Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

l cu.. M/H~ \9 ·r'J tral The Souths ide Cullu ,al Centre, which is wide ly eapcrien ~d in p re , ent ing a l't and croft shows, ha, plonned an ambit ious, se' f– contoin ed cultural oreo for the Telegra ph Home £,ih ibition, T hr T eh i,il'npt\j .u11.1Jd ~t lu· 1...1,,,_i 1pl llur11r F il1- fh1• {> lt1iJlll1JII o l .,I' 1lia 1 h it 1111 A '· l, ufWll& d Ill .:lw~ 111to •I t• IJ11 1ld111+! 11, 1.1'1 \ .1 , 1 ,,a, ur 1•'11 ' 11\ a, 11 (I 1ur111:-.l1111,-! ul H In ~.- d•H l •. lll• \ I 11,1 • ho1w· '-A'1l1 n w •1 1 ,LI .! 11 111 l. ,. I 1• H 1 k II I ,. 1 · 1.il 011 F nd:L)' , n111t " .It rt11 \ 1111 .,.,,,., tot 1t,,u:.1n1..· for ~lt;hl n (IPflhhJI"' drnl :-i,·11ult1I I( 111\. I\ n igh t."i. ,11(JI"'' l'+I lH Exh\lJILion hn11r.... will lw M1111-• 1•1 1,u rmtl!:-.t1 1ul rrom 2 p.nt. u 11 lll IO J) Ill l>l•, ,·.dl)ll lt'I t \ lr C1Lll\l)- 011 WL"Ck day~. a nd 10 lA. I'll bt•l! until 10 p.m Ult S..t.tUr • Th,· t.nrU ~la\(11 Aid Ck m da)'!ii. fini:,h1 111: 011 ~t11rch J unt> ... will - tt'IJh 011 lJc•- ·1~· Cultu ral Ceulrr d b- haH ol tht:> exl111.>1tor:,,. µl t\y will include a u a rt Al 1ht• uCf 1r1_ l ope111!1g. s h ow with pu111t11tg!\ Se u ut or H.1nk1n 1-'tll ioa.iwd · by the Quet"1ts• \ nre-1\t'l\l tlw µ r1 e..., " 'OIi an land Art G allf'r}'. and HotL ..IIIC Pro\14_• 19 - thr dozens ol pnlnt l11r.:; b\• lo-\ $1000 urrh1t1·t 1ur,1I com · ral nrtl!iiL"l p,•1Hum ,·u1ut,11·1t•d b\' 1hr A special dra\l'Ctu d IA' 11 bi,~ l•J111t•n.. ta 11d hu,~tt•r nl workmK b l1ys in i,.,tu l'I, tlH' Uo,al 11~1 a 10 11 In - 1 p t, lnl.e rs, ."tC'Ulplon, f)Ol - Mll \11,• OJ A rd11u •t'l/\ un d t,ers aud weavt!'rs w ill d1.•- 11romntecl b\ tl tt:- T ,·l<•- mvns Lrat<' 1,...,::~:.:" -l' ,::>l:,.1---.-- --' $1000 PRIZES Th· Culiural Cen t re ,•xltlb– ll will cover 2000 sq,(L It will include n rtrnw111u and series of (ll!Oto– g rap h I e e11larsrme111s shovnng Qul~e11slaud ln t.he ~lonecri1u: days. An ad O.CCl\l poster di:,pla}' by ie Qurcnsla11d Art,' Movement will gl\'e ln – rornmt.ion on h OA' orgnn- l5nttons fost.cr i11g crPnth, act.h't ly in many held cnn be Joittl~ . ' •t •• -. H Tra11s1tnrt T h J111>IK.l ...('d ~He fo Lhc new nr l gnllrr~· 11 Sotll h n l'i~IHlllC n •:1lly W0lhf1 j.!l\'l' t hC' f'II\' fl 111a~111fwt•n 1 :irl l'OllljllP.' ~',!, ~nW."no\1" n\·•·1 r,onL ,4, IIOW{'\'f'f . flt 1t• })01111 COIIH'S to lll lllfl :H Lim• si;q~{s f'Ollf'hbl \'l'I\' WIii enrt :,11~· hnpf•:-. ol thr– hunrlrf'cb 0 1 ,·0111111111rr:– on llw , ,H1I lw n1 1111,~. thnt. 1h,•~ <t 11 l \ f' u1r:,111'..,""-""~-~-~;'ij~r;~~.f !\{'l'\'if't' 1ro111 ~ll l h Hrh - b a 111• /\In110 11 CH'l'r 11:,• 10 Rnn1:1 :-ilrt'f'l Cr11t nd :•11rt !'-O rt'1\ r h tlwtt p l.w1•, nl cmplo~·111PO! \I, II lH111t Il1r Wlllk 0\1.'I' 1'11• h r11 11.:1• or t.hr IIH'Ol l \ •'llll'llf'I' nl hn\'lnµ 10 pa,·k o vrr1•rowctt'd I r:,11 ..por1 n L S0111 h H n ...11:11\(' :-11 - LiOll \V I t h I h t' 1r:d lir r ll.,1\1-!t','- 11,n, \\ flll lcl h1• t lw t 11111• lnr <"11, f"oun– cll alld r:t th\.1\ o ll w1.1l, le• 1!1.'I IOL!•'' h• I 0 11 :1 I'll· • onltn:111•,t ....1•1 \ ,,.,. l'rn1n l n t \'t'II,•, .., ,l1cml1I IJf' ahh• lO lr-:t \t' '-t1l11 11h,111 11,1111:,; a t :111 Oll l••r :-.I ;II tn11 .111d h tl\'f' 1111' h 11·, ,.,•r \ 1<'1' ru 11 ll 1 11 C d 0 \\ 11 :\l.1111 StrePI 1n 1!11• \ ',di,•,· or 1-0 thf• c-11 ,· p 1np1•1 SOIi!(' 111rn,• 1 ... llllf' ro, 1hr h f'll<'ll l OI "llllh:-.1d(' OU ll'r ~utrn1 h:i1111 1•, \\'akt~y \\':tk••~· 1 ll1t;h – gu1c, H1Jl 1. "- \ .._ ~ r nh 1 , '- \,, "\ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I People's Forum I AIITCENTllE PAVES WA\' FOR FEllRIES T H'i: long -awaited art ga llery, in it s pro posed ,ia rden setting, will give a ltft to the ri ver's ~outh bank 110~~ ~i1n:"l~rt•~~:::.f1 111;~ musPum nL..,o could be llllllt on thr rl\•~rslc1e nt Sou th BriNbru1e. y:hr N' I he strnvltH? clock nov,.• ,.,a nets. Thc.i::r projr cr.~ of){'n the way ror ln1rodt1<·t1on or an up - nnct - down r I Yer fer r v sen •lce. which woulcl b·r111g t hrse centres or cull urP wit hln rcoch or Ihe re, IdenLs or manv suburbs. Advocntrs ol such a servlre to rclirve rond conge.~t.lon, pnrl lr11ln rly nl peak hours, shnulct find ca,1.'\e for renr wed cf(ort In the thnu~ht ~l11,~t ,;~';111,~~l m~~~:7' oroJrcts cnuld b, lnchtd· f'd nmonA' 1hr rrJ?lllnr cnlling points. - llob– h•l!il tToownnl?)