Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

It has 11:ir11111 ,•cl l'hOH'<'.~ doll'n SllOrl lis t of ll ll'f't• Mr F lrtl'l1Pr a nn l.urd Ma.r r Clr111 J o,11•., n rr br lle vcd to ag n•r 011 ll'hich Oil~ they fH \'U llr. Bu t. last Wt' t·k , no one was evr n whis– pering where any of t he t lneP mlgh t be. Some of thC' wise money In art and rea l r statc ci rcles hns been on the Botnnlc Gardens or the Holy Name Cathectrnl site Tiles<', the argument wen t, were the only sit.es wi th thC' couple or acres neces-1 sary to build nn adequate gallery. Bu t Mr. Fletcher told th e Sunday Col– umn yes tr rcl ay: "Co~t of ncquirln g the properties is onr fncL to be ronsldcred. Thr sites under conslcleratlon would requ ire thr - pu rt'hase of properl y not owned by thr city or the Govrrnmenl ." Tha t rules out th e Botan ic Gardens bul leaves the Holy Name. The Lord Mayor, however, Is believed not to favour the Cathedral site because hca vlly trafficked roads on all three sides would make It an Island, difficult to get to without building underpasses. Said Mr. Fletcher : "I'm very pleased with all the sites. At this stage, none can ruled out." .I I MAR 1969 BrlslNne, BRISBANE ~,1AN I\L\Y IIAVE 130 'HT \'ALLABLE PAINTlXC Bru one antique dealN, Mr. Tam Laroo, 23 , af Highgate Hill, the owner of a painting which, he believes, could be valuable. Ttw l\!'l:--l-.1:1111 d lrt•('lnr of hy - ~ ~ld-1 !.,•., 1,rt e:qwrt:- - -- 1 ti,• O l1t'('l1:-.lal\d /\ r t c.,l-1 l>f' f()f{' lt lOllld bt• 1c>ally lO b(• u D1' 1-l Croix 01'1~1- lny , Mr. H. !\lt•lllltth, 1t1i11k~ ldl'lll lflt'tl n,d 11 ,•011ld bf' wunh thou- ,o~l~~o.L:.rno boll~hl ,11) Photographs to ,,uml, OI l~'c~k 1 :~1 ~c.t1\1.~'i 1 1,~W: 1 !l~~\i 11~;! go overseas at (i b d ~tOllC' Hn,1l1, }-fl~h-1 .'.\II' I.u:no ha, , ltCJ'.'11 tlt(' ~att· ll ll l. pn1u1111~ 10 tlw .1rt tfrtt!c.'1':, I-IP . 1tld toclay th.11 IIH' at 8utlwln··.., Ill .'.\l,•IUOlll'l1t!, p11intl11~ rt·1n lndl•d h1111 or ~111 ct ht• mtrnr1,•d to -.c,u.t :,,nine o r ~lw work~ or l!hh p1J 1110~1 .q,h~ ul 11 10 1.:xpt.•rl:; cent ~!ry_I• rem:11 1n11~tt·r, De o, c•r~ra:-; Ltt Croix. :\lr. :\h'lli~h saltl the ~l r. Laroo lf'nl the puin t- rnlintl nl-:" cle/1idnl a ru– in~ to tht· Q ueensland Ar! maullo hat le M.·cuc of G allt•r). where It ~vas tc~tn l lhe Napoknn :1rca. 1111c!t•r 11 llrn - \'lolct llglll. •· De La ciourt was n ro- i\.1r. Mt•lllsh con rlrnH•d m1111tic. IW-,lOl'lCfll nrll:,,l today thut .lhf'rC \YHS no In- who did lllOSl of hi~ pitillL· d h..nllon thu L the pid 11t111J:; m g rturu1~ the first half or \\'11s a copy und he thou,:ht the mnelCl'lll h century " h~ It r<111ld he a De La Croix said. "Some of his \\:orks orlgmnl. include Onnlc AND V1q,:il n111, Mr , Mclll.,h mnde It nnd Llhcrty Undln~ the clcur thnt this wns not People." dl'ftr: ltc nnd the natntln~ Some of his works ;u-c In ·mild hu,·c to be lnspcctctl the Lou,'!' 11 1 l'an s. The Federal Housing Minister, Senator Dome Annabelle Rankin, used a few spare minutes today to hove a leisurely look at the Telegraph Home Show at the Showgrounds. ft \\'(\:,. t lH• s1•1'111'd \ 1, 11 lo \'b 1tt11·.. :,1111' • IIIC' Ol')('t\ll lg H :tn :111tt l(llllOITOIA lJt•t Wl'l'!l 1he Show 1or 1)111111• Anna • 10 0:1.unu I :m and :i ·m lu~lle, who 01 11c1:ill.,· ,p1.•11Pd • . . . rn· T IH•r1• wlll hl' a rlemon - ll ln~t Fnflav . j l 1 • 1 '' 1 ' hnm m n · st i ll t011 of hrlek l11,·1ni; to- on 111 r. A111 111bPl\1• llt'\\ nwlrn1wllt· 111 auil rwur · 1110rl'UW rw.:.ht · rrom cnl1bl•rrn torta,· a 11d 1 1 nlt'lro1u,lil:rn . St°ltonls I Pri7.l'S won ctu rill t! lhP wn - 011 hl'r \\'UV t roi11 llw han \'l,H,•fl llli• s how. <'Oll ll•~t wtll bt• p rc•i.L•111t•rl hy A1f~)Orl to hr r off1res In t ill' ~ri~• llf!llli' _Shn\\:. is. 11 ~ '~.· ll lf• . D lrt'ClOI' Cic•t11·ru l ()1 c,1,· whr11 :-.he !--lnpp.-d nr 111 1' tin,d I\\ O cln~ , l oci .,. i1;.i1wution. \Tr, C . K . H. tlu: Hon.~ Rhow. 11 1 .. 11p"11 11111 11 10 p 111 :\luq,h,•. At the rulturn l 11 nt tt' Ton1nrrO\\ . lhr f111:1I ,t.,y \'r ....11,rduy·... S IOfl pri, ,• Lo- 1lw drp ut y ctlt•f'l'l 111 111 1111' \• will 1 w 0 111•11 tro111 1n :1 111 \\'Orrb 1uiy1 ll11H! 111 tlH' Qrn•,•n~lr1 n rl .\ , t li:tllr•ry 1 1111111 10 p111 A,'1111,... w11 1,;; 111,111,• 1,:,,,_h1hlt1011 \\'t'111 l4l Mr. It. '.'\11•1!i ... h . p 11•-.,•1ll1•11 fl t.'l'. II. It. n. l.itulh· ,·. of Uo11 - 0 a 111~ .'\1111·dw11 \,ltl1 n Tnrtn,· nnd 1011101 -r,rn , ion 111•r .\ , ,•nth'. Clnyfli' lcl. lf11tdM·npr h· 1.lh 111rt11•!,. ·w1 IJ b(• f!J\ t'll Il l !I T lw ('onl l'oln lll'lll' Wl\!- Til(• p:1111t 111+: Ill tlH• trer co111pr 111 ion ltW Pll - w,111 I}\' \Vurl'('ll Yn ll ll~. n. l r o et I t t o 11 1 , tyli• i-. (1f t.:,Htrci nml t1f'\\ 1, -irni rriN1 of \ lnl1 1111-. ~• l"f'l'I Ca r l11n l\. nnpp, 1',•,d, ni•rir 11H' r oupl,·., • Whole! C!x hibit bought · Q m•r11,J:111d •N•• " :--•0111h 1 ,\ 11d 1!1..,.n• \\Ill ht• t llf' Pug~ 42 . . \Vu les hord1•r 1,11:d ri,,·, 1 C'1,l:1 p t 111•.. Ahoul l • .OtlH 1111•11 w o111r11 1\w r ll1ld r,·11 ancl ddld rr11 1,1, l11cl11 1 1: -, !11• hrwkh1\'llll! f"ltulll · nir111_v ra nli ly i:: ru11 p ~ - , 1 .. - p1n11-- l11p ~,-,·1 ioi1.-. 1·rn11 p P l 1•1I llt•d Liu· Show )l'~,~·rd.,y 1rn ,·nch 111u.l1t. ,,111 hi• 111•!11 T hi .. h :·1111!~ 1\11• 101 0 1 01 tonh.:.h t IJl!IWt't.'tl ti,.!O :111d