Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

,, ,, ' J, ,,. $7m. art gallery approved OuN~nsland is tu a: el a 111'\\' Sl•le ~rl ; ~llery cu, 1i11r a boul $7 million. Tho Premier, ~l r BJclltc• Pc1t•rsN1 , said lasl 11 i~ht that Stutc Cabinet hacl h J)Jll'O\'rrl the b11lldlni: or the i:all,•ry on u Ol· ui:rc site in South Brbl.rnnc. Thi• l':--t111H1lcd l 'fl~t \\mild i11l'ludl' ln11d. b11i ldwg~ nnd la11dscupit1g. he hitl<I. Gn\'cn1mL·11t off1cual: ~uid 11li111s fnl' the 11 ,,,· J:D lll'I',\' 1~;~l~ 1 ~1-f ~~~; l ,~::~s~~ 1 fu~:;.~. 1i 1 ~. lbc One-man show by Australian LONDON, TUESDAY Tht_• /\ u s I r u I I u 11 palntl'I', Ouvicl Boyd, w il l hold n11 exhibition of rc-11·ospt•ct1 v,· art 111 London rrn,n 1\111·11 Ill to l\lu,· II. It wi ll lw Bo~d'1-- fourt h nnc- 1111111 cxh lbil io11 ii, Lu1Hln11 n11cl will cons ist uf ahuul 80 t>ichll'CS, most I\' lcnl 1,y 1>11bllc galleries or p1:l\'a lc ow ncl's in A ustralia and Britain. I the Courier-Moil I Our Ll,.,.rly d"""""• on 1hr. Frffr clonc r,/ lhff l'r,u, nnrl 111111 cannol he limill',I irilltoul hrin11 lu,1,-Jrlfrr,m1. Gallery should be splendid ! T HE State Government can be conl(ratu– lated upon the decision to rrlve Queens– land a new and expensive Art Gallery, and upon the site It has selected In South Bris– bane, looklnrr across the rlvr.r to the city. After years or delay and frustra lion the Governmen t suddenly has acted with unexpect– ed swiftness. It appointed a commi ttee to ex– amine possible sites only 10 weeks ago and on Tuesday Cabinet was able to announce Its de– cision. Now Mr. BJelke-Petersen has promised that every effort will be matle to speed the de– velopment of the project. This ls most welcome. The site of the gallery Is close enough to the ci ty for It to be within walking distance or a short bus ride for visitors to Brisba ne a nd for city workers who a t lunchtlmr may care to spend a quiet half-hour wandering t.hrough It. And, provided there ls adequate parking space available, It ts centrally enough situated to be convenien t to motorists coming rrom either the south or t he north side of the river. Apart from the cost or the land the build– Ing of the gallery appears likely to cost be– tween $4 million and $5 mllllon. This Is ample to give Queensland a splendid new centre In which to house Its a rt collection, a nd to pro– vide the auxiliary art services which a modern gallery needs to have. The Governmen t's announcement did not con tain any detail about what Is actually pro– posed except tha t there would be "buildings" and landscaping. No doubt the Government will announce this soon, a nd then serious tlls– cusslon or the design of the gallery ca n begin. Considering design, Queensland Is fortu– nate to be able to have the benefit of the ex– perience of following Victoria a nd Nrw Soul'l1 Wales In their recent construct.Ion and recon– struction of a rt gallerles. We do not ne~d to copy them. bu t doubtless we ca n lrn rn from them. Perhaps, when thP Govern lllPllt. has decided what It wants. In dcLRII, a rompet ltton for the tleslgn or the gallery n- lght be a sensible lctea. An alternative would b<! to appoint a panel of top Australian architects and art experts to consider design. An a rt gallery Is not'. of course. a n art gal – lery Just because It Is called one. The acid test of a gallery Is the quality of Its collectIon. Now that Queensland Is getting an Art GallN :V of which It can be proud, art coll ectors In Qurrns– land may be more Inclined to donntc or be– queath to the gallery someU1lng fr m t heir collections. THE AUSTRALIAN Thursday April 3 1969 bigger grant for art gallery T he ll11••1•11sla ud l'ri•mir r. ~lr IIJelkc,l'cteneu, ••id ye•lerday It was too early yd lo •• Y whelher the Stale Go,·rrn- 1111•11t's yea rly 1ra11t of l?t ,000 tu the (luceusland Art <ia llti')' \\'UUld be lnerrHed wlu-n the 1iroposed ne\\' 51 million Art C.-ntrc w11s built. J le \\ a l.'orn 11w nt111i:: nn a • Hth•11wnt b, I\t r J . W 11·11kl·, o1 gu ll •1, d11 ,·l·to 1 \\ h11 :-,1111 h1• ('0\i\d ttr,t IIIHl\.!ll lt' \1tm !Ill' Ill' \\ ~~•J llc•rv wrn ilrl bt• ahll· to UllPl'i11f• on S:!4 .0 (111 u \ L',11 . M r \\' i,•11k1• .-;nrl l h,1t IH 0 l•;111:-t' nw llt'\\ L!lllll'I"\ w111dd bl' llltlt'h h U.!J.!t•r 11 would 11n·rl 111111·11 11101·c• i,.tal f a1 ul t'tJ:--1 :1 l,11 more 10 1\111. T ilt• P n•1H1t:1· :-i-i lC\ ' " Th i!-> matt t•r nr tlu" i.:ntlt•ry L!filnt Ii,. ::u11wth l11q th ut i:. n ·1u: wt.•d fro1n l 1111C ltJ l itlll', ;111(1 il i:, ll little· ,·..it 1'· tn . av w lrn t it \\ di bl' :11 tilt• t11 11t.· IJw L!alh:n · 1:- U111 lt. "But 11 is t'l'I tr1111 tlwt l hl' Govt·rnml'l11 \\ 111 l.)l' n •a ll:-tlc w h II tlw 111:iltl'I' t:OlllCS LI U fo r co11 s id1•1:.111011." 1-h· u1111uu1h:C'rl on Tu 'i<iil,v nil.!h t that tlll' Stat e Cabh11•t lutd :1 pprO\'t.'d tlal' lrndd illi! nf tlw tit'\\' ,::allc.•ry on a 0.1 nt:rc !-=i tC' ncu1· the southf'1'11 1111pn)i\Clll'' to the V ictoriu Bri<lg 111 South Bri!-,ba11r. The new 1,;all ·1 y would give U 1 l!!LHlllC t,I C ur lh L>cst art t·<.•11t r l.'~ in Au8tra lh.1, u.id I Jl'(1\'irlc HlJ0\11 IU times th ,anglll~ ~l}Ul'C Of the IJl'CSCIIL ga llery, lw said. MORE SPACE .-\ clcst HII /or tlic gnllcry had nut yl.'! hct"l ·1•ll'ctcd uncl us yet no st;,rt111g t,1 111111-hlng date for l'on:-11 ucti1111 11o1rl llct•1l nomect. 1IH'.' '.. ~:,~'.:'./1/,:: 1 'tt~~ll~Ul'~~~-hiij~:~: ,t,d ;1 d 1..'~IGll ror the }.:t1ll1.•r.r \\ o u:11 lw µrl'purcd b.,· the l '1 ,cll' 1•S1•L•n \t:try of tlw works l)qw1t11w11l. i\l r D. !\l<:rct•r. 11 \\ .,~ u!so 1110 t•.irl,v tn sn.v ,, h ,•11 J\l1 Mt·rn•r·s l'l'port. ""u lt! l lc L'Otnpl •le. " 1\lr l\kn ·cr's Joh wil l 1111,·c lo lw 1ala•11 ~tcp b,\' s tc·p ns f111a 11d:il pru\'lsiuns ure marle." !\1 1· HJ l•ll"\c•Pl'h:n,l',} sa id . i\! 1· \\'1l·1u·k e snid the 11l'\\' ,•1•111 1l' \\ (nllrl 111en11 111an .,· n r the J.:a I ll~I'."·~ \\ orks 110\\ stored irt :111 n I I It' hr,·a11:,c o f luck oC h:1•1 .!111:..: :- 1>,n·c l'Ould he t.11:- nl:,, f•<I. ,\1 pn· .. l·11t. 11111" .1bnut nnc– h:1111! t>f 11!~ gullcry 's 5 1.25 11tllll1111 \,urth or pat·,1ti n,::s cou ld lie h11n~; and w hen m·,·rst•n~ or intersta te r xhibi– t1uns \\ ere 5llown these had lo l; c taken do\\ 11. Gallery trustees say 'thank you' TO THE EIHTOR Q UEENSLAND ART GALLERY trust– would like to thnnk all those people who assi1<ted in obtaining a new art. gallery worthy of this Stale nnd one whirh Queenslnnclers 11'111 be proud to own. We thank the Oovemmcnt for '1ivln~ to the people of Queensland opportunltles of culwral dc,·rlnpmrnt. and appreclnt Ion wh11<l1 will c\\';ul ~~~f~ rr!'O~~~~~nR~. nny ol er This decision to build a ne\\' R• ller)' Rt South Bris– bane "111 be a ~rent sl.lmu– lant to art 11,; It will g!•·• everyone an opportunity of ~~l~~.1oitd1~/:~ed v~~ 11 ~~ best ad,,anl'1Jie. We hope thl\t tho ne"· gallery will encourage !l<'Ople to mnke ~lfls of money, pe.Jntln1ts nnd other ohjeL, d'nrl to our ~nllery. We thank , he Lord Mayer for hi co-opcrntlon and t.hc Drlsbn11,. City Council for so 1tPncro11~ly dOllRfln~ R\'a.11- Rblr. IRnd LO thP. o o,·rrnmt:nl 10 mnke this site pos,lble. ·so much effort'