Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 4 : Presscuttings, November 1967 - June 1972

M ii'(.:;i..':.·.·.· . ' •...:·'. ····\~·-·.'·:•,>•' "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q. - 2 A~'R 1%9 $7m. ART GALLERY SITE ON SOUTHSIDE The new Queensland Art Gallery will be built near the southern approach to Victoria Bridge at a cost of about $7 million. State Cabinet yc~- 1rirrC OUL Ill .')C\{'l'H I !'-ilUJ.:t•~-11'0-\\'l)d- l,llP sttes rtown f1om t,erday approved t1h e I 1~'~1'. e~~:rr.-rl~l~(~~-en f~{I~~·'. !~it~ 1 1' ·~\?,~w~~c11,~~~~,.ca~;~~ site for the n ew gn l - I .1011P:·d 1nforn11 1 r! 'i llf• ~qH·c111I fuuil ~rlf'c1lr111 \\'lb mnctc lery. ,·n111n111tC'f' i11 ,·r~1hw 1i11µ T hi• nrw Art G alll' t'Y s 11e The Sltr. Wllldl 1·(1\ t'l':,1 1h r :\ rt (i;dh'!'~ i,ltr 1hal 111wlt1(irs a .\-1 prrch block of ab out. :;l;,..-ancl-n -q 11nr1 Pr 11,· Bn~h11i1,· C11 y '!1111u·1l Jnnd nwnNI l1y 1hr Lorri 1cres. Is bou n dr>fl b~' Cirl'Y, hnrl r\t'cif\rd - for 1pd1111 - ,,\l r1yclr 1Alcl<1rman Clem Stnnlry. Peel. nnrl 1\11'1- l':11 :111<1 eo ;1 1·1•,1.-:tins - no1 1.1011f':-. 1 hOlll'I\C :;u·cct.s. 1~ _,lll'Ol'C'Cf ~\ llh tlw "H~r- Thi'\ hlnc~ \\'n:,.. I.IH• s11 l1- Th c Prc1111r1· ri'v1r c1~1de1 D1l\c_ _111 Urnt rllC'R jrrtof nc-0111 rm rr~~· in J!'Jf,5 Rjclk<•-Petf'rsc n • snirl !'ftrr nf 8011 11 Bi ishanc. wiu' ll n 11:m•-::.1nrry hlork of c f\ hinct L11n1 prf'llllllllnry :· 111 \'II"\\' OJ 1h1::, 11,,, ('lllll · fin ! .... ' " h f' h u llt h ~• 0 ('SllllHH<' \\':\$ .. , 11 11lc n d n- 1~111,1,~p :,cn'1'd 1!1:1 1 rc~~1111 p- S\ (1 11,,:: 11n11. wn;; propos e<\ It \' or $7 1111 ll1011 ." i~~·lls(~[.('~~~ 11 ,~11:t,'i\\'.'~~~-1~1~~:-:~ lo~·. I! No Start Yet n l\'rr nr! J:lC!'lll 1n Tilt' ;,C• 1 1 )H' c\i•r rlo pt':- •tl)llllflflll · lrrtrrl ~iic·. wn:- PS.5r ll!Jal. ' f'fi Ihe pr0Jf"('I Wh f'll I It(' He wa., nol \'f'I 11 1 H pos1-1 tllf' P lf'llll"I ,. 1 w!. ie•n111w1 ! rrf 11:_--"d lr"I :1p- tion 1n s ny wl1C'n I h <' \\'nrk "Th1;,,. w11! f'll!-.lll'I' thr :;;uc• Pl'O\'C' t hf• 1J111ld111t.: p la n:-.. would s tRrl, bnt ('\C'I') er- ('f'~~ful <lr \r·,nr,111,..111 nf tlH' .,\ ldrr:11:111 .lm\f•., HI 1lw fort, wou ld be nHHle to :\rl Cin llny 011 :1 -11,.. o, r>r- w<•f"k-,~nrl .... ;11rl n11~· (io,·prn - ~pi~~~ I 'lfrtr~\\~:.01~~~~• 1 ,~~i lll'NI I ~~.km~ t llr n n-.h:111r h'1, • 1 1 ~:~i'}i' ,~:• 1 ~:lci\P\~~~\.. o;n t I~~ rhc site in n JOI!\! state- Mr 8Jl'!kt•- Pr 11T:,.(>)1 , Hid ll f' L! 0 ' 1n I(' rl h!'I W('('J\ 1llf mrnt w1lh the F.<1w:auo11 1,11r Lnrd M.,ynr nn br-·Cio,rrnnwnt n n rl hi~ rrpr c - n n rl r 11lturn l ,\ c-1 1,·ltif'?; half of tlll' CII\' ('n1111cll --r 111;-l! l\ f''- \ 1l1rn,ll'J' •~l r i"\f'1 1'hf' r • 1, a rl Of!('l'('(i !Cl do11,11f'..,... ,.........,,.,.._r::::~= ~ nn<I 1111· \Vor k::: rv11111stt'rl Counc1\ -1 •.rnrd \:1 11d h!"· 1;\lr llndf:!,f'~ •. 1wrr11 S :,,ntr ,• S1 1'Pt<! ,ml 111 ~ 11 ;·u-~~i~~~ 1 ~~i,,'.' 1 :~~~~~ 1 <'-:~\'~ 1)11• n rL'•bn nr ni\'f't 111111r 1111'111drrt ln nrt l\(''1 111>1 · Mayor's land 11011. :-itr ,IP\'C'l<'Plllf'lll, prn– ,·1sin11 of nrw lv11lrll1H!.:--. n nd nw Hn pr'-ld,• llrl \'f' :-IH' ln11rli-.c•:1p111 ~. 11 ,.xcl11d1'(I " it:,. , hf' 111l!' 111m,t fR\'0111r<I 1t1c \'Rlur or la11rl in hr dn - 111 n ··1N·l111knl n11r1 nrrhl– nnt rrl h~· 1lw n r1 c;;hn 1H• C11 ~· 1<>1·111 rnl :,r 11~,• · C0\111('\1, Tlw r n•11111 1 i' •!lid Tl,r. work \\'n t1ld \lf' 1·11 r- :,. p r (•1,1 \ 1'olllml1t r r 'Art student' sells painting for $650 BHISBA_NE artist Harold Lam• ha s had a 11:iinting- houJ{hl by the (.!uecns land Art (;all~ry fur $(i~(l ,·et • · · · s tud e of arl. .He Is tak111~ l(•!-..-.011:- 111 fl);!'.Ul'C work from tcllow artlsL John Rkbr. "Its really liken rrfrr.'ill – rr COUl 'Sf.' at lill' East Srrt– ~i ~r.TC 'ch.." he Sll ld yeslcr- "One lifet ime ls not Ju111-: e11nugll to learn art. I"II nl– way,., br a ,'J.tudP11I. "l rcgnnl ~lohn ns n n~rr knowlccll;cnhle per~on ii1 art but I supporn \\'(\ arc \:.~;t!.g encl, other 111 our Confirmed The .Gnlletfs purchase - lls first of a Lnnc work - was confirmed yestcrdny by Gallery Direc·1or (Mr. James Wleneke1. "The G1111ruhs."' au oil 421n. by ~8i1i., was an un– tLsttnl subject of nborl~lnnl life 111 the 1,lmbei·levs by an nrtist who hnd mnclc tremendous probrrt•~ ln the Inst few years. It would go 011 show In the Onllery soon. Mr. Laue. who is nt ~·gt~ 1 ,~~s cl 1 ~W~:.;:~ 1 \j1~1u~N; Street, painted "The Gun– ynhs" during n four-month trip to r.he Kimberlev re– gion ln_te last yenr · and el\rly this ~'cur. H e s t i II has many sketches and gouches nncl severn.l color trunspnreneles to guide him In further works on t.hc nrcn. at. the ~~glo at his home at The Moving But Mr. Lane. who re– gards hunself as 11 Queens– l~ndcr unct who hus won eight 1_naJor nrt prizes here, hns ~rn home up for snlc ~~i. intencls movlug to Syd- He snicl t,he demand for exhibitions from gallerle_s 1 n Adelaide, Melbourne Cnnberrn, Sydney nnd Uni: lnrat among others made it essential for him to be closer to the urt scene. Queensland wns a sleep- Ing giant In art and there wns much less interest in art works for board rooms by such groups as banks insurance companies nncl stockbrokers here than there was In the South. Good painl!ngs were rec- o g n 1sed as good in– ~~f~,~~enLS which grew tn A painting "The Drlf– . ters" he had sold Inst Fri– da)· for S60 had since nt– trncled hirls of SOO, $IOO nct Sl20 from ctlft'e U 'Cl'S,