Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

PtAN for n 11 art ~cn trc 111 a n au cmpt "1'hc-r,· t, I.on nrnc:h ___...,,. talklnJ: about a nrw .art :~r,~~... 1 M~. \\!!rn:~ 0 ::.1~ )'M l<rdll)', In his 1110 11, Mr. Wrr– ncr has lnrorporaled an amtll,nrlum - with pru– J er l Io n equlpnlC'nt - "'hrrl' lrcturr~. demon– "tratlon~ and film~ 1·1w lfl ht• !iihnwn to th,~ 1111hli1: a nd lo Tc,·hnlw l Colh';:l' llrl ,.,urtrnts. t:nou,:h ~JlHl'I' would ht• ld l. sn ttrnt. t he whnlr (luctnMlanrt Art (iulh-n · ('Ollcutlon could he db - ~~•}~rl ,r.~t a'~;'~ 1 ~~. ~~V~ lery , houlrl he a llcxlhlr unit, nround wh h-h lhu eullur• I llfo ol the C'flm– m unlt.y woulcl rc,·oh •e. Mr. \Verner s111a:cslrfl for the Botanic G ardens area as a site for the entre. T•l•Mr•ph, Tuesday, April l, 1,,, ART GALLERY SITE MOVE Sl11h• ( 'ahl11,.1 IHd11, mn,· d,.••ld•• lo bu,· IR11d 111 SH11lb Hrl,.baru• fflr • • l'w arl . ......., ., Tr~~~~,r~~ 1 .d~~~ 1 . 0 ~~ 1 ..~\~ 1 ,~_1/i'l 1-c Ol;,ll'UCl lOII or a nrw r('conune.nc1 to Cublm.H th,11 gll ll<H"Y will cost an csli– lt. buy luncl 011 tht! 1,p- ,mn u:d ~-l111illion, .,,;lreo m side or the southcrn l .-\ GO\'C'rnmc11 t. nppoint– u pp r oa.~ h lo Vlctortu t•Lt co1111111 u,,,-, hn.-; cho:,en Ur1ct1:L'. I he co. t 1s e:<- the site. which \,·uuld have 1 1ccted tu l>l' aboul $2m ll· n ,·lew ucros.-. u,c Uri. bane 1011. ll:l\'l'I'. Ciu\Cl'111t1ent :im1n·es soy 1har pious for tlir i;nllcry wuuld gi\'\' Urislmnc one Or All'il raliu ·., he::.t n l'L CCHll'C!-i. 11 as understood tJmt it J)l'l)\'iclcs IOI' 1110 1'C 1tia 11 10 tlr11c.-. IIll"' pk, Ul'C h:u1gin~ SJHll'(' of the t•x1.-.t1ng 1;1tl– lcr.v. It Is ht ..llcH•c1 I hu l l>oLh 1IH' Go\'rr11111l 1 11t nod the ~~·:.~~~~ 11 Lt~ 1 ~-r,:-:s~:, 1 U1 1 ~~,~~ hanc nreu iti the best uvall– nblc. GALLERY SITE POSER "COURIER MAIL" Tho city a rt gallery mystery still e1ists, but it may b1 . rc1olv1d neat week. \Vherr will thr Art. Gal- lery IJC'11 rnltt cc ~et up by the 00\'- Ronrn Strrct ... Ire wa!; too crnment. ~mnl l. ri.t r. Flctrhcr ~aid It was Mr F'lt•h.. 'lf'r s'lid 1lic hop1.'d thn he _would hu\·r n site~· for th~ llt''~' ~n!lrr\' rommturc . 1crom111cncta- hnci hN•n nar rnwrd clown 1( 1 tlon t.~ plncr ?c~o~r c.n~inct thrrr nr fnur, :tft<'l' ~~,1~111~1-c~drt) . 1 h is \1.0. llOt tcn:-.1,·c l'OI\S1dl'l'nl l011 o f Ye s t c r d a :,1. the Stutc E dU CR Lion Rlld Cultural " A number of problr nu, Mlnlsler (Mr. Flctchrr l a1·c lnrol,·cd," he s111d could not ~l\'C R defh11L• 1 ~11'. Flelchr.r SRld . l11s.L nnswcr. 111011l h thnt llH' Bonrn I Sll't'('I :-IIC had hC'('ll nllcct Know soon OU for an nl'I ~11l!rry bc– CH\I,<:(' of "thr µn llcry·~ pos• He sn ld thnt CCl'll1 ill II!-" bible future drvclOl)llll'llL 11~ pCl'ls of ncriu1n 11c A ncw l part of n culLllrnl cen tre:· ~~~(1 \\'~tc ~:11~1 ~~~'~fn~:o~ri!,~= ;~Nu~l~Cllln~~t ~~~/~~d l'Oi'/1 .. v:.;~<:~--~··•- Brir.bane, Q 2 1 MAR 1S J alley site for Gallery' /\ N \dcnl , le for the /\ new /\r l GA ilery woulrl b e 1hr 1-loly Name Cntlwrlral sil e in th e V~l 1 i;~~ .hern 1;111~ Idle for ""''~~=··'-"" -11 ,·N\f!-. c;:,\llf'f' \!12R when t!1P fNirnlnnon , 1nn" fnr ,1,,,. mn– posr d rn thrdrnl w:1.~ h\\c1 . /\~ Oll.f' who l"'nn1i1h11tr<I 1n 1hr \milc\ml: 1•nirl 1_or mnn_y \'f'(\I'!- 1 nnw ..,~ 1 cl!f''-l thnt lht~ \)rnni'rl\· h;, c_p·rn In 1hr Ar Gnllrn· .. prc1r1rnlly fo1 1he \ 1lll"\ u, r f'lf hu1lrlll\j! th e ~al– ('I'\' thrn•. Thr Ch11n·h htu; I ·Cnrlv 1,cr11 fH\1'· com- n,~11~{\1rc1 for 11. hy 1.hr nm!'~: l-rRr~ In \\hi h 1h l~ prnpc11, 1 n.,; hf'f'I\ ,.. ..:rmnl frnm rntc!". "A l ·attrnllt·," '.,hlnn, . ..