Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Prize art at gallery Tho Quoonalond Gallery will re-open on Thurtdoy to • how more than 300 ontrlo1 In Couell Rlrh.,d1 and J. Honer memorial prise,. The gallery hR.'1 losed since Sunday while the entries from uth AtLstralla. Victoria. Nrw South Wales, and Queensland arc being hunl{. The Cn.s.scll Rlchnrds prl1.e. ,·alurd Rt $525 is for t~r~r,rnAa~~'~\'\\'g~~ze~ 1 ~~:l~~d Rt SBO, 1s for drn wing. The recen tly- ret I red director or the Sou th Aus- trRll•n Gallery , Mr. Robert Campbrl!J will make the Rwnnls at the otricinl opening or the ex– hibit Ion nrxt Tuesday C\'enlng. OVEMB_.E_B._l2, 196 Richards Prize big art draw By FREDERIC ROGERS Big show in art this wcC!lc i1, of course Richards Pri_se e1hibition now o" e•hib1t– ion, awaiting judging at the Queenalond Art Gall- eIT. 1~. 111 a mn,1111PI' of -~l>CRking. ~·rt, su b JUdlre. ~ <letntlC'rl romrncnl would he 0111 of n lnt' f' , hlll lt, <'Rll llf' snlci l11n.1 Ihere arr man,• rnm lllnr nRmPs on the 1•nm·rt$Pt,,i. nn ct n M1rprl~lnR: n11111hrr or nh...rn1r,-.-. Thrrr 1,. ~on1r \'rry i1:;nnd work nn,I I. for on,, ,10 not rru·.,· thr Jmli:t- \1" ht~,~~,' hO\\'P\'f' I". m,· nw11 i-.f'IPr lIn n n11rl r ~•1gc,t•~t 11 wo11lrl l)f> n :-.nl11- 1nr·\· r:\f'l"f'i,,r for lrn.:nl Art – . r mhm,in ~,.._ lo ~rr 1,h<' $h flw in nrhrrnrP nnrt dn llkrwl~r . PRIZE ART entrioo being orran,ad in the Queens– land A, 1 Gallery yesterday by attendant, Mr. Smith, nf Mt. Gravatt, a, the 300 pointing, submitted for the Cancli Richards aP'ld L. J. Harvey memorial ,,,t prise, were hung for r,,,blic viewing today. Tho pointing being hung bv Mr. Smith - "Studio Corner" wa, sub• rnittt'd by Fran ri, Lym. he,nar, r,f 'Syd ,·vy. Win– ,,crt will he announced ne!...!.__ Tue,do y n ight.