Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

Brisbane, Q. - 1 ' j .. es1gJ1Colltest for ne an:· 'gallery suggested y ot·R pa per n otes ((.'. . :\!. :)fl.:1- li!I) that the ,-it c! for th e new q uec•ns• la nd :\rt (,alll'rv is in th e fin al ~ta,.:l's nf appro,·al. J-1()\\'l?\'f'T" li t I1,. hu!. hrc1i 5Rtci or 1hr ,!nllerv b u 1lctmc. Tin:-. h111ldm~ "111 h1• tllP crntrr ot nrt. 111 Q11«:!cnsla n rl Alld f-.h011 lci br R~ I hOUi,Zhl - prmnk\11~ :,.. r?O\' Gn11111cr..., 01•:-.lµn~ ror I lw \' il'1onn n :\ rt "' Uuli.,n ,\ 11 :\11:.t r:1 l1a - <A·1dt• 1•nr11 - 1>•11 II 1n11 ~hould bt• ilc lrt to d f''llt-:11 It. T t1 C 1.'::1ll1•n hu.... t,r--i, n h o U!-1'{1 ll!ll1i'I •. r ry ltllt'l'IOr rnnd 11 m1 1.., ,t iwe 1HrJ;; and R. ,11111111111\m: 11f'W lrn 11,11ng \\ ou lrl 1)0 1 /l t: lt'l'('H:-.e p11blll' . g~,~~•~·~~._1 1 •11~!1..ni1;: I ;~~\tn\i~\\~ti• ,' Now I~ ' ll P 11111c !(l lll:'\ k t• s11r·r 1hut rllr n,,,, 1,.:11 !\r,n \'– ln l1•1·1or 11r11twr m rlr,1L'n norr1,,,,.,,.:,.:-c 111111·1 10 11 In IIH' \ ' h'l nr11ir1 Gn llrry It t1r iH"•I r pn•:-.t•nL 111 -\11--1rnl111 , It wo11\(! l}f' .lJMl~ll'Oll~ ffll' 'f, nr1 111 Q 111•1' 11:-lnncl If , RIIPr "jl) ~'('(II :-. ol !f'!llJ)OI ft !'\' ,·nrir11- tlOll' 1hr (";mr,rnnwnt nl·lrrl hurnrrl l,\' n nrl hu11t a11yth111~ \r:,.._ tl11111 1hr h1•:-r - r aul Knnhrl, 2:1 Plonrrr Slrt.1•1. 1'00\\ on,;. ,: .., Gallery to cost $7111 llR ISll .-\ 'ff. T11c,d;,y. (luc1.·11,l:ind·, rr,•r l'":d nc" art l!.dl,·n i, t,~c lv lo '• ,1h11111 ~7 mdl1; ,n . 1hi.: l' r\.'r111 1..·1. l\lr Hjl.'lhc•Pcl\.'I'· !',1,,'II , , ,t i\l 11,dH \ 'I hc ncw l!,1lkrv \\i ll t,~ /' b11 dt nn a , lie uh,1111 h.dt ,1 1111 k f1,1n1 the c111. ..:n111...-. S1:1tc C :1h 1nc1 .irp1,,, .,.,ct tnd,1\' :1 6: -;11. 1c \t ic ln1· thl' ~a lkr,·. l'lll' P1 l•ii1icr 1.!:1\1,.' i11rt 1~ 11i,,11 ,11 ,,hc11 ,,,11k ,, ,11110 ..,1,Ht ,,n !lh· ~ .tl!t..·T \ but "n itl •·1 , e r\' cll11r1 '"111hl hr m.,dc to :, peel.I dc,·clopmcnt ", \