Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

THE Telegraph has donated an extensive section in the Home Exh ib iti on for an art gallery, crafts display and demom,trations. TELEGRAPH HOME SHOW GUIDE MARCH 21-MARCH 29 Thi., gc~lllrc or SU)lJ)Orl ror the cullurnl mo\'e– me11L 111 Qurcnsln11d fol– lows the Tclrgraph·s l'S– L a b I I s h e cl prncllce of making space nrn1lable to encourngr those hoclles which urc eu~nged in crcotl,·c nct irity. T lt I s \'Cnr's dls phly. IJl'C:te11lcc.t ' by IIW South S,dt• Cult.urn.I Centre, wlll lnclud£' au uuthcnlic art– ist's slurtio in which p ll I n Le r s wtll dcrnon– slrntr: a working pou,ery studio: and modcUuti!i by ~culptors. Artists at work A s pects or the C~ 0 ~~~r~~~~U~<1 ~r~ an~-::! t,erlor represent Ing lhe modern mode of h\'lni;, Thr pre:,irtent of the S OII L h Side Cul turn I Cc11tre. M~ ~Olli Mt?l– .!WJ,. stud fie ccmonsl m – uons would show how the vnrlcd nrt.ifncls ortgl– ul\lrd nnd ho,,· I.hey were presented In a modern setting. HlsLOl'IC a.spcrt.s or the creative nrt.s would be of pnrticulur 1nteres L. ta;'l~c M:-~~n~~r~. Ll.~~1i~ saiJ it wns significa nt 1hn1. peoplr todny could nnd did r>rncllse the crafts or 1>01 l cry making, spinning nnc1 Wl'll\'lllS by hunrl - ns craft. men hnd done for mnny cen– turies. • 1n novel display by culture "Demonsu·nt.lons will Include p11lntlng. ,.,.,," :: 1 making, sculI>ture, sI>in– nlng, we11vlng and wood· carving, uworks hswe bren pro– duced by hand from Lhr earliest days, and ,·lsitm·s to the dis(>lny will sec the way ln wluch spinninj! was done from grcn~)' wool. which then was wo• vrn into materinl. ' 1 Exnmplcs or this a n– cient crnft. such ns floor tLlld bed ruqs. \\ 111 hf' shown - also bcnu tll ul pine(' mnt~ woven for llSl' 1.n n moclrn1 set ting. " Among Uie r.<lnlers who will demonstftllr will Je 'l'uu',."'"i Mcft.,11,~y. who works In u..:.1.,, • ...:s. P nlnl– lngs will :nuk~ part or the ha' i<~round of tl,e nrtist ·s studio ,n the dis– play." "'irinlbi il/,~fct~d ,}~~~l1';,"J. buL ltt ms bought will re– mnm on dlsplny through– ouL Lhc exhibition. The Telegr ,ph over the yenrs has pnrLlclpn1cd Ill ~\:1 d;.~'~~~?,'j,f~·~ntgf ou~ crcath 1 c arts. This drlvr culmlnate4 ~~a/ 1 ~1 nse/;~~~ .. t~Pen/~ CulLUrnl AcLll'llies undct the con Irol of the Min• lstcr for Cultural ActM,• tie , Mr. Fletcher. The Director or Cultur• al Acll\'iLlcs, Mr. A. J. ~~,.'\~f 0 cc 1 ~tr~;~l~ng a~rooi his l11llhll mornmoflt tas1' of assessing the potential nnd u,e 11ccds or the cul• Lural movement.