011 pri1.r con:,.tillll 1·rl 11i,, n: it·r ,1 rlH\' - dnn·1 a~rrr. rnr1i 1 ';:i-~f~;;);,' 1 ;,, \\'I ll •h, 'It's clinical' f;~~~it 111~11d ., Li ll ker p tw. .\1 1!'!. J.orc•11a Tl\0111,;;011, ol \Vn.-. thb 01,r- ,,,~ 1,,.s1? T oown11~: "A prrJ-01 !-hni1lrl '.\1oh'lt,; i-m ilcu. " Tlw,\'·rr he able to look nt a pr11.r - a ll 111\' l>r s!" \\'111111111.: J)ttlfllllH! nnct Ml,\ JlnCk 1n thr Corrobnr1•1• ·J co111r1n·1 do 1,hn1 111 !000 ,·rars· · " \'nu roulrl :-11 clown n1HI prr,rtu·nll_,, rlra\\' 1111.-.... iVll!-iS ~TIIJ'l.!tlf'l'llf' \Vtnfl•r. nr St.nfforrl : " II lonks like c!:~~~~/"~/ 1 :\W, !~~!;~i~~ ~t ,U~~- 11 ,1. " l l ',1.; r1.•n1hl,· t:111111.·nl," ~lrs. W. 1-tci1~nn. or Surr– f'rs· Pnrnctl!-ic. wns nnot111•r who rtlrl 1101 like I he l)IC· tun•, althoui:h she nL– tcmptrrl to C'~plnm It. hut her son·s firinccc Miss ;\tarrly Kristy, an nrt. st u– ch'n . lore,! IL. " l t '!-i j 11,o,;t 1.ml .-.omr.thm~ about 1t." .':he ."i11Id, ht.1I con· crclNI l.l1crc Wt'l'f.' IJeu er paII1t1nl.!s in Ll1c t~:-.hihition . '.\1 r. 1\ Sr hrf'Jbrrk Junior, ol P:llm nrstch. 1hot1gl1t ii had no gr,•at ~!,\'If' or hru. .,J1work. ··11 '!i n b!I slrnplr 10 !,?.f'! 11 11 r!ir po1111 ncross, J ,~011 ·t ,'iC'C' 1111y 111cii 11i1112 conrcycd In ll nt nil." hr sairl. :\fr. G l\nheJ. of i\lorrr . l.ho11ch1 It 11'8~ [rl~lllenlnµ Ncithrr hr nor his wl fr wou ld like to hnn~ It. 011 1 hrll' w:111 Th1.~ ,\'C'ar. 1hr 111rtcr 11\t r. f.11111·11• Tllnm:t/ol • hnd S:.!500 to ~prml nl Th" r xh1hilion tn llu.v pii·111 n ·." fnr :1 ru turr Gnl,t Coa!'it 1!1dl"I'\'. Art J)J'IZr t'Ollllll illrc \'icf'– Jll'C,"'il<lr111 1 \I r .John Coop ~ ~-,~~,:~n ld\\:~';;",~rrct1 ;1/ h~ 1 :~~\~~~! stnon fl\'Ollll l)lr llt'Xt \'('Il l' I fr r xprr1 NI I l1r (';nJrl C n:1.c.;1 C11y Cou11r·1l wo11lcl rn 1sc ii ~ $1:!00 co111rlh11tton nnrl {'tJn\lllt•J'Cf' Hild 111 - rlw;t r.,· would pro,·tc1c t.Jic ·est ..